well pump

ws9876 Solar Expert Posts: 450 ✭✭✭
What would you do with this.....
say you want to pump from 120 ft down with a solar pump. But you only have a 5 ft hill out back to bury a cistern into. That would put the bottom of the cistern tank/500 gallon about 5 inches above where the water line comes out of the slab into the house. Thats still below your pressure tank and well below the faucets in the house.Actually its even below a rise inverted U in the inside piping that is before it gets to the inlet for the pressure tank.
You want to keep a pressure tank in place but will not have a big 240 AC pump to push into the pressure tank anymore.
Given this situation ,what would you do??? It would be good to avoid storing water in the house because of possible freezing or partial freezing in a tank there.
With that in mind what would a good system design be?? The total line from the bottom of the well to the inside is about 180 ft.


  • inetdog
    inetdog Solar Expert Posts: 3,123 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: well pump
    ws9876 wrote: »
    What would you do with this.....
    say you want to pump from 120 ft down with a solar pump. But you only have a 5 ft hill out back to bury a cistern into. That would put the bottom of the cistern tank/500 gallon about 5 inches above where the water line comes out of the slab into the house. Thats still below your pressure tank and well below the faucets in the house.Actually its even below a rise inverted U in the inside piping that is before it gets to the inlet for the pressure tank.
    You want to keep a pressure tank in place but will not have a big 240 AC pump to push into the pressure tank anymore.
    Given this situation ,what would you do??? It would be good to avoid storing water in the house because of possible freezing or partial freezing in a tank there.
    With that in mind what would a good system design be?? The total line from the bottom of the well to the inside is about 180 ft.
    Your basic choices are quite simple, with variations on the different scenarios.

    1. Use a small DC pump or pumps to provide the pressure at the faucets for water drawn directly from the cistern.
    2. Use a lager pump to move water from the cistern to the pressure tank. This pump would only run as needed, but would have to a significant fraction of work that the old AC well pump did.
    3. Find a place to put a higher tank, to allow some or all or your water uses to rely on gravity only. It would not be buried but elevated on a structure and would have to be protected from freezing.
    SMA SB 3000, old BP panels.
  • ws9876
    ws9876 Solar Expert Posts: 450 ✭✭✭
    Re: well pump

    i was looking at the situation and it occurred to me that I could push the pressure tank with a larger pump located right inside the cistern. That way I could put the cistern in a better location and not worry about freezing because I would bury it 8 ft underground. We have 50 below occasionally but rarely.
    Even if it is below slab level it wouldnt matter. But can I get a 120v ac pump that will draw off the inverter ok( capacitor start) and put out enough pressure
    to push the pressure tank bladder from say 70 ft away. I dont want to kill the batteries too much..It will run as much as my well pump does now but not as far/half/ and basically level..