charging with Outback VFX and MX60

hillbilly Solar Expert Posts: 334 ✭✭
I have a 24V set up with a VFX3524 inverter/charger, and an MX 60 Charge controller (both connected to a HUB and Mate). We've been using an old (and cheap) Generac generator for bulk charging and the occasional EQ, and overall the system works pretty well for us. There's always been one little quirk when charging with BOTH the generator and the PV array; the MX will taper off the PV input if the generator input is sufficient to push the voltage up to it's setpoint (either EQ or Abosorb). Since we just got a new EU200i generator with its "eco-throttle" this has become more of an important issue; since I'd like to be able to have the generator throttle back and use as many PV watts as possible.

I'm thinking I must've missed some super obvious setting on the mate programing or something but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone know if there is a way I can have the Mate tell the inverter to back off on it's charging current if there is sufficient PV current available (rather than the other way around)?


  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: charging with Outback VFX and MX60

    Nope. As far as I know there's no "favour MX over FX for charging" parameter. It'd be nice.

    The MX looks at the state of the battery. Battery being fed Voltage from another source, MX thinks it's higher than is and cuts back.
    Curiously, the FX charger works the same way. So does the Honda; lighten the load, they cut back.

    But what you can do is set the input limit for the AC Amps to a lower setting so the Honda will only function at 50% max.
  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: charging with Outback VFX and MX60

    You could back down the VFX bulk charge current setting to a low level. This will keep the full generator power passthrough capability to AC out loads.
  • hillbilly
    hillbilly Solar Expert Posts: 334 ✭✭
    Re: charging with Outback VFX and MX60

    Thanks Coot and RC,
    I have done both of those, I had just figured that there must've been a more sophisticated (ok, lazy) way of doing it. It's not a huge deal as long as I'm willing to manually manipulate the charging but I'm surprised that someone hasn't figured out how to do this.