increasing capacity of a 12v system

camira Registered Users Posts: 6
Hello....i have visited the forum on occasion to find some information (which has been useful) and have recently ( within a few hours) registered in need of your collective knowledge....

presently we have two 80 W panels (17.2 V at 4.66 A) connected through a Morningstar TS-45 controller charging a 12V battery bank (2 flooded 6V at 400Ah each) which then goes through a Magnum 2000 W inverter/charger into a 120V AC panel which feeds the house.....i also have a 5 kW gen....

this has been fine for the lights we have been running or charging the batteries for our power tools as we built the house but now that we will be living here full time, we need to upgrade the system and I would like to run my calculations by the forum....

the largest load is a soft start Grundfos submersible pump [1253.5 W (115V * 10.9A)] which will run on average 15 minutes per day....

I have calculated our daily useage at 900 Wh/day (actually a high estimate but wanted to be safe) which converts to 75 Amph/day if we stay on 12V system....with a 4 day reserve in batteries ( not much sun up here in Northern Ontario in winter) we need 300 Amphrs of useable capacity in our batteries and assuming a 30% DOD, our battery bank should be at least 1000 amphrs....

the upgrade:
i would like to keep the same equipment except i was thinking of switching to AGM batteries....6 x 6V @ 415amph (C20) batteries for a total of 1245 Amphrs.....i plan on purchasing 4 more 80W panels (identical to the two i already have) so that i can simply (emphasis on simply) connect them with the existing panels....this would give us a total of 6 80W panels and thus 480 W.....this probably is too small an array but all i can afford at the moment.....and i don't mind running the generator every so often for top up.....

my questions to the forum:
1. does the above system seem appropriate ( i making some big mistakes?)
2. is it best to wire the panels such that i increase the voltage (series) or increase the amperage (parallel)
3. the existing wiring from my 2 panels to the charge controller is 8 AWG (about 30 feet) so if i connect all the panels (6 in total) such that i increase the amperage (total of 27.96 amps), i assume i would have to increase my wire size??

Any comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    Gotta run, but a few quick thoughts.

    Before you buy anything else, figure out your loads. Get a killawatt and write down all your loads and their duration. Unless you can accurately quantify your expected loading you will always be playing a guessing game.

    Two thoughts to remember. Loads ALWAYS grow with time, so figure in some headroom in your calcs, something on the order of +25%. Second, most people over estimate the amount of sun you really get into a system, seldom more than 4 good hours/day on AVERAGE.

    My simple rule of thumb is take the name plate rating of your PV, divide that by 2 to take into account ALL system loses, then multiply that number by the hours of GOOD sun you can expect. That will give you a good daily average harvest. Add in some reserve and you know where to start.

    By knowing your loads in KWHs, you can work backwards with the above formula to figure out how much battery, how much PV, how big a controller etc. so your estimated 1kwhday load might look like this,

    500 watts/pv/2=250x4=1000.

    I would probably START buy doubling that. Just fyi, we live off grid, use ~.5--6kwh/day (which is tiny!) and we do that on 300 watts of panels. I am just adding ~125 more. That keeps the genny off most weeks, except in Oct. Nov, when it is grey for long periods.

    We currently run ~450ah of T-105's giving me ~ 1.6kw available to draw down to ~70%. I would prefer to have 30% more, 6 T-105s. You want a nice balance between battery size and PV size so that the Pv can keep the battery full as much as possible, something on the order of Pv being able to put ~10% of Ah capacity into the battery. (1000 watts of Pv might put a max of ~70 amps into a battery bank, so a 6 battery T-105 would be just about right.

    Good luck, and welcome to the forum.

  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    is this off grid because if utility power is available then the main power source and simulated storage would be the grid?
    if off grid then the main power source is the generator. your 1st setup was only delivering 2.33% on the charge rate which was fine for the final stages of charge, but is far shy of being able to properly bulk charge the batteries. we recommend 5-13% as a charge rate, but asgms can take much higher charge rates if your system ever gets that big making agms a good choice for pv expansions.
    i would have suggested going to a higher battery and pv voltage, but you are locking yourself in due to the 12v requirement of your present inverter. now if that inverter is a modsine then i would suggest a new inverter/charger as you'll want a sine wave inverter to run things with electric motors and would be the opportunity to change system voltages. your proposed new system with a high ah rating at 12v will likely have high voltage drops and huge wires to compensate for it. one last note is, again, the charge rates required by the batteries and you would need the charger portion of the inverter/charger to deliver all of the current needed.
  • hillbilly
    hillbilly Solar Expert Posts: 334 ✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    Not a complete response, but just couple of thoughts. You mentioned wanting to go with 6x 6V batteries, which would mean 3 parallel sets at 12V. I personally am not real comfortable with paralleling too many sets, although 3 seems to be a fairly standard number that's deemed "OK" to parallel. Each parallel battery connection is increasing the potential for unbalanced charging and discharging. If you have options on expanding, I'd look into battery configurations that are either 1 string or possibly 2 parallel strings. This is hardly a stone cold rule, but having personally experienced dealing with 4 parallel strings (and now 2) I've seen how easy it can be to develop unbalanced cells.
    I'd second Neil's suggestion to look at upping the system voltage if it's not too big of a loss on switching out the inverter, or purchase batteries in an appropriate quantity that you could switch to 24V or 48V later on when that inverter needs to be replaced. If you stay with 12V, you will need to upsize your wire quite a lot: to stay under a 2% voltage drop you'd need to go with #1awg for that kind of current, voltage and distance configuration. If you took the same set up and upped the system voltage to 24V you could get away with the wire you already have for a 2.5% Voltage drop, 48V and you would have a voltage drop of less than 1% with your #8 wire.
    How are your batteries handling your loads currently? If you're on a tight budget, you may look at just increasing your PV array first and replace the batteries a year or two down the road if they are still working ok in the system. Just a thought...
  • camira
    camira Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    thank you for the replies:

    in response to niel:
    yes we are off-grid
    the 2.33%: did that come from the following calculations:
    my 2 80W panels delivering (theoretically) 17.2 V at 4.66A wired in parallel thus 9.32 A coming down the line thus 9.32/400(Ah - my battery bank) * 100% which is indeed 2.33%
    this system appeared to be meeting our needs (in the summer)....i would run the submersible pump and minimal lighting in the evening as well as charge my power tool batteries and the panels would actually keep the charge up on the batteries....if i kept the loads low for a couple days, i could equalize the batteries with the panels.....
    so (and sorry if this is stupid but i am just getting into these calculations) if i look at my existing 400Ah battery bank, do i need to be generating 40 A from my panels to meet this 10% (charge rate of 5 - 13% of battery bank which is recommended in this forum)?
    i was also thinking of increasing the voltage of the system (up to 24V) but my inverter is a pure sine and i am not in a position to replace everything just yet.....

    in response to icarus:
    my 900Wh is (i think) a good estimate since i calculated the wattage of all loads (according to rating plates) and their duration......and during these calculations, i rounded up....the total was actually 728 Wh which i rounded up to 900 for some headroom....
    i like your rule of thumb and if i apply it to my present pv system:

    2 80W panels thus 160W/2 * 2 (i will use 2 hours of sunshine per day since it has been pretty miserable up here the past few weeks) is 160 Watts/day that i have been putting into my batteries.....yikes.....this does not appear to be enough =)

    so, if i purchase as i plan another 4 panels bringing me up to 480 watts i would be putting into my system 480 wh/day if i stay at 2hours of sunshine or 960 wh/day if i assume 4 hours of sunshine....this appears to be better.....and i would not be running my gen as often as i do....

    ok.....a couple more questions.....
    when calculating what is going into batteries and what i need, do i work in Whrs or Amphrs.....because they appear to be telling me a different story....

    ex. with my new panels i will have 480 watts....lets assume that there is no loss at the moment so 2 hours of sunshine would give me 960 Whrs into my batteries thus making me happy since i use 728 Whrs/day

    but if i look at the panels (wired in series) push out 103.2V (17.2 * 6) at 4.66A thus 2 hours of sunshine would give me 9.32Ahrs.....but i need 60Ahrs (728Whrs / 12V).....

    if the panels are wired in parallel then i get 17.2V at 27.96A and with 2 hours of sunshine i get 55.92Ahrs which is better.....

    but which is the real i not getting the gist of these calculations....

    i feel like i am drowning in a sea of numbers.....

    but the sun is shining at the moment and my charge controller is in PWM

    oh yes....i gather from the reading i have done on this site that knowing what is coming into the controller is useful for TS-45 controller does not have a display....can anyone recommend a display i could use to monitor what the pv array is putting out.....right now i am limited to the display on the remote for the inverter/charger.....

    so the info i get right now is a flashing green led on the controller indicating PWM charging and a reading of 14.4 v and 0 amps DC on the remote display of the inverter/charger....(i assume the inverter/charger displays what it "sees" at the batteries ie giving me the state of charge....when it is in charging mode (ie when the gen is going) it gives me a reading of voltage and amps going into the batteries).....

    thank you again for any suggestions, clarifications and comments....

  • camira
    camira Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    hi hillbilly
    just saw your message....guess we were typing at the same time.....

    thank you for the advice (warning) of parelleling too many strings....the thought had not crossed my mind....
    i am not quite in a position to lose my inverter yet but will look into increasing the system voltage when it is time to change the inverter.....but i could sell the one i have to get a 24V is only a year old....
    thank you for the wire sizing information, i will price some #1 to see if i can make that work....
    and your suggestion is bang on.....i was also wondering if i should just increase my pv array and see how that works.....theoretically i just need 60 Ahrs per day and so my present battery bank (400Ahrs) should be able to handle that as long as i can keep them charged up.....

    thanks for the help folks.....i feel like i am heading in the right direction.....
  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system


    It really doesn't matter if you work in whs or ahs. I prefer working in ah because that is the way most meters work (amps) and the way that batteries are rated. A couple of things you should know if you don't already:

    You should read these links as they will give you invaluable info on the care and feeding of batteries. It is important to remember that the wattage output of PV is pretty hard to achieve. If you can get net/net ~80% of name plate, you are doing well. That is with a good mppt controller, low batteries and cold days. Additionally, batteries take ~120% more energy to charge than they can give back, so a 100 ah draw would take ~120ah of charging to stay even.

    By my quick calcs, your proposed ~480 watts should yield, out of the inverter ~ 962 wh of power per day. (4 hours) You will clearly get more in the summer, but don't discount winter. Reflection off of snow can dramatically increase harvest.

    Like I said, if it were me, and money was no object, I would first buy a Tri-metric meter to track my power in/power out. I would then shoot for ~1kw of panels net/net, and certainly design for that in buying any hardware (charge controllers etc)

    Your 400 ah of batteries would ideally like ~ 40 amps or a bit more, but you can live with less, assuming you are keeping track and you are willing to run the genny now and again.

    Personally, I'm not sure I would worry about being 12vdc or 24 vdc. If you have hardware for 12vdc I would keep it as such. You will have additional line loss, but the availability of 12vdc stuff (radios/tv/appliances etc) makes 12vdc fairly attractive. 5 also wouldn't worry too much about too many series/parallel strings. I think the comments are good, but for a bank this size, if you make sure the cables are all the same length and are well put together, I don't think you will have much issue.

    I'm sure there is more, but I've got chores to do.


    Where are you in N.On?
  • bryanl
    bryanl Solar Expert Posts: 175 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system
    I have calculated our daily useage at 900 Wh/day
    usually need 2 or 3 days of battery so that's maybe 2,000 wh energy storage needed.

    Figure 10 wh per pound of battery so that's 200 pounds of battery needed.

    Figure a minimum of 1 watt of solar needed for each pound of battery so that's 200 watts of solar.

    The only way to tell you have sufficient battery and solar is to get out and test. With these rules of thumb, you should be able to go a weekend on battery without taking the batteries below 50% SoC in nominal conditions. The solar panels should be able to charge the batteries to 90% most days with decent sun exposure.
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    "if the panels are wired in parallel then i get 17.2V at 27.96A and with 2 hours of sunshine i get 55.92Ahrs which is better....."

    yes they should be in parallel as should your present system of 2 pvs be in parallel with a standard pwm controller. there are some losses of course and those specs are for the max power point of the pvs at 1000w/m^2 at 25 degrees c so some downgrading of the current will occur. be sure to minimize your resistive losses and if you aren't sure then see the voltage drop calculator in the faqs, links, and info area.
  • camira
    camira Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    thank you for the replies!
    Icarus: yes i have read the info on this site regarding batteries....i have been researching for over 6 months now and have read a great deal.....but i was getting bogged down by the working in amphrs or Wh for instance.....

    you mention that there is no difference if i work in wh or amph but i still do not get the calculations....

    from my previous post:
    "with my new panels i will have 480 watts....lets assume that there is no loss at the moment so 2 hours of sunshine would give me 960 Whrs into my batteries thus making me happy since i use 728 Whrs/day

    but if i look at the panels (wired in series) push out 103.2V (17.2 * 6) at 4.66A thus 2 hours of sunshine would give me 9.32Ahrs.....but i need 60Ahrs (728Whrs / 12V).....

    if the panels are wired in parallel then i get 17.2V at 27.96A and with 2 hours of sunshine i get 55.92Ahrs"

    these calculations seem weird....however, i do not need to understand the discrepency if in the end i get a system that will, moving on.....

    if i go with niel's confirmation and try to send 27.96 amps through my wire.....i will need some very heavy gauge to minimize my losses (as per hillbilly's comments).....i actually crawled under the house this morning and realized (to my dismay) that i have a 45 foot run instead of 30' instead of spending a fortune on wire, can i simply swap out the PWM Controller and put in a MPPT controller which (if i understand the technology) will allow me to send a higher voltage (and thus lower amperage) down my wire and the MPPT will up the amperage before sending it to the battery bank?

    if that is the case, i will have 6 80W panels as soon as the 4 i have ordered come in....can i just wire these up in parallel to send 103.2V at 4.66 amps through the wire to the MPPT controller thus keeping my wire gauge relatively low

    now since i have just two panels at the moment, i do not have a combiner but since i will now be at 6 panels, will i need a combiner....the panels all have a junction box....i was thinking i could make two arrays of 3 panels in series and then connect these two series strings in parallel.....does that make sense....this would give me two strings at 51.6V and 4.66A which once paralleled would give me 51.6V at 9.32A going to the MPPT controller.....i realize i am still below the 5-15% of my battery bank (415 Ahrs) but if my combiner is closer to my batteries then technically i am reducing my wire run for the higher amperage and could make it

    and if this logic makes any sense....then i could connect all the panels in series at the combiner (which could be within 20 feet of the battery bank) and then i get my 27.96 amps (which is still only 6.74% of my battery bank) into the MPPT controller with only #2 wire.....

    does this make any sense??

    and could anyone recommend a good MPPT controller or are they all the same...

    thank you again for any comments or suggestions....

    ps....icarus, i am just south of Sudbury in Northern Ontario.....having a beautiful day up here.....battery bank is happy....
  • mike95490
    mike95490 Solar Expert Posts: 9,583 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system
    camira wrote: »
    ... from my previous post:
    "with my new panels i will have 480 watts....lets assume that there is no loss at the moment so 2 hours of sunshine would give me 960 Whrs into my batteries thus making me happy since i use 728 Whrs/day....

    Are you only getting 2 hours of usable light, per day ? If so, you are just squeaking by on harvest vs usage.

    Batteries can quickly take a bulk charge in the mornings, but need a couple of hours to finish the last 15 or 20% of capacity, at slow rates.

    I wish I could get down to 728WH / day

    Powerfab top of pole PV mount | Listeroid 6/1 w/st5 gen head | XW6048 inverter/chgr | Iota 48V/15A charger | Morningstar 60A MPPT | 48V, 800A NiFe Battery (in series)| 15, Evergreen 205w "12V" PV array on pole | Midnight ePanel | Grundfos 10 SO5-9 with 3 wire Franklin Electric motor (1/2hp 240V 1ph ) on a timer for 3 hr noontime run - Runs off PV ||
    || Midnight Classic 200 | 10, Evergreen 200w in a 160VOC array ||
    || VEC1093 12V Charger | Maha C401 aa/aaa Charger | SureSine | Sunsaver MPPT 15A

    gen: ,

  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system
    camira wrote: »
    from my previous post:
    "with my new panels i will have 480 watts....lets assume that there is no loss at the moment so 2 hours of sunshine would give me 960 Whrs into my batteries thus making me happy since i use 728 Whrs/day

    but if i look at the panels (wired in series) push out 103.2V (17.2 * 6) at 4.66A thus 2 hours of sunshine would give me 9.32Ahrs.....but i need 60Ahrs (728Whrs / 12V).....

    OK... The simple electrical equations:
    • V = I*R
    • P = V*I = V^2 / R = I^2 * R
    • Energy=Power*Time=P*Hours=Watts*Hours
    • Amp*Hours=Energy/Volts=P*Hours/Volts=Amps*Hours
    So, from a very simple point of view: Amp*Hours is simply Watt*Hours/Voltage. You will see us many times see somebody ask about Amp*Hours and we ask them what their voltage bank rating is.

    Now, for a rough estimate, a lead acid battery bank Amp*Hours out = Amp*Hours in. Working in Amp*Hours gets rid of a bunch of "fudge factors" when dealing with batteries and how much energy they hold. In old boat and RV systems, they pretty much used simple filament light bulbs and DC electric motors (fans, pumps, etc.) which, for the most part use roughly the same amount of amperage at 14 volts vs 12 volts.

    Now--the ugly issue. Batteries do not hold a constant voltage. But have higher voltage when charging and lower voltage when discharging. So when you need to deal with energy, you need to account for the differences in voltage when discharging and charging. So, for an example. Say you use 100 Amp*Hours at 12 volts (say 10 amps for 10 hours).
    • 100 Amp*Hours out = 100 Amp*Hours to charge (near 100% efficient)
    But to recharge, it takes 14.5 volts to recharge. Excluding other losses:
    • 100 Amp*Hours * 12 volt load = 1,200 Watt*Hours used for load
    • 100 Amp*Hours * 14.5 volt charge = 1,450 Watt*hours to charge
    So, we needed about 20% more gasoline (or solar power) to recharge the battery bank after we used XX Amp*Hours / XX Watt*Hours of load.
    if the panels are wired in parallel then i get 17.2V at 27.96A and with 2 hours of sunshine i get 55.92Ahrs"
    Now, to look at different Vmp (series and/or parallel connected) solar panel setups.

    Basically, there are two major types of Solar Charge Controllers. The older/simpler/cheaper type is a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) which basically passes the current from the solar panels to the battery load.

    You could have a 12 volt battery bank and a 17 volt solar panel at 10 amps, you will get charging the battery:
    • Pbatt = 14.5 volts battery charging * 10 amps = 145 watts into battery bank
    Now, if you had 10 of these panels in series with a PWM controller charging your 12 volt battery, you will still have this equation:
    • Pbatt = 14.5 volts battery charging * 10 amps = 145 watts into battery bank
    A PWM does not care what voltage the solar array is--as long as that Vmp voltage is greater than that of the battery bank.

    The second type of solar charge controller is called the MPPT Charge Controller (Maximum Power Point Tracking). It is a "converter". The MPPT CC converts high voltage / low current from the solar panels in to low voltage / high current at the battery bank. A MPPT type Charge Controller sort of behaves like a variable transformer for an AC circuit. It uses inductors to convert the power (detail--look up Switch Mode Buck Converter power supplies). Inside, it is similar to the power supplies used in personal computers.

    Basically (neglecting losses) use the Vin*Iin=Pout*Iout. Say we take my mythical Vmp=17v / Imp=10a panels and put three of them in series. Remember that they only output about 10a*14.5v=145watts into the battery. Here:
    • Vin*In = 3x17v * 10a = 510 watts = Vout*Iout = 14.5volts * 35.2 amps
    This conversion is possible because of an MPPT type charge controller.

    You can read these two FAQ's from our host's website about solar charge controllers for more details and clearer explanations:

    All About Charge Controllers
    Read this page about power tracking controllers
    these calculations seem weird....however, i do not need to understand the discrepancy if in the end i get a system that will, moving on.....
    So, there are different ways we can use Amp*Hours and Watt*Hours / Etc. We have to use the correct formulas in the correct locations. And depending on what kind of devices we are talking about, different assumptions will have to be made.

    For example, I said "simple/old" electrical systems tended to be constant current, so measuring Amp*Hours (amps over time) was good enough.

    However, today, many of our loads are run on 120 VAC inverters. The AC loads see a constant 120 VAC, so their current / power consumption is constant.

    An inverter is a constant Power device. Basically, The Power consumed by the inverter from the battery bank is Pin=Vin*Iin

    So, for an inverter supplying a 120 VAC circuit with 10 amps of power at 85% efficiency, we see:
    • Power DC side = 120 VAC * 10 Amps * 1/0.85 = 1,412 watts from battery bank
    Now, lets take two voltages from our 12 volt battery bank. A) charging at 14.5 volts, and B) Dying battery at 10.5 volts:
    • Battery Current = 1,412 Watts / 14.5 Battery Volts = 97.4 amps (charging)
    • Battery Current = 1,412 Watts / 10.5 Battery Volts = 134.5 amps (near dead)
    So Amps and Amp*Hours from the battery depends on the state of charge of the battery bank and charge controllers. However, the power (Watts) consumed by your AC loads remain constant.
    if i go with niel's confirmation and try to send 27.96 amps through my wire.....i will need some very heavy gauge to minimize my losses (as per hillbilly's comments).....i actually crawled under the house this morning and realized (to my dismay) that i have a 45 foot run instead of 30' instead of spending a fortune on wire, can i simply swap out the PWM Controller and put in a MPPT controller which (if i understand the technology) will allow me to send a higher voltage (and thus lower amperage) down my wire and the MPPT will up the amperage before sending it to the battery bank?
    Yep... You are running the Solar Array at a "higher voltage / lower current" the longer distance from the solar array to the charge controller.

    Put the Charge Controller close to the battery bank and use short/expen$ive wire for that run.
    if that is the case, i will have 6 80W panels as soon as the 4 i have ordered come in....can i just wire these up in parallel to send 103.2V at 4.66 amps through the wire to the MPPT controller thus keeping my wire gauge relatively low
    Fine--but make sure you get the correct MPPT charge controller for your application. Smaller/older MPPT type controllers tend to have low Voc input voltages from the array (75 volts or less). The larger ones (Xantrex, Outback, bigger MorningStars) tend to max out around Voc of 140-150 VDC.

    Vmp at 103 is just fine for the larger MPPT controllers.
    now since i have just two panels at the moment, i do not have a combiner but since i will now be at 6 panels, will i need a combiner....the panels all have a junction box....i was thinking i could make two arrays of 3 panels in series and then connect these two series strings in parallel.....does that make sense....this would give me two strings at 51.6V and 4.66A which once paralleled would give me 51.6V at 9.32A going to the MPPT controller.....i realize i am still below the 5-15% of my battery bank (415 Ahrs) but if my combiner is closer to my batteries then technically i am reducing my wire run for the higher amperage and could make it
    You really only need a combiner box + fuses/breakers if you A) have 3 or more parallel strings or B) you plane on adding more strings in the future.
    and if this logic makes any sense....then i could connect all the panels in series at the combiner (which could be within 20 feet of the battery bank) and then i get my 27.96 amps (which is still only 6.74% of my battery bank) into the MPPT controller with only #2 wire.....
    In the end, to really have a useful PV off grid system, you should be aiming at 5% or more charging current from your array (of the 20 Hour Rate battery bank capacity). You can get away with less--but you end up with a fair amount of power just keeping the battery bank charged as it gets older (old batteries tend to self discharge a fair amount--AGM's are better, but are more expensive than flooded cell type batteries).
    does this make any sense??
    Yep... In reality, we are always money limited in building the systems and compromises have to be made. Starting with a large bank/small array and adding panels in the future (up to 13% or a bit more) is usually the most cost effective way of doing it.

    However, you will need to watch your battery state of charge like a hawk. You have very little room and can end up running the battery bank dead by accident pretty easily (deficit charging/under charging/running dead and over charging are two popular ways of killing battery banks).

    A couple recommendations:
    1. Get a Kill-A-Watt meter for your 120 VAC loads and/or a DC Amp*Hour/Watt*Hour meter for your DC loads.
    2. Get a Battery Monitor. Will probably save you a battery bank or two over the years
    3. Look at buying solar panels >100 watt rating. The larger panels tend to be cheaper per watt and require fewer electrical connections and mechanical mounting hardware than a bunch of small panels.
    and could anyone recommend a good MPPT controller or are they all the same...
    No, they are not all the same. There are some good, and some very bad. Our host's web store is a good place to start.

    The new MorningStar MPPT line is a good place to start looking. The Xantrex XW MPPT Charge controller is also nice. And there is the Outback line tool.

    Note that several of these vendors offer both PWM and MPPT type charge controllers--So be careful that you get the correct MPPT type. Also the new 45 and 60 amp MorningStar MPPT controllers (supposed to be very nice) are just rolling out now--they may not be in stock yet (just guessing--I am not connected with any store/vendor in any way).

    You can also check out the Rogue MPPT controller (I don't think its input voltage is high enough for you; 60 VDC maximum Voc). Even has schematics available if you want to look at the details of how a modern MPPT charge controller works (even kits available too).

    Well, that was a lot of typing. Hope at least some of it makes sense.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • tallgirl
    tallgirl Solar Expert Posts: 413 ✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system
    camira wrote: »
    you mention that there is no difference if i work in wh or amph but i still do not get the calculations....

    There is a difference and it makes a difference. One of them has to do with end-of-charge calculations -- it takes more watt-hours to produce the last few amp-hours needed to bring a battery bank to 100% SoC. And that is completely ignoring the potentially higher energy losses.

    "Watt-hours" do NOT charge batteries. I mean, they do, but it's the amps that do the trick -- watts enter the picture because the battery voltage is what it is and watts = volts * amps. For end-of-charge situations, Vbatt is higher and that means Ibatt is lower because Parray is fixed (modulo end of day decline in output).

    (Oops -- this was started before I ran out for the day and just now submitted. The post that is earlier in the day is more detailed. I was going to delete this post then decided it was a nice intro to it. So ... ignore mine if you want details, ignore the other if you don't, read both if you want both ...)
  • bryanl
    bryanl Solar Expert Posts: 175 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    what Bill said - when you use amp-hours, you assume a voltage.

    That is not always a good thing to do when talking to others about systems in an environment where voltage is not fixed. Amp-hours may be OK when talking about a particular battery or something but, IMHO, when talking about power and energy it always helps communications and thinking to use proper and complete units. All you have to do is multiply amp-hours times battery voltage to get watts.

    Watts is the proper unit for measuring power and watt-hours does a decent job for energy.

    Use amps only where current intensity is the issue. This is usually when engineering wiring sizes and sometimes when planning charge rates for batteries (which is really a heat dissipation issue).

    The efficiency of battery charging is a matter of thermodynamics - energy in versus energy out. That means watt hours in versus the watt hours you can get out. The difference is energy given off as heat. Forget the baloney about charging voltage differences or whatnot as they may provide something of a cognitive model but, IMHO, a distracting one and not a constructive one.

    You will better understand what is going on with your system when you use proper measures and units. Extrapolating amp-hours from a single battery to a general system energy measure has a history of confusing AE thinking ever since people starting using multiple batteries in a storage bank.
  • camira
    camira Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    thank you again for the replies everyone....
    and wow...Bill....Thank you very much....that helped a lot!

    so my plan is now:
    wire my 6 80W panels in series thus high V and low A to an MPPT controller (which i will be purchasing) which will up my amps into the battery bank.....

    another detail just arose:
    my new panels have just arrived this morning ( i ordered 4 more 80W panels to match the original 2 i had) but there is a slight difference from my original panels in their peak voltage and peak current (this after the supplier confirmed that the new panels would have identical voltage and current outputs than the originals i had)

    my original panels are: Vmp 17.2 and Imp 4.66

    the new panels are: Vmp 17.5 and Imp 4.58

    can i still just wire all 6 in series or do i now need to do something "fancy" in order to wire them together....

    thank you again for your input
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system


    You are very welcome--we all try to help here.

    If your Imp's are within 10% of each other, you can connect them in series without much issue (the power curves are not that "sharp at the peak"--so being a little off does not change much in the end).

    Similarly, being of by 10% or less for Vmp is OK for paralleling panels.

    Now, you may be somewhere around Montreal Canada. And cold weather makes the solar panels run at a higher Voc/Vmp. So, while that is great for power output, you have to be careful that your weather does not cause the panels to go over voltage on a cold winter morning or under voltage on a hot, windless, summer afternoon.

    On the "hot side", you will not have a problem. You are currently running a 12 volt battery bank and 17.5 volt panels (even in parallel).

    On the cold side, Voc (cold) can cause the voltage to rise over the controller's maximum solar panel input rating. I don't believe you have said what MPPT controller you are going use or exactly which 80 watt panels--So, I will use some generic information to show you what to look for.

    Here is the Xantrex XW MPPT Charge Controller String Sizing website.

    For example:

    BP 280 H solar panels:
    Pmax @ STC 80 W
    Pmax @ PTC 71 W
    Vmp at Pmax 17.6 V
    Imp at Pmax 4.55 A
    Voc @ STC 22.1 V
    Voltage change -80 mV/C

    Lets assume your minimum practical temperature with the sun up is -20C and the maximum is +35C and this is a 12 volt battery bank. Plugging this information into the Xantrex Website shows:
    Max VOC at Min Temp (cell temperature -20°C)
    Min VMP at Max Temp (cell temperature 35°C)
    2 Modules 51 Vdc 28 Vdc
    3 Modules 77 Vdc 42 Vdc
    4 Modules 103 Vdc 56 Vdc
    5 Modules 128 Vdc 70 Vdc
    So, the Xantrex website would recommend between 2 modules in series to 5 modules in series...

    1 module would give you a minimum of 14 volts in hot weather (this assumes that the solar cell temperatures are +35C hotter than ambient air from \ heating by the sun). And the controller+wiring has a couple volt drop--so the charging voltage at the battery is ~12-13 VDC--not high enough with one panel (in very hot weather with no wind).

    6 modules at -20C would give you a Voc of ~154 VDC which is over the 150 VDC maximum input voltage of the Xantrex XW charge controller.

    So, for this case, since you have 6 total panels, then you would run 3 in series and put the two strings together in parallel.

    Could you run 6 panels in series... Possibly. But many of the MPPT controllers will log the maximum voltage they ever see--so if you have any problems and it logged >150VDC, they may just void your warranty no matter what went wrong (and you possibly have reduced the life of your controller with the over voltage).

    Of course, you panels have a little bit lower Vmp/Voc, so you may be able to put 6 in series (17.2 volts would still estimate 150.5 VDC at -20C--depending on MPPT controller you purchase--many have lower working voltages).

    If you have a need for running 6 panels in series (for example a very long wiring run from panels to charge controller)--you may wire up 6 and jumper to 5 panels when you are scheduled to get any weather below -10C).

    Also, you will see the string sizing website gives combinations of panel connections and their estimated power/amp output. Note there is a STC and PTC rating...

    The PTC rating is based on realistic expectations (panels run hotter than STC conditions in moderate to hot weather--California uses PTC numbers for its rebate programs to predict power output) and should be used for working numbers.

    The STC numbers (standard temperature conditions) are possible in your region during the winter (thanks to your new MPPT charge controller which can take advantage of rising Vmp in cold weather).

    Anyway--that is what I see.


    PS: Try to keep your strings "balanced". Put the one each of the older panels + 2 each of the newer panels in each string of 3 so that Vmp is as balanced as practical. That will help the MPPT keep things optimum.
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • camira
    camira Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    hello all and thank you again for the info....

    especially for the cold weather calculations....i had been on the Xantrex sizing website but since my panels are not listed, i did not run their calculator (my panels were purchased from a company here in Canada called Carmanah).....and since temperatures here from dec - feb can drop quite low (we usually have a few days of -35C) and can reach +35C in july - august i will wire the panels in two series strings and then parallel them before the charge controller....

    and on that note, i was looking at the Xantrex XW-MPPT60-150 mostly because the forum host website states:

    "The Xantex XW is the only solar charge controller that meets FCC class B requirements for RF/EMI noise. It is the controller that we recommend for any larger solar powered systems for radio or cell phone sites."

    now I do not know if this applies to us but we are on cell phones (no phone lines nearby) and we also use the cell phone 3G network for high speed internet and we certainly do not want to interfere with our reception....

    if this is not a serious issue then i was also looking at the Morningstar TriStar 60 amp (150V) MPPT controller

    thank you also for clarifying mixing panels of slightly differing Vmp and Imp my system will now be:

    my 6 panels wired in two series strings of 3 (each string being one old panel with 2 new ones - and on that note, am i correct in assuming that the current of the series strings will be limited by the lowest amp panels ie 4.58A for the new panels vs 4.66A for the old ones?)....

    i will run these two series strings the bulk of the distance to a junction box were i will wire them in parallel to increase the amperage and bring them to the MPPT charge controller.....which will then feed the batteries and system....

    the calculations:

    old panels: 17.2V at 4.66A
    new panels: 17.5V at 4.58A

    the series strings:
    (17.2 + 17.5 + 17.5) * 4.58A = 239W

    parallel the two series strings:
    52.2V * 4.58A in parallel with 52.2V * 4.58A = 52.2V * 9.16A = 478W

    at the MPPT controller:

    478W input at 14.5V output = 33.0A output current from MPPT

    which is 33/415 (battery bank) * 100 = 7.95% which should help to keep my battery bank happy!

    thank you for comments and suggestions

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone from snowy Northern Ontario!

  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system


    You have it correct. You may get a little more current (or even a little less) than you calculated... The Power curve is pretty flat so if the current is reduced a bit, the other Vmp's may go up a little bit--but in the end, those are "optimum" numbers from the manufacturers and it works out pretty well to assume that you will get about 77-80% of panel rating into the battery during warmer weather. During cold weather, with reflection from snow, you will probably do better.

    The FCC class B rating can be a very nice thing to have. For the most part, you will notice improvement in analog receivers (AM/FM radios, HAM, etc.). Digital equipment using spread spectrum (cell phones, digital TV's, etc.) will usually be affected less by RF noise in strong signal areas. In weak signal areas, with lots of RF interference, you may just not get any useful reception and/or lots of drop outs. It is hard to say--plus many times the noise is very directional--so depending on your setup, your gear may be experiencing more or less noise as you walk around the property.

    I also find that gear designed to meet EMI (electromagnetic interference) requirements tend to be more rugged and resist static discharge and other nearby interference sources (transmitters, lightning strikes in the area, motor starts/stops, etc.).

    Lastly, for lower frequency RF (like AM radio), you just have to move the radio antenna farther from the source of the noise. Low frequency noise (like AM) is hard to reduce and causes lots of issues with any equipment for those that use AM radio for music/news away from population centers. Directional antenna and sometimes the people just turn of the charge controller when using the radio (like in an RV) so they can listen in peace and quiet.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: increasing capacity of a 12v system

    FYI, The MorningStar TriStar Mppt unit IS FCC class B compliant as is the Xantrex unit so if that was a concern it need not be