Bedini Generator as free energy



  • PhiloBedino
    PhiloBedino Registered Users Posts: 4
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    First of all, we are not going to let this thread turn into an argument.

    Second, Newtonian physics have yet to be disproven.

    Third, Youtube videos aren't proof of anything except that it is possible for anyone to make videos these days.

    This does not mean the Bedini engine is impossible per se, but rather if it does work it probably works by means other than that given as the explanation. I have seen many "perpetual motion" machines that "work", except that in reality they were drawing energy from a source not readily noticed. Sometimes even the people who built and demonstrate them don't understand where the power is coming from.

    I hope Steven will pursue constructing his own Bedini engine, learn about what is really going on, and report his findings here.

    I'm new. I realize solar and wind power small businesses are struggling. Very geographical and solar harvesting can be subject to heavy chemtrail activity that are really just contrails that last all day long (not really). Haha.

    >Solar Skeptics, Hype, & Scams Corner<

    What a great place to honestly discuss any different technology not well understood. (Sarcasm)

    1. >not going to let this thread turn into an argument.<

    Nice. Too bad you let it turn into a joke. Sad for you.

    2. >Newtonian physics have yet to be disproven.<

    Probably. Tom Bearden, Army Physicist Ret., discussed this way back in the 1980's on KABC Open Mind. True for closed systems. Apparently not true for open systems. Bearden has collaborated with Bedini since on a book available on Amazon. Bedini was running his shop on collected power from his invention, but claims 2 over-sized henchmen in suits pressed him to the wall and asked "You will continue to buy gasoline, won't you?"

    3. >Youtube videos aren't proof of anything<

    True. Applies to solar panels being an answer in the Southwest during chemtrail activity and denial of such activity as well. Former Mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson, proudly showed his solar panels on his home during the solar home show several years back while the sky was blanketed by chemtrails. I asked him how his solar output was then and he responded not so good. I didn't tell him why because I am happy to see ANY attempt to get off grid.

    BTW, I'm a trucker with CDL A and T and X. Overlength certified and in perfect health because all truckers have to be better than any other type of non-certified employee. The public needs to trust them not to roll over family vans or dump big hazmat spills for the EPA. The fitness scrutiny is ridiculous. Also Honorably Discharged USAF medic 1993. I began noticing the chemtrails in 1999 driving for Lowe's. They were X's in the sky then. I had a KC135 actually fly over slingshot level and begin spraying me as I flipped him the birdie on I-57 and 161 in Illinois. It was NOT a fuel dump! A few years ago, the digital highway signs in Utah announced High Winds nearly a week in advance to the day and hour. Those winds came exactly as predicted except they came from the east and they blew trucks over between the sound barriers, blew over highway signs, took down trees. Our company rerouted the drivers as never before and never since. Last year (Operation) Winter Storm warnings on the electronic signs with the day and time. I called my family and friends and told them it was going to be man-made and military level force. It was to the hour. Do conspiracies exist? Yes they do. Do they all fit the definition of criminal elements? Depends on how you define criminals. And from where your bread and butter is coming.

    4. >Sometimes even the people who built and demonstrate them don't understand where the power is coming from.<

    So, why is this being ridiculed in the skeptic section?

    5. >I hope Steven will pursue constructing his own Bedini engine, learn about what is really going on, and report his findings here.<

    Me too. I DID!!! I bought and assembled in 2011 and ran the 3 pole monopole which ran off of one battery and charged another while running 12 LEDs. It works. Try running a motor off a battery, running LEDs off a separate generator coil and charging another battery higher than the supply battery , then switching leads and repeating the process in reverse. Experimental toy kits available due to the relentless efforts of a devoted Bedini student, Rick Friedrich, who's tired of seeing the technology suppressed. He has helped develop these kits to help fund research and spread the understanding of the anomalous principles worldwide. The elite seem to allow un-assembled toy level kits but frown on pre-manufactured home level operational systems. A Bedini follower made a giant upscaled model with 6" shaft and large flywheel for the Tesla anniversary conference in the 1980's in Colorado. All his design based on a small book Bedini wrote in 1984. It shut the Tesla Conference down for years. Then came the tiny schoolgirl motor by a young girl in Idaho (Bedini's home State) science fair using a 9V battery that ran a motor and charged itself in the 1990's.

    Time to move this thread to the serious section and quit perceiving it as a threat to solar and wind sales.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    OK... Can you talk more about your Bedni engine and some photos/explanations/measurements of what is going on?

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    Probably not as he seems to have an attitude problem and difficulty understanding the term "moderator".
  • PhiloBedino
    PhiloBedino Registered Users Posts: 4
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    See point #4. I AM a trucker, not a physicist. (Forced choice due to government artificially limited funds, personal choice not to accumulate large student loan debts which now disallow bankruptcy - tell your kids, raising a large family, expediency, personal beliefs about the role of modern education, etc.)

    My simple analogy is of a farmer's combine running off of biodiesel harvesting the same amount of soybeans as it took to fill the tank. That's a closed system. Has Newtonian losses. An open system is running the combine until the tank runs dry harvesting soybeans all day. That would produce enough biodiesel to fill the tank several times. That's an open "field" of soybeans or an open system. Newtonian losses still apply but they are overshadowed by the larger field of harvest. Solar and wind are similar in their harvesting actions. They will eventually harvest more energy than their input power.

    I don't know how to measure it. Some say it cannot be measured except in the amount of work it produces and doing physicist calculations of such. I understand it is a cold electricity that has a different wave that wall socket electricity. Perpendicular off the flow of regular electricity. Can only be collected in batteries and capacitors then used like normal. Results from the monopole motor possibly from back EMF as the motor magnetic fields collapse and instead of shunting to ground and wasted as in normal circuits is rerouted back thru diodes and transistor circuit into another battery(ies) or capacitor(s). You can use 1 battery to run the motor and charge a bank of 100 batteries or more!! The spikes visible on oscilloscopes are around 300 to 400 volts and will break the sulfation of old dead batteries and return them to better than new operation. Although that will become the only way to charge them henceforth.

    "A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices" by Patrick J. Kelly is available as a pdf file from The Pirate Bay and other torrent sites. The limitations on file size on this forum don't allow the 20 Mb file to be attached here. There may also be copyright issues. It's 1700 pages of explanations, designs, how to and covers Bedini as well as many others. And explains the problem with the scientific world saying they can't measure it with their primitive meters directly therefore it doesn't exist!

    Aside from having built a small working model I'm moving so slowly that any on this forum should easily pass me up. Good luck and keep an open mind!
  • PhiloBedino
    PhiloBedino Registered Users Posts: 4
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    A little about why I'm "bothering" you guys. I'm not a disinfo agent. I was looking for info on google about Bedini just before I posted as his energetics forum went down. Your site popped up in the search and frankly I was ticked by the handling of the subject as "not an argument" then turned into a joke. It's not a joke. There's about $1 M/minute being made by big oil. They simply don't want the gravy train to stop. We're losing sons and daughters as well as the (edited out by niel) people as this empire attempts to subjugate them for big oil and hyper-capitalism (capitalism can be a good thing-hyper capitalism is not a good thing). Bedini has had to fly low and is about to the point of saying "F*** It! You guys figure your own way out." Rick Friedrich came along and said "Whoa! Whoa! I'll make some toys, spread them around and let the public decide." That's how I got this far. I see feet dragging in places there shouldn't be. I helped the moderator of Peswiki plug his flat tire with a plugger from Wal-mart. He didn't know they existed! He also tried and kinda failed at a Bedini motor replication before the new toys became available. His site is a major site for Free Energy reviews. One small example of problems with 1. The specialized education system and 2. Perceptions of how things might work.

    Even Friedrich's cnc machinist wigged out for mysterious reasons I understand and with limited funds the operation is on shaky legs. So, no I'm not afraid of moderators or afraid to speak what I think I know. Doesn't mean I'm right. By all means investigate this yourselves and don't pooh pooh it. Right now I gonna go fishing with my boy and then go to the movies so I may be a while in responding. Good luck! Thanks for blinking.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    I will leave your reference to torrent sites (no links--Good). We do try to respect copyright laws and only limit clips to "fair use" (whatever that is :roll:).

    But--Rather talk in the absrtact--I am serious, please tell us how you have implemented your Bedni system for power in your home.

    You will get plenty of questions (many from the "skeptical side")--But as moderators, we will try to keep the tone of the discussions business like/family friendly and not allow flame wars.

    We have asked before for a implemented and documented "non-traditional" system by an end user (not just a sales pitch).

    -Bill "one of three moderators" B.
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    My simple analogy is of a farmer's combine running off of biodiesel harvesting the same amount of soybeans as it took to fill the tank. That's a closed system. Has Newtonian losses. An open system is running the combine until the tank runs dry harvesting soybeans all day. That would produce enough biodiesel to fill the tank several times. That's an open "field" of soybeans or an open system. Newtonian losses still apply but they are overshadowed by the larger field of harvest. Solar and wind are similar in their harvesting actions. They will eventually harvest more energy than their input power.

    It may seem like it, but it is not so. The Newtonian losses mount up. Right now we do not notice them because the 'harvester' is in fact powered by fossil fuels which have an immense energy density due to the effects of gravity compressing them into an extremely compact form over millions of years. As such we are able to pump the stuff out of the ground, process it, distribute it, and use it while still having plenty of power left over.

    Those soybeans are not useable 'as is' for fuel; more energy has to be injected from somewhere to make them fuel. All along the way energy is gathered, applied, and some does work while some is wasted. You can not get away from the inevitable atrophy.

    If you close the system the losses are more readily assessable. Battery runs motor, motor runs generator, generator charges battery; the classic perpetual motion machine. Run a motor with a battery and feel the motor get hot; energy from the battery lost to heat. Use the motor to spin the generator against the load of the battery; feel the generator get hot; more energy from the battery lost to heat. Charge the battery with the generator and feel the battery get hot; more energy from the battery turned to waste heat. In essence you are accomplishing zero work: you're just turning all the battery's energy into heat.

    We see this with chronic deficit charging in solar electric systems: they appear to charge and if the problem is small enough the batteries last for years. But they would have lasted longer if the batteries were properly charged. Increase the efficiency sufficiently and the losses appear to vanish. In fact they just become amortized over time to the point where they are not noticeable with extremely strict testing procedures.

    Physicist tell us that even the universe suffers from atrophy and all energy is slowing down to the heat spectrum. That's one none of us will be around to find out the truth of.

    You say you have built one of these Bodini engines that works. Show us. Pictures, diagrams, schematics, testing procedures. Anyone can say something works; it is another thing to prove it by independent evaluation. So far none of these claims of 'more power out than in' has proven true in all the years they've been made. There is no reason why anyone should start believing it now without well-documented proof.
  • PhiloBedino
    PhiloBedino Registered Users Posts: 4
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    >he seems to have an attitude problem<

    I lit my home with 12 LEDs while producing power above the input power. I'm still on grid from a major power distribution system which extracts energy from petroleum, which is produced by bacterial poop of digested earth, which is powered by the sun ultimately. Since the law of thermodynamics applies the sun will probably go out tomorrow like it has so many times in the past. And I know that EVERY solar and wind system is used to power ALL those homes completely off grid otherwise they must be some kind of SCAM!

    Joking aside, I gave you the website for Bedini, a reference to his book on Amazon, a reference to Patrick Kelly's book, Tom Bearden who is a top level physicist trying to explain the phenomena over my trucker brain.

    Bedini Motor ( Generator ) How To Build One

    Overunity only in an OPEN system by using the input power to collect the etheric energy and shunt it into batteries and capacitors.

    R-charge. net lists the kits and prices. I paid about $190 for my kit because I wanted to get it off the ground as fast as possible. It was still a "B" getting the core rods sanded down to fit the coil spools and several other bits and pieces that strained my talents. But, I got it working. Measuring was part of the original Bedini 3 yahoo group. The site might still be archived. It migrated into a forum. The forum went down supposedly from Chinese hackers. It's supposedly back up. And this is how it's been since the 1980's for Bedini. And you guys have never heard of him. How is that?!! And then you ask me to prove it when I've given you the links to prove it to yourselves! Professional solar and wind installers that have more equipment and training asking a trucker to explain. Well, I've explained. I think anyone coming to this forum here on out will take a second look instead of sweeping it under the rug. If so, mission accomplished. Good luck. Best of times to you all. Sorry I have an attitude problem.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    Still has a "power battery" and a "charging battery".... Just a version of an electronically commutated permanent magnet motor. And uses a second coil and a rectifier (diode) to pull some of the power from the first battery and use it to charge a second battery.

    You can do the same thing electronically with a "boost converter" and skip the whole rotor/magnet step.

    And virtually every small DC computer fan made today is electrically commutated (aka also known as a brushless) permanent magnet motor with a H Bridge to provide a rotating field for the permanent magnet rotor.

    And "H" bridges are used in (MSW) AC inverters too... So, not sure how anyone is keeping this secret. This is all commercially available equipment that is used around us every day.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    BB. wrote: »
    So, not sure how anyone is keeping this secret. This is all commercially available equipment that is used around us every day.


    And does not provide more power out than in.
  • waynefromnscanada
    waynefromnscanada Solar Expert Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    That's way too complicated! I've discovered a far simpler system without all the losses of running motors and generators, so it's far more efficient and thus has far higher output over and above power consumed. It's simple. First melt about ten pounds of glass and pour it into a heat resistant form in the shape of a pyramid. Cover the form with heat resistant insulation so the glass will take roughly one week to cool. This will allow the glass to develop the special large crystal magical interior that's key to this invention. Don't listen to Scientists who keep insisting that glass is not a real solid that forms crystals, they lack faith in things such as this. Now once the glass has cooled, very carefully drill a hole bottom to top and pass a wire up through the hole. The pyramid must be perfectly level at this point. Now connect two 12 volt batteries in parallel, with one wire passing through the magical glass crystal. You're now ready to go. The crystal will cause current flow from battery to battery, changing direction on every high tide, first charging one battery, then the other, replacing the power you take out of the battery being charged.
    For more exact information on how to build and align this amazing machine for max output, send me money, lots of money, and you too can be the owner of the greatest of all perpetual power generators.
    Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with my Psychiatrist.
  • mike95490
    mike95490 Solar Expert Posts: 9,583 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    I'll listen to anyone who has a system that does not have grid electric lines hooked up.
    Powerfab top of pole PV mount | Listeroid 6/1 w/st5 gen head | XW6048 inverter/chgr | Iota 48V/15A charger | Morningstar 60A MPPT | 48V, 800A NiFe Battery (in series)| 15, Evergreen 205w "12V" PV array on pole | Midnight ePanel | Grundfos 10 SO5-9 with 3 wire Franklin Electric motor (1/2hp 240V 1ph ) on a timer for 3 hr noontime run - Runs off PV ||
    || Midnight Classic 200 | 10, Evergreen 200w in a 160VOC array ||
    || VEC1093 12V Charger | Maha C401 aa/aaa Charger | SureSine | Sunsaver MPPT 15A

    gen: ,

  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    A hyperlink does not proof make!

    Show me a machine, up an running with proper documented testing, then perhaps we have something.

  • ChrisOlson
    ChrisOlson Banned Posts: 1,807 ✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    icarus wrote: »
    A hyperlink does not proof make!

    Show me a machine, up an running with proper documented testing, then perhaps we have something.

    Overunity only in an OPEN system by using the input power to collect the etheric energy and shunt it into batteries and capacitors

    If I were you, I would not hold my breath.
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    Why is it there are hundreds of fantastic designers ,electronic engineers and candle stick makers who make incredible claims for the super fantastic absolutely incredible Bedini Generator BUT not one single person has ever presented one to any group of reasonable sane engineers or technicians and given a working demonstration of one powering say a few 100w light bulbs.
    And by presented I mean on a table or similar that has been carefully inspected for any accidental wires that were left connected to it and some batteries or a grid power point..
    Tell me where and when the item will be demonstrated until then .Its hard to believe anything factual about it..
  • ggunn
    ggunn Solar Expert Posts: 1,973 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    john p wrote: »
    Why is it there are hundreds of fantastic designers ,electronic engineers and candle stick makers who make incredible claims for the super fantastic absolutely incredible Bedini Generator BUT not one single person has ever presented one to any group of reasonable sane engineers or technicians and given a working demonstration of one powering say a few 100w light bulbs.
    And by presented I mean on a table or similar that has been carefully inspected for any accidental wires that were left connected to it and some batteries or a grid power point..
    Tell me where and when the item will be demonstrated until then .Its hard to believe anything factual about it..
    Didn't you read the post? If you build a perpetual motion machine that works, thugs from Big Oil will come bust up your machine and break your legs!

    We should get Congress to repeal those pesky Laws of Thermodynamics, but they never will because of all the lobbying by Big Oil.
  • Joe_B
    Joe_B Solar Expert Posts: 318 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy

    If there ever was a thread that needed to be closed, this is it. Coot where are you?
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Bedini Generator as free energy
    Joe_B wrote: »
    If there ever was a thread that needed to be closed, this is it. Coot where are you?

    Agreed. A joke is a joke, but some drag on too long.

    It's been a busy morning here at the spam-control center.
This discussion has been closed.