Trace SW4024 issue


I'm new to the forum. I have a Trace SW4024 at a remote cabin. I went there to open it up for summer use. It was cut off from any current draw over the winter. When I arrived to activate it, the cooling fans were going and I had a red error light on. It said that it had an over-current condition. The unit was cold to the touch. I'm assuming that it was running all winter. I shut it off for about an hour. When I powered it back up, the problem came back. The following week, I brought my father up, he installed it and is an expert electronics wizard compared to me. We elected to remove it for servicing, however, he discovered that was easier said than done. We can't seem to find a reliable person or company to fix it. My father said he could do it if he had the wiring diagram, but Xantrex guarded that closely. I would think after all this time that someone would have leaked them online. I can't seem to find them anywhere. Any help would be appreciated.



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  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    even if you find somebody to do it or even a diagram of it you will not be readily able to find the parts for it as it has been discontinued for quite some time now. it may be time to replace it.
    running all winter?:confused: how are the batteries then?
  • Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    Batteries are fine. Charge controller works fine. I think it is one of the thermal sensors on the heat sink. There was no load at all on the unit.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    Over-current condition is caused by load, not necessarily associated with temp. It shuts down inverter and opens relay to ACin (if grid present).

    Over current is based on AC load current not DC from batteries.

    There is an alarm error readout for over temp which is different then over current alarm.

    I assume you disconnected ACout loads before resetting unit.

    The SW units are not servicing friendly due to way it is mechanically constructed. There are three PCB's (not counting the LCD module).

    1) Power control, contains main ACin relays, voltage and current sense mini transformers, and small RY control relays. It is the board with AC terminal connectors.

    2) MOSFET board, buried down near bottom of unit, sandwiched in the middle, with multiple large gauge wires from DC input terminals. Toughest board to get at and to work on. When one or more MOSFET's goes bad, there is often black smoke marks on this board, along with cracked MOSFET cases. If I recall, there are like 42 power MOSFET's in two rows which make up the three H-bridge drivers of the three power transformers. The temp sensor is mounted on heat sink of these MOSFET's.

    3) Main controller board, large (densely populated) board on top of unit. Don't mess with this as some component replacements can require recalibration which requires servicing software.
  • Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    I am having the same problem on my sw4024. the error message displayed is heatsink high temperature even though the unit is cold to the touch. the fan does not activate so I am wondering if the mosfet board is bad from your explanation above.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue
    I am having the same problem on my sw4024. the error message displayed is heatsink high temperature even though the unit is cold to the touch. the fan does not activate so I am wondering if the mosfet board is bad from your explanation above.

    The thermistor on the MOSFET board may be bad.
  • Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    I can put you in touch with my contacts that can repair the Trace SW4024 Inverter PC boards & have replacement Displays, fans, etc.
    I sent mother boards out to be repaired after a fierce electrical storm damaged them, and was very satisfied with the repairs!

    I did take another SW4024 inverter to have repaired when it had the Overheating, overtemp ERROR problem as mentioned in messages that were posted on this site.
    I hadn't used the inverter for some time, and when I energized it, the overtemp errors appeared. I took the inverter off the wall, drove almost 400 miles to have it repaired, only to discover that when they took the front cover off, that somehow a RAT had made a nest inside and CHEWED a transformer temperature sensor wire in half. No major repair but time consuming to clean the nest out. Once that was done and the RAT had his funeral, I was on my way home a Happy Camper!

    You can email me at: and I will provide you with phone numbers & addresses for repairs. This is my first POST & I hope this is of help !
  • Solar Expert Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    Welcome Jim

    With a story like that we usually like to see some pictures! :confused: Did you have a wiring knockout unplugged allowing the rat to move in?

  • Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Trace SW4024 issue

    I had installed a Magnum inverter for a friend, as he wanted 220vac. I also did a few other jobs for him & he traded me the SW4024. It was working fine when it was removed from his premises and was packed in the original Trace/Zantrex box.
    You are probably "RIGHT ON" about the RAT entering through a K.O. opening.
    I now remember that his storage building was cluttered and he had rat poison & traps around. It never occured to me that a RAT took a free ride home with me & lived in the box! It was several months later when I took the inverter from the box, hung it on the wall and discovered the OVERTEMP fault. I felt like a real jerk after taking a long trip to have it repaired and hearing the TECHNICIANS ROARING WITH LAUGHTER when they discovered the problem! OH WELL !


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