Help me with My interest in Ham Radio

Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
Ok this may be the wrong place but i want to get fellow RE people's opinions. I want to start venturing into the Ham Radio world and have a multitude of questions. I think for now i would just be happy to chat with people in the us or close by but would like to have the ability to do more without to much hardware upgrading.
What should i expect to spend to get setup?
What does everyone recommend for a Radio?
What about antennas?
Should i go dc of the batterys or is ac off my offgrid inverter as good or better?
And what else am i missing?
Thank you in advance
What should i expect to spend to get setup?
What does everyone recommend for a Radio?
What about antennas?
Should i go dc of the batterys or is ac off my offgrid inverter as good or better?
And what else am i missing?
Thank you in advance
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
You can spend as much as you can afford. Ham radio is next to boats and horses, as hobby expenses go.
Have to get your license first. Hamfests sell new and used gear, so you can enter with less than $500
VHF & UHF bands are mostly line of sight @ 5 watts power. Many local clubs set up repeaters on hilltops, and you can relay from there, to somewhere else. Often, small antennas.
HF works on ionosphere bounce, and that varys with sunspots, which are in short supply right now. I've talked East coast to West coast with 5W and a whip antenna, under the right conditions. Another day, 30 miles is good with 500W. Very condition dependent, and antennas are LARGE.Powerfab top of pole PV mount | Listeroid 6/1 w/st5 gen head | XW6048 inverter/chgr | Iota 48V/15A charger | Morningstar 60A MPPT | 48V, 800A NiFe Battery (in series)| 15, Evergreen 205w "12V" PV array on pole | Midnight ePanel | Grundfos 10 SO5-9 with 3 wire Franklin Electric motor (1/2hp 240V 1ph ) on a timer for 3 hr noontime run - Runs off PV ||
|| Midnight Classic 200 | 10, Evergreen 200w in a 160VOC array ||
|| VEC1093 12V Charger | Maha C401 aa/aaa Charger | SureSine | Sunsaver MPPT 15A
gen: , -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Hey, ham radio is a great hobby!
You can spend as much as you want!Or you can go pretty doggone cheap. If you are willing to shop for deals, you can usually find some excellent used gear for good prices. I'm not patient enough, and am rather too cynical to trust used stuff - especially off E-Bay, so I tend to buy new.
When you say you want to talk US/close by, just how close do you mean? (I'm assuming you are in the US...!) With the first license level (Technician) you will pretty much be limited to just very local VHF/UHF comms. You do have a small slice of 10 meters, but it's a pretty hard band to use right now, with no sun spots. Once they come back, it'll be world-wide! If you get a General license, you'll have all HF bands available. (Note that Techs do have CW privileges on other HF bands, so if you are interested in CW you can go there right off.)
If you just want to talk with folks in your city and surrounding areas, a simple VHF (maybe dual-band VHF/UHF) rig will do fine. But it can get pretty dull, too - many areas are VERY quiet with little activity. These are the cheapest radios, a straight VHF rig can be $100-150 new. Antennas are a lot smaller for these bands too.
Pretty much all HF-capable rigs contain all bands now, so whatever you get will cover the local/regional/worldwide bands. If you go used, some older rigs may be missing more recently acquired bands, but they will all have the most-used bands.
I have a Yaesu FT-857D which is one of what are nicknamed "DC-to-daylight" rigs, in addition to HF they have the "local" bands (6M, 2M, 70cm). It's good (but not stellar) for all bands and modes, and has a reasonable price tag (under $700). Others - especially those more heavily into the HF side than I am - will probably have other opinions. There are about as many favorite radios as there are hams!Besides the price, I like that the 857 also works nicely mobile, should I want to take it on a trip. I even take it along on my bicycle occasionally!
I started out expensive on an HF antenna - bought a $500 vertical! Turns out I get much better performance out of an 80 meter dipole (about 130 feet of 14 gauge wire) fed with ladder line and a $150 tuner! Much cheaper to make your own. In fact, if you have the room to put up a dedicated wire for each band you want to work you don't even need the tuner. (And some radios have one built in.)
My radios is the reason my solar system is wired 12V - everything is straight off the batteries. Less noise that way, and especially if you run an amplifier you don't have to worry about getting a big enough (potentially expensive) power supply. Besides, most rigs use 12V direct anyway. Some larger HF rigs and older tube-type rigs will have an AC plug.
Hope that helps some...!
Joe / N5USR -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
i thought i'd forward my last post from the other thread to here and eliminate it from the other one.Re: xantrex xw 60 mppt CC
i wouldn't worry too much about the noise production for the antenna is the primary point it may be picked up from even though others are possible. most do not have a problem and most antennas are not inside with the solar equipment as bb had indicated he gets interference on the am broadcast band within 10ft of his garage and i think that's the same area his solar equipment is located. the am broadcast band could give you a rough idea if you have a problem and from what piece of equipment just by shutting off that piece of equipment and see the interference go away. i have an sb50 with a modsine inverter and my ability to communicate was not compromised from noise from them as i had no indication there was any decernable noise from them. i do admit that i did not conduct a thorough search for any noise either, but as long as it didn't stop my communications, then why fix something that doesn't need fixed? most interference will generally lessen as you go higher in frquency too, but there can be isolated strong spikes as you've read.
although i roughly gave you some info on ham recently in your revealing of your possible interest in ham radio, you did not say what your interests in it will encompass. are you looking to talk to europe or australia or just talk locally with other hams? most will do both, but it also depends on the license class and band of operation among other things. do know that the long distance stuff is dependant on the solar cycle, time of day, power levels, mode of operation, and the band of operation along with the weather sometimes, which if you'd like to know more about it i can help you with it some. there are other hams on this forum as well and they are invited to indicate if they have any problems with their operations, to what degree, and from what. right now halfcrazy, you don't know if there is a problem that would stop you and in most cases where there is a problem, it is usually isolated enough to certain bands or frequencies so it will not stop you from using ham radio. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
My late father was a ham,,, W8NSX, K9PTQ I never got the bug. He had all kinds of strange stuff,, ttty machines,, thermal fax stuff,, a whole house full of stuff. We had antennas of all kinds strung between any and all available trees. He once bought a coast guard light tower at a surplus sale for $50. It was 100' tall and we had to take it down,,, and put it back up!,,, along with several others.
He would be amazed at my satellite internet dish! He died in 1995,,, just after getting his first PC and being the first in the family to e-mail.
Anyone want a Heath Kit DX 100 transmitter? I've got one sitting under my bench,,, you get to pay shipping. (It weighs ~150#!)
Tony -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
to all,
this thread is off the beaten path a bit, but many ham stations will use solar for backup power for those times of emergency and nonemergency alike. this thread is being allowed by me because of the number of hams present here, because i too am one, and because it's a good fit together. many of you may not understand this aspect and you don't have to, but this particular thread is going more into the aspect of ham radio than solar just so you are aware.
in addition, i'll say most will start at just technician and talk locally (less than 50 mile radius and through repeaters usually) using fm on the vhf/uhf bands, but other methods of transmission are open to you as well. these other transmitting modes usually involve more money for the radio involved(even for used radios) in addition to more antennas to cover horizontally polarized communications. there are some exceptions as techs can use 10 meter ssb (single sideband which has 2 parts, upper {usb} and lower {lsb}) as well for long distances during stronger portions of 11yr solar cycles. same goes for 6 meters, but this is a vhf band with some hf characteristics. there are also cw sections (morse code) of hf available to technicians that give greater distances.
this is difficult to condense, but for more reliable communications beyond that 50 mile rough estimate (note that it is possible to talk farther than this on vhf/uhf with the right equipment and antennas) most get a general (or better) class license to gain a great deal of hf priviledges. the antennas get bigger as you go lower in frequency and all of the bands are referenced to in meters (i failed to mention before in my references) as well as in frequency. generally, the hf radios get a bit bigger and pricier.
for new stuff there are many places you can shop at and is usually mailordered, but at hamfests (flea market for hams) it is possible to see/buy some of this stuff in person as well as get some used stuff. many do license testing at these events also and are called ve sessions. you can check for dates and places for arrl sponsored hamfests at most of the hamfests require a fee to enter btw and is usually like about $5, but some are more. not all of these events they list are the big good ones and some are non arrl (amateur radio relay league) so it may be an advantage for you to find a guy in your neighborhood to help in advising you as well. if you go to one of these hamfests try to seek out somebody that can help you get into it. these are sometimes clubs and you don't have to join a club (or a repeater either once licensed) if you don't want to and some may try talking you into doing that. it's not a bad thing to join them, but i just wanted you to know it's not required of you.
enough for now as my wife said i've got to go to the store.:roll: -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
ok i'm not going to ramble here further without more from you, but i searched for clubs that may be nearest to you and this seems to be closest.
Specialties: General Interest, Contest, DX, Repeater, Public Service/Emergency Comms, VHF/UHF
Call sign: N1ME
Services: Help for newcomers, Entry-level classes, Higher-level classes, Other
OLD TOWN, ME 04468
Phone: () - (D) () - (N)
the entire list is here just in case another is closer or easier to get to.
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Neil thank you for the time and research on that I will get in touch with this group. I would like to be able to talk farther then 50 miles in the long run so not sure if it makes sense to buy the right stuff first or if this doesnt really work that way? -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
give me a better idea of where you may want to talk. me or boB? even though we are in the same country the bands that allow this dictate that you need a general class license first and you need a license before you even think equipment. sometimes you can use a voip program available only to hams to use called echolink that provide access for any license class to access a distant repeater. btw, most places require proof of licensing before selling the equipment too, but making plans are fine. these plans may be in steps or all at once and depends on your goals and abilities, not to mention cash available. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Neil i havent really got a perfect idea of where or who i wold like to talk with but for sure You and boB would be on that list. I will lok over the info you gave me and do some reading but sounds like i need to pick a license and get that done? -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
actually, to get to general class you need to pass the technician portion first and once passed then will they give you the questions for the general exam to take. remember the practice questions i sited in the qrz website i sent to you? talking with some hams locally at length will give you a much better perspective and seeing equipment at hamfests helps too. a handbook called[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1] The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications may be of value for you to purchase as many aspects of the hobby can be addressed and explained further in it. it goes for about $45.
note that it may not be possible to talk to me or boB at will or at the same time as it depends on too many factors just for a single contact to be established let alone 2 in vastly different areas.
[/SIZE][/FONT] -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Hi Half ..
Just discovered this thread. Most of what I'd want to say has been said, but my 2.5 c:
A local club might be a great way to start before you get your license. A Tech license is a fine place to start, then you can get on VHF, 2 Meters lets say, and talk with others in your area. Perhaos some local club member will invite you to her/his location for some demos which will allow you to refine your interests.
Sounds to me that your interests would be best filled with the General class or Extra calss license, as these give essentially full access to the Ham bands.
In one earlier post you were concerned about your Noise generation. For FM work, usually the noise problems are greatly reduced, but not eleimnated.
I have a noise sensitivity as the ONLY reason for my off-grid site to exist is for Hamming. Am interested in very long-distance communication. The background noise level at the site, without my power equipment is nonexistant -- none. (except for noise from the Sun and Lightning Static). SSOOO my mission has been to design the systems for minimum noise gnereation or at least minimum noise radiation. Most ham operators in town have noise power levels thousands of times higher than my off-grid location, so at this point most of the easy things have been done.
SSOO I would not worry about any noise issue at your location, until it limits what you are trying to do on your radio.
And, Half Crazy, you are a technical person, so you will have no trouble, I am sure with the tests. Good Luck, Have Fun, Vic K6ICOff Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
yes as vic said, there are lots of in and outs when dealing with noise as even i am not immune to noise that comes from part 15 or b approved items. and there's also my wonderful utility with all of their faulty insulators as well as natural sources of noise vic mentioned. fm can help, but i've seen noise levels from my utility at one time that wiped out my ability to hear anything on 2 meter fm. luckily that was only for a week or so that i saw that and it hasn't returned to anything that bad. usually 2 meter fm is relatively noise free for me.
moving on further there are other ways to deal with some noises as it may be possible to change your antenna polarity or beam your signal or even use a radio that is excellent at reducing such noise(limited abilities and expensive). you may not have much of a problem and other hams can help you out by seeing how it would be there at your place. unfortunately fm isn't allowed below 29.5 mhz so you would be reliant on other modes of transmission such as ssb with the non voice option of cw for long distance communications on hf. the hobby isn't always like picking up a telephone and hearing somebody reliably there all of the time and without noise. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Well you have all gave ma a lot of good info and with boB's input on his new mobile unit as well. I will be getting in touch with the local group Neil pointed out and then will start making some decisions -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Ok I wanted to update this thread I am signed up for a four week class starting next week at the end of the class they give the test for the Tech license. from there I can take a class to get my General license. So I need to start gleaning info and learn what I want for a Radio or Radios?? -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Great ! Glad you're still interested 1/2 !
The more the merrier, especially R.E. people on the HF bands. The last few years
have been bad for propagation due to the low sun spots but I think things are
starting to come back now.
I worked Belgium from the car on the way into work today BTW so it isn't all that bad now. Now, If I could just get a good connection with Vic, K6IC down in California....
boB -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
boB what should I be looking for for a Radio? I will be licensed for 2 meters initially but will go for the full general and extended I think it was called in a couple months -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
boB, Neil, not sure if you guys are aware or don't care, simple look up on your call sign, I can zoom onto your roof top.
GP -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham RadioboB what should I be looking for for a Radio?
I have Yaesu FT-7800 and Icom IC-V8000. So far been happy with both, but I like FT-7800 more. If you have the money, Icom IC-706mk2 is nice all-in-one radio. That would be my choice once I stop being lazy and go get my general license.
Some online resources for you: - great ham radio forum. - lots of user reviews of ham gear.
Use google to find hamfest close by your area, and go there to talk to people and look at different radios. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham RadioGreenerPower wrote: »boB, Neil, not sure if you guys are aware or don't care, simple look up on your call sign, I can zoom onto your roof top.
Yea, that's one thing I don't like. That's why when I moved, I never updated my address with the FCC. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Who wants a Heath Kit DX 100 AM transmitter? Been sitting under my bench since long before my Dad died! Weighs ~200#! (And that is just the transmitter!)
Tony -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
glad to hear you are picking back up on this. as to a radio you can get the big multiband radios with everything all in one package like boB and myself have or go with some separation like hf at home and 2mtrs in the car with a mobile radio and ht or just an ht if the repeaters are close enough. the filling of the needs are more variable in ham than they are in renewables so more input from you may be needed.
as gp pointed out and i mentioned to you as well, much info can be obtained by a callsign so if you don't want everybody here that access then don't place your callsign here in the forum when you get it.
i'm aware of it. are you a ham?
hardly anybody uses am anymore. there are a few die hards on 160 or 75mtrs, but most use either fm (10mtrs and up) or ssb nowadays. edit to add that there are digital modes available as well for computer lovers. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radiogp, i'm aware of it. are you a ham?
GP -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Nobody used AM when we used this!
It was our "emergency" radio when I was growing up! We had no phone, and the fancy radio was a '60s vintage Collins S line. My father kept the Dx 100 for emergencies. (actually had to use it once or twice,,, drew about 2 kw to power up!)
Tony -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
ok, i assumed and i know the saying. it has cw in it too and many would like that, but it is what we call a boat anchor with all of that weight making it expensive to ship. nice of you to offer it up.:D
btw, am was still in common use in the 60s yet even though ssb caught on quickly.
pic of it.. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
Correction,, not a boat anchor,,, but rather a ship anchor!
Tony -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham RadioWho wants a Heath Kit DX 100 AM transmitter? Been sitting under my bench since long before my Dad died! Weighs ~200#! (And that is just the transmitter!)
To all: hasn't the internet pretty much completely replaced the need for short wave radio? I mean, I can call anyone on the planet that has high speed internet completely for free, using software called Skype. And recently, a product has been introduced called MajicJack that allows you to call any phone in the US or Canada for $19.95/year. Or is it kind of like car audio or computers, just something to do with your time and money?DoD= depth of discharge= amount removed from that battery SoC= state of charge= amount remaining in that batterySo, 0% DoD= 100% SoC, 25% DoD= 75% SoC, 50% DoD= 50% SoC, 75% DoD= 25% SoC, 100% DoD= 0% SoCA/C= air conditioning AC= alternating current (what comes from the outlets in your home) DC= direct current (what batteries & solar panels use) -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
sorry, but every time the power goes out or you lose your isp connection there isn't any digital communication via the net. do you think during emergencies that all they did was use their computer or make a telephone call be it landline or cell? think again. don't get me wrong as what we do with the net and even cell phones are nice and even convenient, but they are highly vulnerable and unreliable. as a ham i was privy to direct communication with the national weather service during emergency weather conditions and i was able to keep abreast of the general circumstances being faced even if i had no power.
not everybody will like radio and that's fine as not everybody likes solar either. different strokes for different folks, but don't ever say radio is not needed and is replaced by the net as that's pretty far from the truth. -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham RadioGreenerPower wrote: »simple look up on your call sign, I can zoom onto your roof top. GP
Gee, I wonder where the good antennas are....Powerfab top of pole PV mount | Listeroid 6/1 w/st5 gen head | XW6048 inverter/chgr | Iota 48V/15A charger | Morningstar 60A MPPT | 48V, 800A NiFe Battery (in series)| 15, Evergreen 205w "12V" PV array on pole | Midnight ePanel | Grundfos 10 SO5-9 with 3 wire Franklin Electric motor (1/2hp 240V 1ph ) on a timer for 3 hr noontime run - Runs off PV ||
|| Midnight Classic 200 | 10, Evergreen 200w in a 160VOC array ||
|| VEC1093 12V Charger | Maha C401 aa/aaa Charger | SureSine | Sunsaver MPPT 15A
gen: , -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radio
These days--pay for a PO Box... There is too much public information these days.
-BillNear San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset -
Re: Help me with My interest in Ham Radiomyocardia,
sorry, but every time the power goes out or you lose your isp connection there isn't any digital communication via the net. do you think during emergencies that all they did was use their computer or make a telephone call be it landline or cell? think again. don't get me wrong as what we do with the net and even cell phones are nice and even convenient, but they are highly vulnerable and unreliable.
Whoa, hoss, I wasn't attacking your hobby. I just happen to know two hams, and one of them says yes to that question, and the other reacts the way you did. I was just wondering how this particular group felt. Mostly I was curious because I assumed that there may very well be a fairly large age discrepancy in the posters in this thread, and was wondering if that might play a part in their answers.
BTW, I have had internet access 24/7/365 for over 5 years now, with no breaks in electrical service that entire time. I do realize that not everyone's ISP, and electrical connectivity compares, though. I used to live in a town with 2,000 people, and every time it sprinkled, there was no electricity for 1-24 hours.DoD= depth of discharge= amount removed from that battery SoC= state of charge= amount remaining in that batterySo, 0% DoD= 100% SoC, 25% DoD= 75% SoC, 50% DoD= 50% SoC, 75% DoD= 25% SoC, 100% DoD= 0% SoCA/C= air conditioning AC= alternating current (what comes from the outlets in your home) DC= direct current (what batteries & solar panels use)
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