Xantrex xw 4024 gsv and load settings

Kefalonianman Solar Expert Posts: 60 ✭✭✭✭
I have the system up and working but it charges for 5 hours using 3kw and then goes in to grid support mode using around 50- 100 watts from grid until the battery recharge value is reached and then it recharges again

I am using 450 amp / h batteries and I get around 10 hours of live before I recharge in this time I only produce around 2.9 kw which seems very low for the equipment I have.

Am I running the system in the best way or should I be using load shaving ?

Also if running in ac pass thru will the solar still charge my batteries.

I know I need more soar panels and maybe larger battery Bank but just trying to get the basics right.

Is there a way of testing what the solar is producing to know it's working



  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Xantrex xw 4024 gsv and load settings

    Depends on what you want to do.

    I personally would not draw on batteries if there is grid present. It will just cost you more in battery replacement over time then you save on grid electric bill.

    Set charger to three stage with proper absorb and float voltage settings.

    Set inverter to Grid Support Enabled, Sell Enabled, Load Shave Disabled with grid support voltage same as float voltage setting.

    You did not mention what type of charge controller you have. It should be set for a battery float level about 0.4 vdc higher then XW float voltage setting.

    Whenever PV charge controller is producing it will try to raise battery voltage above XW float setting. XW will maintain its battery float level by taking any power pushed by PV controller to battery and convert it to ACout node. When inverter is grid connected and sell is enabled any excess power not consumed by ACout load will be pushed to grid. This assumes you have net metering (a meter that runs backwards) so you get credit for any grid pushed power.

    Batteries will always be maintained at float level voltage. For your present battery size it will consume about 125 wH's per day to maintain float level on batteries. When grid goes down XW inverter will automatically pick up ACout loads and maintain power. When grid power come back on XW will go through and absorb cycle to float to recharge batteries. Keep in mind that any PV produced power during this recharge cycle will add to XW maximum battery charge current so take that into account based on your battery AH size.

    If the grid seldom goes down you will not get an absorb cycle on batteries, you want to give the batteries an absorb cycle every two to four weeks. Alternately you could do an equalize cycle every month or two.