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Re: AC Coupling with a Schneider SW2524
You need to read more on how AC coupling works, Schneider docs are right on this. Using the outback cc's is a mistake for ac coupling with a CSW 2524, no way to throttle back out of network fm60's. I…1 · -
Re: Multiple sources in an ac coupled system
So you want 4 different make inverters to all play nice? They sound like different age equipment also. Might be easier if you describe what you are doing now. Usually the last thing I want to do us A…1 · -
Re: Are danby products reliable and good quality?
I started this discussion 6-2011. Bought one then and its still running like a top.1 · -
Re: Common solar PV questions/mistakes
Need more detail like is it grid tied, grid tied battery based, or offgrid. The biggest problem for all of these that I see alot. I do mean alot, is the lack of surge protection. Also see people with…1 · -
Common solar PV questions/mistakes
Below is a list of common solar mistakes. They come up often, in the form of questions on boards like this one. They are all reasonable questions for someone starting out in the solar field, but when…1 · -
Re: Grid vs solar cost
Granted, the $1+ per kWH was some math I did years ago with system based on Lead Acid batteries... Assumed that electronics lasted 10 years, solar panels 20 years (although, I have been averaging 10 …1 · -
Re: Grid vs solar cost
That is a difficult question to answer... For me I'm California, that is $0.40 to $0.50 per Watt hour... Plus connection charges (today, it is a minimum monthly power charge, in the near future, hear…1 · -
Re: MPPT 60-150 Max PV Input
If you live in a hot climate oversizing needs to be well thought out, or just buy another mppt and be conservative! The extra power when clipping is being dissipated as extra heat. I have seen the mp…1 · -
Re: Only 13 more days...
No generator run yesterday - got to 96.5% by 2:30 in the afternoon but then the sun was getting blocked. This AM the batteries were down to approx 65%. So even with the completely clear sky we probab…1 · -
Re: PC MeterBus Adapter FYI
As I already said, it uses an open-collector (aka open-drain) bus. Much like I2C, except it "talks" 9600 bps, half duplex, Modbus.1 ·