Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
A few weeks ago I contacted Exeltech inquiring about the low idle current model of the XP1100 inverter they offer. Somebody there emailed me back and asked for my address as he could ship me the parts to do it myself. Received the items a few days ago, and the "kit" consisted of a "ferrite core" and some shrink wrap. Maybe some of you on here can help me understand this but I don't see how that is going to drop my idle current in half.

Regardless, I installed it and thought you might like to see some pics of the inside of one of these.


I took it apart wrong the first time, the inside should slide out of the back plate (below)





  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod


    Glued the "ferrite core" to the "large inductor" (supplied image verified correct item under the hood)

    Supplied shrink wrap that was terribly thick and didn't shrink at all.

    My (put nicely) ugly outcome!


    If anyone is interested in the full size images feel free to PM me. Also, I took more than I uploaded.

  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Looks like the output filter inductor. It, along with output filter cap attenuates the PWM chopping to get a smooth sinewave output.

    Increasing the inductance or reducing output filter cap value will reduce the idle current somewhat. It further isolates the output filter cap.

    Downside is it may reduce surge current capability. Too much inductance results in instability.
  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Interesting, a worthwhile mod.... probably not then?

  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Depends on where they targeted original design and how much idle current it saves for you.

    If you are just running with significant loads then would not be worth changing.
  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    They say it drops the idle wattage from about 20W to 10W. Most of my loads are 5W to 250W (oversized I know) but I sometimes forget the inverter on with no loads so I felt it might help.
  • boB
    boB Solar Expert Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    It should reduce idle but at the same time NOT reduce surge.

    Interesting looking "core" though. Was it just a "rod" as it looked like
    in the picture ?

  • n3qik
    n3qik Solar Expert Posts: 741 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    I also have an Exeltech XP1100 running light loads. So, did the standby drop??

    Also have had very good customer support from Exeltech.
  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    boB wrote: »
    It should reduce idle but at the same time NOT reduce surge.

    Interesting looking "core" though. Was it just a "rod" as it looked like
    in the picture ?


    Yes, it was just a small looking "rod" maganent type thing...

    n3qik wrote: »
    I also have an Exeltech XP1100 running light loads. So, did the standby drop??

    Also have had very good customer support from Exeltech.

    I actually just purchased a clamp on amp meter last night from Sears, I'll report back. Unfortunatly I do not know what the power draw was before hand...:blush:

  • SteveK
    SteveK Solar Expert Posts: 387 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Is this a late model XP-1100? I saw online that the newer one's already have this installed. Both of mine did not and I saw the idle consumption drop from 19W to 11W so it works. Can't speak for the surge.

    Prices vary wildly for this mod online from 3 to 25 dollars.
  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Good to hear! Did you add this mod yourself? Pics? Did I do it correctly? As far as price, I simply inquired about this feature and they simply asked for my address and shipped me the 2 parts needed for free... cant beat that really...

  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    n3qik wrote: »
    I also have an Exeltech XP1100 running light loads. So, did the standby drop??

    Also have had very good customer support from Exeltech.

    I just got my XP1100 from Wind & Sun last week. It was manufactured in May of this year and it didn't have the low idle kit already installed. I ordered that as well and it just came today. I installed the kit myself and looking at my Trimetric 2020 before and after I'd say I saved 300ma. Before it showed 1A, now it's .7A Shave 100ma off of both figures because I forgot to unplug my Kill-a-Watt Meter when I was looking at the Trimetric. So true low idle mode for me is now about .6A.

    That shrink wrap sure is tough!! it took forever with the hair dryer.. and I had to do it in shifts because the entire board was getting way too hot for my comfort level. Here are a few pics of my install. I did something slightly different from the way the OP did his. I carefully cut the glue separating the inductor from that red capacitor thing so the wrap would sit nice and flat.

    Installing low idle kit by jdr*photo, on Flickr

    Installing low idle kit by jdr*photo, on Flickr

    I'm very happy with the XP1100 so far (only a week with it), but one question remains. My Kill-a-watt meter always shows 108 volts for the inverter output. Looking at the specs for both the 100v & 120v models (mine is 120). The +- 6% output doesn't fall within spec for my unit it seems. I know the unit will derate voltage beyond 86 degrees F, but the fan has never run yet, and the unit has barely ever been warm to the touch (max of about 160watt load so far).

    What output voltage is everyone else getting from their Exeltech XP1100's?? I have an email into Exeltech, but haven't heard from them yet.

  • n3qik
    n3qik Solar Expert Posts: 741 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Kill-a-watt on mine inverter is 119.1 VAC
    JESSICA Solar Expert Posts: 289 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    JDR*energy wrote: »
    I just got my XP1100 from Wind & Sun last week. It was manufactured in May of this year and it didn't have the low idle kit already installed. I ordered that as well and it just came today. I'm very happy with the XP1100 so far (only a week with it), but one question remains.
    My Kill-a-watt meter always shows 108 volts for the inverter output. Looking at the specs for both the 100v & 120v models (mine is 120). The +- 6% output doesn't fall within spec for my unit it seems. I know the unit will derate voltage beyond 86 degrees F, but the fan has never run yet, and the unit has barely ever been warm to the touch (max of about 160watt load so far).

    What output voltage is everyone else getting from their Exeltech XP1100's?? I have an email into Exeltech, but haven't heard from them yet.


    First: Why is it that Exeltech does not install the kit themselves at the factory and just charge a couple of $ more for the unit?

    Second: I had two of them, 117 volts, even with a small fridge plugged. By the way, Exeltech custommer service is great. They will do whatever it takes to help you in case of trouble.
  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    After seeing your results I decided to call Exeltech this morning. Wow their customer support is nice. Spoke to a very knowledgeable tech within 15 seconds of placing the call.

    Duh.. I should have done this first... but he wants me to double check the kill-a-watt meter. I also have a Fluke multimeter I can use to verify as well.

    He did say if the Fluke shows 108v they will RMA a new unit. That sure made me feel good about Exeltech! Not sure how many other companies would be so willing to help.

    Looks like I'm heading home over lunch to do some quick tests!
  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    JESSICA wrote: »
    First: Why is it that Exeltech does not install the kit themselves at the factory and just charge a couple of $ more for the unit?

    Jessica, to your first point.. Yeah that was my thought too.. the crazy thing is they will install the kit themselves.. the odd thing is that they charge MUCH more for the unit. Wind & Sun will sell you a unit with it factory installed.. I forget what they quoted me but it's something like $200 more for the unit.. they told me that THEIR cost is significantly more straight from Exeltech with it factory installed.

    My only guess is the demand for this option is low and they would have to deviate from their "normal" production run to produce these. therefore charging a premium.

    Or maybe it's because their labor rate is high and someone has to stand there for like 30 minutes with a hair dryer trying to get the crazy thick shrink wrap to shrink! Like I did! :)
  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    OK! after checking the XP1100 with my Fluke multimeter I'm happy to say it's measuring 118.6 volts. The Exeltech tech sounded very doubtful it was a bad unit. He said it went through at least 3 checks before it left the factory.

    Even though my Kill-a-watt meter let me down, I'll most likely buy another one since I'm not sure there is anything else as good on the market today. It has all of the features I need, and doesn't draw much energy.

    The sort of scary part is every other measurement on the kill-a-watt seems totally correct. watts, amps, Hz, PF etc. The fact that the voltage was just reported slightly low makes me realize you can't rely one just one device for any one data point.
    JESSICA Solar Expert Posts: 289 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    JDR*energy wrote: »
    OK! after checking the XP1100 with my Fluke multimeter I'm happy to say it's measuring 118.6 volts. The Exeltech tech sounded very doubtful it was a bad unit. He said it went through at least 3 checks before it left the factory.

    Even though my Kill-a-watt meter let me down, I'll most likely buy another one since I'm not sure there is anything else as good on the market today. It has all of the features I need, and doesn't draw much energy.

    The sort of scary part is every other measurement on the kill-a-watt seems totally correct. watts, amps, Hz, PF etc. The fact that the voltage was just reported slightly low makes me realize you can't rely one just one device for any one data point.

    I share your happiness.
    Your Exeltech is a very good inverter. In fact, it is capable of much more than 1,100 watts. Just be careful to put some screen around it, to protect it against roaches!
  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    JESSICA wrote: »
    I share your happiness.
    Your Exeltech is a very good inverter. In fact, it is capable of much more than 1,100 watts. Just be careful to put some screen around it, to protect it against roaches!

    Agreed! this is in a barn with plenty of critters! here are some shots of my screen add-on:

    added screen for bugs by jdr*photo, on Flickr

    added screen for bugs by jdr*photo, on Flickr

    I did some load tests on it today as well.. I was pleasantly surprised when it powered up my circular saw with no problems. My saw is rated 11 Amps! I also ran my shop vac on it for a while with some lights to keep a steady 800 watt load. I was mostly curious about the fan. it eventually kicked on, and wasn't loud at all, and seemed to move a decent amount of air. within about 10 seconds of removing the load the fan kicked off.

    I love this inverter so far!
  • TheBackRoads
    TheBackRoads Solar Expert Posts: 274 ✭✭
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod

    Nice install work JDR*energy! It also appears that your shrink wrap was smaller than mine as well. So far, no issues. My K-A-W P3 shows around 117.5V consistently.

  • JDR*energy
    JDR*energy Solar Expert Posts: 30
    Re: Exeltech XP1100 Low Idle Mod
    Nice install work JDR*energy! It also appears that your shrink wrap was smaller than mine as well. So far, no issues. My K-A-W P3 shows around 117.5V consistently.


    It was the same size. I kicked myself for not taking a picture of the original shrink wrap.. looking at your pictures it looks about the same original size... like twice as big as necessary!!

    I ended up purchasing a slightly different Kill-a-watt meter.. I got the P4480. It's pretty cool since it has 3 AAA batteries for backup to retain the settings and kWh readings. Pretty helpful since I don't have my inverter on all of the time. It's nice I will get a cumulative kWh measurement over time. the P4480 also is a timer, so I can turn loads on and off as I need to.

    I'm still slightly disappointing though.. this new unit is displaying about 2 volts lower than what my Fluke reads.. hopefully it's not messing up my calculations too bad for kWh. At least this unit isn't like 10+ volts low like the old kill-a-watt.

    Here is a shot of mine after about a day in use:

    Kill-A-Watt Timer by jdr*photo, on Flickr