Plz Help Insulation questions



  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    BB. wrote: »
    Conservation also applies to what you run in your home too... Inefficient appliances/refrigerators, big entertainment systems left on. Big old desktop/server computers running 24x7 etc... All can add a lot of heat into the home that you then have to spend big money moving out side.


    The computer is so true, we all used to run desktop towers 24X7 but I got tired of supporting the windows environment on about 5 computers, cleaning virus paying the license fees , etc. We all converted to MAC mini, If I could find my kilowatt I would confirm but under normal operations they only draw abut 20ish watts and in sleep mode it is just a few watts, we now have no PC problems, added software can be had from Apple in a family 5 pack for much more reasonable prices than a single copy from Micro$oft.

    I am in the computer business, I will never go back to Gates ware and love the Apple cost model and software structure. To boot Apple is a green company. I have night lights that draw more power.
  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    techntrek wrote: »

    The quote which you used when you first said 26 SEER was 'Coot talking about Sanyo. You did not specify that you were talking about some other unit. Your post made it sound like the *Sanyo* has a 26 SEER rating.

    Which they certainly do not.

    *I* mentioned Fujitsu because they DO have ratings that high - unlike the Sanyos which were under discussion at the time. So yes, there are mini-split systems that can be had with such ratings - but NOT the Sanyo.
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    I installed the software for the Brulltech so I will start monitoring again today where the power is going. I also decided on doing the insulation first prior to the swap out of the AC, I am hoping on getting some work done this weekend.

    While some of the kids computers eat up some juice, when I bought the server "runs 24x7" I made sure that it was a green processor "65 wats" and a green hard drive. But I have not monitored to see the consumption, this weekend will be the monitoring week!!! I do have a separate kilowat measuring strip that I am planning on using on everything in the house.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Just to give you an idea of what "Watt" you are looking for:
    • 3,000 kWH per month / (30 days per month * 24 hours per day ) = 4.167 kW = 4,167 Watts average load
    So--at this point you are not looking to harassing spouse/kids to unplug cell phone chargers.

    You are looking to kill ~2,000 watts of 24x7 average load (cut your current power usage by 1/2).

    Also, you can justify conservation by looking at the money saved:
    • 1,500 kWH per month * ~$0.12 per kWH (?) = $180 per month
    For a 10 year pay back (probably maximum "real investment that makes sense):
    • 10 years * 12 months per year * $180 per month = $21,600 "maximum" conservation investment to save 1,500 kWH per month
    If you want to "future proof" your home--Look at Northern California and where our rates are already... For >~900 kWH per month, our peak rates are $0.34 to $0.52 per kWH (residential flat rate / Summer Time of Use peak afternoon/evening rate).

    If "they" are successful in "nationalizing" electric power rates--you are looking at $100,000 to save 1,500 kWH per month as being nearly cost effective.

    On my current power plan (seasonal time of use, 3,000 kWH per month), my electric bill would be around ~$1,230 per month.

    Pretty scary isn't it?

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • raydias
    raydias Solar Expert Posts: 68 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    you might consider using the servers power saving features depending on what you use it for. maybe set a time that the server goes into power save mode at night when everyone is asleep. As for he kids computers etc, you should get the power saving strips that turn off the power to slave plugs when the main plug device is off. there are a number of them out there. an alternative is to get the power strips that have a remote switch then train the kids to turn the switch off when they are done. I trained my daughter to turn off the power strips on her TV/DVD and WII game systems. I no longer leave my computer on when I am not using it which was wasting about 85 watts an hour. 85x24x30=61.2kwh a month or about $8 a month. not a lot but when you start adding it up... not sure if you have tiered rates but my Cal PG&E bill has tiers and my conservation has brought my consumption down from the higher tiers. I am constantly at the base rate of .12 cents a kwh. Much cheaper than the .40 cent kwh tier 3 rate. i estimate I have saved since last august over $370 in electric bills. True test will be this summer.
  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    Nomore wrote: »
    I keep my thermostat at 77 at night and 78 day, it does run all day :( I talked to a friend that works for an AC company and he told me to put in a 5 ton. I had a couple companies recommend same. I think I am going to have to do that :( As I mentioned on the initial post, we did a reverse pressure test "I think that is what is called" and there are no leaks on my[/url] But have not monitored in a while, maybe I need to double check things.

    A/C companies want to sell you a more expense system.

    Sorry but 5 ton for 2000 sq ft is way overkill. My target run time is maximum 50% duty cycle. Too small a unit and it runs all the time without enough cooling. Too large, it runs too short and you do build up humidity level between runs. You also want to have some reserve capacity for large gathering holiday dinners and such. It is good to have a ceiling fan slowly circulating air in the room where thermostat is located.

    Your A/C electric bill is way out of line for 2000 sq ft and 78 temp setting. (unless you are keeping your windows open).

    If your thermostat does not keep track of run time get one that does.

    When I was a younger I worked for a TV repair shop that also had A/C repair shop next door. One of the guys bragged that he could overcharge the Freon level in a central A/C so the compressor would fail in about 14-15 months, just outside the warranty period.

    One time when I came home from school to my parents house I noticed that when the A/C came on there was a louder then I previously remembered startup buzz in the breaker box just outside my bedroom. The wires seemed to be jumping in the conduit. When I asked my father about it he said that two week prior he had a preventative maintanance service call on the unit and the guy added some Freon (which he charged an additional $100 for). I told him to call another outfit to check it out. It was overcharged with freon.

    Overcharging refridgerant will cause the compressor to consume more power, overstress the compressor, and reduce efficiency. One way to detect it is checking peak startup current but you have to know what is normal for that model unit. Setting correct refrigerant level is a complex process if it not done based on volume for line runs at installation time. You cannot tell just by putting pressure gauges on outside unit lines. Many new installs come with precharged compressors. Installer just adds a small additional amount of refrigerant based on copper line run diameter and length from compressor based on tables supplied by manufacturer. After install it requires measurement of air temp through outside condenser, air temp in and out of evaporator as well as input side air humidity. Higher outside temp will drive up high side pressure. High humidity on input air to evaporator will drive up low side pressure since it requires much more heat energy to be exchanged to convert water vapor to water. Too much lubricant oil in the system also reduces efficiency. Not properly evacuating system before releasing precharged refrigerant also screws efficiency.

    Another common practice by installer companies is to mix outside unit tonage rating with different air handler tonage rating. Besides effecting efficiency you can also throw out the factory supplied refrigerant charge tables making it more likely to get an improper refrigerent charge level.

    Common failure mode on central A/C's is dust clogging evaporator coil. It is like not defrosting a refrigerator. Evenually the evaporator coil may freeze up with ice due to lack of air circulation which causes even less air circulation. I clean out my evaporator with evaporator cleaner and spray water through evaporator, collecting it on other side with wet/dry vac. I do this every two years. When I had my air conditioner replaced I had the guy add about 3' more line with a loop so I can slide out the evaporator from air handler to make it easy to clean.

    I am not saying any of this is your problem but your A/C power consumption is out of line with what you are saying about your house.
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    thank you all for sharing all this info! I just came back from homedepot and talk to a consumer like me that is DYI the insulation on his home, he gave me a ton of tips. I have to finish installing some speakers and crap but I am hoping that I can start blowing insulation no later than mid next week, definitely will do my garage before then. Today I am labeling all the contacts on the brulltech and I will share my findings.
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    In Florida its cheaper and better to have a contractor do the blown in Fiber Glass. It actually costs less than the DIY Home Depot which only offers cellulose for the blown in

    Save yourself time, money and call your local contractors for a quote. Remeber , R40 minimum!! that's 14", and its worth the $$$ to do extra and bury the duct work.

    On my home it was ~200 more to bury everything
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    RCinFLA wrote: »

    I am not saying any of this is your problem but your A/C power consumption is out of line with what you are saying about your house.

    He only has R10 best case in the ceiling, everyone is way over thinking this. I have helped close to a dozen of home owners in my state do the exact same thing. It is chronic issue, older homes, that had sub par insulation when built and with settling or people doing storage / improvements disturbs the insulation have next to nothing in the ceiling.

    In Florida you need R40 minimum or the IR from the attic will bake the living area. If the OP follows this advice, It should reduce the load on the AC by about 50%. and typical cost ~1200. Pays for itself in one summer

    Never once, has this not made drastic improvements.
  • tonystewart
    tonystewart Solar Expert Posts: 54 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Consider Radiant Barrier, it helped my home in Lake Worth.
  • LucMan
    LucMan Solar Expert Posts: 223 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    To check if your a/c is running properly check the supply & return temps. You should have a 15-20 degree delta T.
    For example if the return temp is 78 the air exiting from the registers should be 58.
    If not call a service company to check the system.
    You may have attic air entering the airhandler or the refrigerant charge is not correct.
    The refrigerant charge is critical for proper system operation.
    A 2000 sq ft house with R-30 ceiling & R-19 walls would require a 2.5 -3 ton unit.
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    In Florida its cheaper and better to have a contractor do the blown in Fiber Glass. It actually costs less than the DIY Home Depot which only offers cellulose for the blown in

    Save yourself time, money and call your local contractors for a quote. Remeber , R40 minimum!! that's 14", and its worth the $$$ to do extra and bury the duct work.

    On my home it was ~200 more to bury everything

    Solar do you have any recommendations for contractors in my area? You are from Florida correct? I had a quote from the home depot guys and they wanted a little over 5k to blow r49 and based on my calculations if I did myself I will probably be around 2k.

    Ok I have my brulltech running, this darn thing is awesome!!!! This is what I have so far, I need to make some changes on the loads that are being monitored today.

    I started monitoring around 6 pm yesterday, Once I have everything set up I will post a link to google powermeter so that you can all see real-time loads etc and then give me some hell :) Plus it will not hurt to have other eyes look at the data and offer suggestions;

    Total power consumed 67.13 KWH

    Cental Air consumption 37.67 KWH On first stage it uses around 2327w and on second stage it uses around 3800w. It uses approximately 16 amps n first stage and 28 amps on second.

    Now most of the other power went to the Dryer, I was shocked to see that thing pulls 6000 watts while running, my wife does laundry one per week and maybe does about 8 hours worth of loads "God bless her". Yesterday she probably had the dryer on for 3 hours or so. I still have to trace where the rest of the power is going and then track down the ghost loads. I did a DYI automation and I have some 15 amp power receptacles that I am planning on using that will turn off at night devices attached to it automatically.

    Please note that some of the sensors may not be installed correctly and the measurements may not be 100 percent accurate. I am planning on going over everything and shifting some things aground today. So far the Central Air looks like the culprit since it runs so much, so plans of insulating are in full effect.

    LucMan wrote: »
    To check if your a/c is running properly check the supply & return temps. You should have a 15-20 degree delta T.
    For example if the return temp is 78 the air exiting from the registers should be 58.
    If not call a service company to check the system.
    You may have attic air entering the airhandler or the refrigerant charge is not correct.
    The refrigerant charge is critical for proper system operation.
    A 2000 sq ft house with R-30 ceiling & R-19 walls would require a 2.5 -3 ton unit.

    Hum currently my AC is set to 77, using a laser temperature checker; air going into the air handler is 76 degrees and air coming out the register is 66 degrees. So it looks like 10 degrees apart. My buddy checked the refrigerant about two months ago and it looked fine according to him, he is coming on Tuesday to check things out for me again, if the refrigerant is correct then air could be getting into one of my ac lines. It would not surprise me and I may know which line it is; there is one register in the living room that always gets small particles of dirt on the register "like attic dust" and that happens only on that particular register.
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Wao, you guys are awesome, I took your advice and called some contractors and my first quote came in at 2200 to Blow R-38 @ 16” of Formaldehyde-Free white Blow Johns Manville insulation to ac attic spaces only.

    I did not find reviews online on the company, but they sounded ok over the phone. Is that type of insulation fine?
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Check the duct/air temperature as it exits the evaporator too... I am not an AC guy--but 10 degree drop (66F output) sounds like an issue (could be duct insulation or problems with the AC system too).

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • LucMan
    LucMan Solar Expert Posts: 223 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    Nomore wrote: »

    Hum currently my AC is set to 77, using a laser temperature checker; air going into the air handler is 76 degrees and air coming out the register is 66 degrees. So it looks like 10 degrees apart. My buddy checked the refrigerant about two months ago and it looked fine according to him, he is coming on Tuesday to check things out for me again, if the refrigerant is correct then air could be getting into one of my ac lines. It would not surprise me and I may know which line it is; there is one register in the living room that always gets small particles of dirt on the register "like attic dust" and that happens only on that particular register.

    10 degrees definitely not good enough.
    Your air leakage would be on the return side sucking air into the system.
    To check the charge, super heat & or sub cooling measurements must be taken to adjust the charge. There should be a chart on the inside of the electrical panel on the condensing unit. The relative humidity in the house must be measured and entered on the chart.
    Some times buddy's have just enough knowledge to be dangerous! Call in a pro.
    Check out this link
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    LucMan wrote: »
    10 degrees definitely not good enough.
    Your air leakage would be on the return side sucking air into the system.
    To check the charge, super heat & or sub cooling measurements must be taken to adjust the charge. There should be a chart on the inside of the electrical panel on the condensing unit. The relative humidity in the house must be measured and entered on the chart.
    Some times buddy's have just enough knowledge to be dangerous! Call in a pro.
    Check out this link

    He will take a look at it on Tuesday, he does install custom Ac's for a living for companies and has solved a couple issues that other companies where unable to solve. I am confident he knows what he is doing! But I know where you are coming from!!! I had friends in the past doing more harm than good. Thanks for the link, very informative!
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    LucMan wrote: »
    10 degrees definitely not good enough.
    Your air leakage would be on the return side sucking air into the system.
    To check the charge, super heat & or sub cooling measurements must be taken to adjust the charge. There should be a chart on the inside of the electrical panel on the condensing unit. The relative humidity in the house must be measured and entered on the chart.
    Some times buddy's have just enough knowledge to be dangerous! Call in a pro.
    Check out this link

    Again, there is almost no insulation in the attic, superheated and the duct work and Air handler are in Air probably pushing 160+F

    The Poor AC unit is work 100% duty cycle ... ducts are only R5 .. not to mention the air handler

    Insulate first, then and only then if something is a miss, start worrying about the AC unit, which has already been checked out
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    Nomore wrote: »
    Wao, you guys are awesome, I took your advice and called some contractors and my first quote came in at 2200 to Blow R-38 @ 16” of Formaldehyde-Free white Blow Johns Manville insulation to ac attic spaces only.

    I did not find reviews online on the company, but they sounded ok over the phone. Is that type of insulation fine?

    That's not bad, not great price and yes you want the white fiberglass ... I had R40, which was a top off of what was about R20 already installed plus a 2 car garage which had no insulation on it for 900 two years ago

    Figure your double that. Its a negotiation process, get at least two other quotes, you want R40 and the ducts buried, HD price is a ripoff
  • LucMan
    LucMan Solar Expert Posts: 223 ✭✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    Again, there is almost no insulation in the attic, superheated and the duct work and Air handler are in Air probably pushing 160+F

    The Poor AC unit is work 100% duty cycle ... ducts are only R5 .. not to mention the air handler

    Insulate first, then and only then if something is a miss, start worrying about the AC unit, which has already been checked out

    A 5 ton air handler is moving about 2000 cfm, even if there was no insulation on the duct or air handler the delta T would still be higher than 10 degrees, and condensation would be running off the duct and down through the ceiling.
    There is a problem with the unit.
  • bmet
    bmet Solar Expert Posts: 630 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Watch out for those Low-E double & triple-pane windows. If they begin to distort in the center, the sun's energy(low in the sky) can be reflected and magnified onto nearby structures at very hot temperatures. I've seen one TV newscast that showed incredible warpage to a neighbor's vinyl siding. That neighbor was next door to a home with deformed low-e windows.
  • Nomore
    Nomore Registered Users Posts: 18 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    bmet wrote: »
    Watch out for those Low-E double & triple-pane windows. If they begin to distort in the center, the sun's energy(low in the sky) can be reflected and magnified onto nearby structures at very hot temperatures. I've seen one TV newscast that showed incredible warpage to a neighbor's vinyl siding. That neighbor was next door to a home with deformed low-e windows.

    Yikes, I hope it does not happen to me, I have one of those cheaply made but expensive plastic fences.
  • bmet
    bmet Solar Expert Posts: 630 ✭✭
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions
    Nomore wrote: »
    Yikes, I hope it does not happen to me, I have one of those cheaply made but expensive plastic fences.

    The sad part is, that the industry already knows about the potential harm that may come from distorted low-e windows . Most companies that sell them include either a disclaimer against responsibility to nearby structures, or ensure the warranty expires before the windows distort. Either way, might want to check the fine print of your product warranty.

    I am trying to find the newscast where they showed the damage, it was on youtube, but at this moment I'm unable to locate it. A small percentage of low-e windows develop a center distortion, creating a magnifying glass for low-angled sun. It put incredible heat on the house next door.

    Here is a link to a PDF from that describes the condition in detail.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Here is one Youtube/Newscast out of Boston from last year:

    And here is, more or less, the text of the above video:
    Gerry Brady from Infrared New England recently studied Vincequere's house. "This looks like someone took a blow torch to it."Normal vinyl siding begins to be soften and distort at 165 degrees Fahrenheit. "We had temperatures that were 248 degrees Fahrenheit," reported Brady.Both the Vinyl Siding Institute and the National Association of Home Builders acknowledge the problem, but say it is not widespread and the siding and windows are not defective.A recent study by the association found that a combination of contributing factors must be present before the effect occurs, including concavity in the double glass panes, a low angle of sunlight and close proximity to adjacent homes.Any double-pane window can cause this effect, but the group reported that double pane low-e windows are more likely to cause the problem.

    As of last year (and reports from 5-6 years ago), nobody is taking responsibility for the problem and leaving the homeowners' holding the bag.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • HTG PVinPA
    HTG PVinPA Registered Users Posts: 16
    Re: Plz Help Insulation questions

    Wow, no one mentioned an energy audit. I have seen so many homeowner DYI their homes when it comes to insulating and airsealing and have caused so many health issues.

    An energy audit codifies the problems. Gives you a target of what is really causing your problems, not supposition.

    An energy audit performed by a BPI & RESNET certified auditor will look at the whole house as a system. Safety is key. :
    - You need to know how much air your home is actually leaking. If your home was built in the 90's your home may be sealed engough, but in the wrong places. If you then try to "grab a can of foam" and seal the penetrations in the attic you could be oversealing your home and cause sick house syndrome.
    - Moisture is a major cause of energy loss. During the AC season your AC works really hard to dehumidify. During the heating season moisture is a great conductor of heat. If your foundation is moist you should not be doing any additional insulating. Check to see how the water moves away from your property. Do your downspouts dump at your foundation?
    - Fiberglass is a great place for mold to grow. Seen it so many times.
    - If the home isn't properly ventilated with appropriate pressure boundaries then you get that oppressive heat in your home.

    I could go on, but I'm home sick and don't have the energy. no pun intended.

    BPI (Building Performance Institute) & RESNET trained auditor understands what needs to be accomplished so you do not cause harm to yourself or your family.

    Do yourself a favor go to . Look at the "house as a system" or "whole house approach". Just as a doctor considers the whole body when you are ill, a certified energy auditor considers the whole home.

    I'm not an auditor. My partner is here in PA and I just see so much harm come about by well meaning homeowners insulating their own homes.

    ps it may be that the first "insulator" was a Home Performance Contractor and not just an insulator and that first insulator was including air sealing and venting trays, etc.