Solar Isolation Chart

hemmjo Solar Expert Posts: 90 ✭✭
Back when I began assembling the solar electrical systems listed in my signature,  I had found a web site that clearly showed Solar Isolation for various cities around the world. Specifically it had cities in the Dominican Republic. It made very clear the sun available on various days of the year at various times of the day.  It was so complete, showing dates, sun angles, and times for dawn, dusk, sunrise, sunset with graphics.  It was a great resource for explaining to people some of the limits of solar power generation.

I am now trying to educate someone else in the operation of these systems.  I cannot find this great resource now.

Any help would be appreciated.

Two systems in the Dominican Republic
installed Feb 2014 at 19.796189° -70.893594°, Classic 150 + WBJR, KISAE SW1210, MN Battery Monitor, IOTA DLS 55/IQ4,  4- Solar World 275w, 4-6v x 225ah Trace Batteries
installed Feb 2015 at 19.795733° -70.893372°, same components  as above
Honda PowerMate PC0497000, 7000/8750w generator - powers the well and chargers maybe once a week
