Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I can relate!
Just to clarify an important point...
The wind turbine you have (as shown in your picture) is NOT a HY Energy wind turbine.
That is not a HY-2000 wind turbine. It appears that you bought one of the cheaper WindMax V20 wind turbines. Those are not made by HY Energy. Those cheap V20 turbines are made by another factory (a bad one).
I had one of those junk 2kW turbines. The controller was defective from Day 1 and it hardly spun. It was like the brake was on all the time. After a LONG time, I finally got a replacement controller, and then it started to work. BUT, a short time later the turbine stator windings burned out and it spun out of control until it melted down inside and started to drag. JUNK!
Those WindMax V20 turbines are a nightmare. In comparison, the HY-2000 wind turbine has been a dream!
EdwardI finally got this system up and after a week the wind generator has stopped turning. It acts like it's being electricly braked but the brake switch is in "run". I hooked it up to a OUtback GTFX3048 and up until Saturday it was doing just fine. Now I can't figure out what's wrong with it. I powered down everything and started hooking things up one by one. When the inverter comes on it also charges the batteries. When that happens the charge controller for the the Windmax comes on and sends power to brake the turbine, I'm guessing it's doing this because it sees the 58v the Outback is sending to the battery bank. Once the Outback stops charging the batteries the Windmax should start up again and with charged batteries that power should be selling back to the grid. That's how it worked till Saturday. I guess I'm gonna have to lay down my tower and check the generator itself to see if there's something mechanical going on up there. We have plenty of wind with this approaching cold front but the rotor spins very slowly. It sure would be nice if there was some tech support and parts for these things. Hy-Energy needs to find a better distributor!
btw. I just wrapped that rubber damper with black electical tape and stuck it back on and as soon as I get a Mate for the Outback I'm shutting off it's charger. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbinewindwatts1 wrote: »I am a Windmax owner and very pleased with my turbines as well as my over all system due to my small site.
I noticed you have three wind turbines that appear attached
to your house over the roof.
Supposedly such attachments are not advisable...too much vibration
transmitted through to the house; and lots of turbulent airflow
coming off the roof which can make a turbine rotate out of the
air flow.
Have you observed any ill effects?
John -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I thought I'd post a little more updated information on my experience with the HY-2000 wind turbine. I continue to be very happy with my HY-2000 turbine. I shared some of this information elsewhere, but to keep this thread more up to date for future archive searches, I decided to add some of the information here as well.
First of all, the HY-2000 wind turbine system was working well. However, the appeal of all the features of the new Midnite Classic controller made me decide to make the switch. So, I removed the original HY-2000 controller from my system entirely and I set up a new control system based on the Midnite Classic 150.
For reference sake, here's some info on the Classic:
Here's a picture of my new wind turbine control system.
Here's a close up of the big aluminum heat sink:
Mounted on the heat sink (from top to bottom, from R to L in pic):
1) 3 phase rectifier to convert 3 phase AC turbine output to DC.
2) 3 phase AC solid state relay to limit turbine speed & voltage by diverting turbine power to 3 phase resistor/heater box.
3) DC solid state relay to divert power to water heater when batteries are fully charged.
Right now, things are working well. Recently, we had some winds that were blowing in the 20's with gusts up to 32mph. During some of those gusts, I was seeing OVER 4400 WATTS @ 32mph! That's 1000 WATTS MORE than the most I've ever seen with the old HY-2000 controller even when winds were over 40mph.
The MPPT of the Classic 150 allows the voltage in the turbine stator to go much higher. The turbine voltage is not clamped to the battery bank voltage like on a normal system. With MPPT, as the volts increase, then the amps decrease. This results in less current flowing through the stator winds (less heating) and less chance of stator burn out. In addition, my new set up allows me to program the exact turbine voltage where I want to start applying braking. So, I can set the maximum turbine RPM. More power, more reliable, and more safety features!
Here's a screen shot of my Classic 150 when it was peaking over 3800 watts. As I mentioned, I've seen it over 4400 watts so far and I haven't even had big winds yet.
I'm real happy with the Midnite Classic controller. I'm also very happy with my HY-2000 wind turbine. HY Energy did a great job. The HY-2000 wind turbine has exceeded my expectations. For more details on my wind turbine install, you can see here: After having this turbine up and running for so long, I can definitely recommend it to others. Just be sure that wind power is a good match for your area and your own abilities. If you don't have enough consistent wind at your location, then it doesn't matter how good the wind turbine is, because you won't get decent power without good wind. Also, if you don't want to have to tinker around with electrical or mechanical things, then you might not want to get a wind turbine.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I'm impressed!! That's quite a heat sink, not to mention quite a setup. 68amps @ 55.8 volts going into your batteries, wow that's real power. You can run an electric heater off of this. There aren't many RE systems around that can claim this, not on the homeowner level anyway.
I'm happy with my HY turbine as well. I've seen the current peak at 40 amps before going into dump mode in one extreme wind. That comes to around 560 watts which isn't bad for a turbine rated at 400 watts. The alternators on the HY turbines really rock. A tail extension would sort out most of the stability problems I've had which only happen at a certain wind speed range. It actually holds steady in face of the wind in both low and high winds, it's just in the middle range that it waivers.
The controllers that come with the HY turbines are good in overspeed control but are just plain dumb when it comes to battery charging. A MPPT controller for wind makes a lot of sense. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I got about $4,000.00 wrapped up in the whole wind system. My wind i would say around 60kW/ year. Not alot, no where near what solar can do but there is just something about the wind that i love. I can not go up any higher high due to where i live. I am very pleased with my system though. I have just added an HY 600 for a total of 3 WM turbines now. 1 HY 400w, 1 Hy 1000w, and 1 HY 600w all 24v. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I have no issues with vibrations. 2 of the turbines are pole mounted on the side of my home and one is roof mounted. I am limited to height but all systems a go. My system has been in operation now for 1.5 yrs and not 1 single problem. I have alot of documentaion on my system on youtube. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
By the way, "60kW/ year" should read 60kWH/year... (kilo Watt * Hours).
-Bill "yea, I know..." B.Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind TurbineI'm impressed!! That's quite a heat sink, not to mention quite a setup. 68amps @ 55.8 volts going into your batteries, wow that's real power. You can run an electric heater off of this. There aren't many RE systems around that can claim this, not on the homeowner level anyway.
The output of the HY-2000 wind turbine has really impressed me too. One night, when I was watching the power output peak at 4400W during different wind gusts, I was wondering how high it could go! At the time, I had my Classic programmed to start braking my wind turbine at around 110V and the winds were not as high as they can get during a good windstorm around here. I have already determined that I could run my turbine safely at 125V which should equate to around 750 RPM. So, there's a little more room for even more power to be extracted in high winds. I won't know how high until we get some strong winds over 30mph. Considering the size of the HY-2000 wind turbine, it amazes me how much power it can generate!
I haven't had my new control system running long, but so far the Classic has logged 25.9 kWh. If memory serves me right, that was mostly from 4 different days when we had some decent winds recently. We haven't even had any big wind days since I set up the new system. Biggest winds so far were in the 20's and peaking in low 30's on one occasion.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Some more show and tell...
I'm adding some thermostatically controlled fans to my heat sink as an added factor of safety (to try to increase reliability) helping to make sure that things don't get too hot.
I mounted the snap disc thermostat on the side of the heat sink.
I do not expect the fans to run much normally. I only expect them to run during extended high wind events, when the rectifier and solid state relays are putting out a lot of heat on an ongoing basis.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Hi there that is a nice setup.
Be careful the insulation from the generator is not by design good for higher voltage and can suddenly short/burn.
Also a higher RPM will give a higher centri. force on the blade hub fixings.
I have seen a blade braking in high wind on my setup and it was the biggest scare in my life
greetings from Greece -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind TurbineHi there that is a nice setup.
Be careful the insulation from the generator is not by design good for higher voltage and can suddenly short/burn.
Also a higher RPM will give a higher centri. force on the blade hub fixings.
I have seen a blade braking in high wind on my setup and it was the biggest scare in my life
greetings from Greece
I am hoping that the lower current flow in the stator windings will result in less heat and less chance for winding burn out. This higher voltage (and lower amperage) should allow the windings to run cooler. You bring up a good point though. If the peak voltage is too high, then it might be more likely to breach the winding insulation. Hopefully not! I am currently limiting my peak turbine voltage to 115V. I also use the Classic to control RPM with this peak voltage setting. I have my Classic programmed so when the voltage exceeds 115V, then the turbine is loaded down with a 3 phase resistor/heater box which slows it down. I also use this peak voltage setting to limit my max turbine RPM.
You are very right. A blade flying off would be very scary indeed! I would hate to see the damage or harm that could be caused by a turbine blade flying off at high speeds. In addition, if a blade broke in high winds (high rotor speed) then the terrible imbalance would probably shake the tower down, if things weren't shut down right away.
Thank you for your comments.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
We've had some nice winds today. Brisk and good for power, but not so strong as to worry about things being damaged.
During the past 13 hours or so, my HY-2000 with Classic 150 has logged 13.0 kwH.
The winds have been varying quite a bit throughout the day. They started off averaging around 15mph and then by late afternoon and early evening, they went up to around 25mph average. That was when the power was coming in nicely. Then the winds really dropped off tonight and right now it's around 10mph.
Yesterday was breezy, but much calmer and the turbine only put out around 6kwH.
Spring is a great time for wind power around here!
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Cool! :cool:
I like a report that includes actual power production from a wind system--that is so few and far between.
I would be very interested reading about your monthly numbers for a year+ worth of data.
-BillNear San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Hi Bill,
I'd like to keep track of my long term power production. This Spring, the power production should be good if the winds are as usual. Mid-summer will not be so great. That's where solar will come in. I'm hoping to add around 2kW solar this Summer. Fall around here can have some decent winds, and Winter is generally calm with an occasional wind storm.
I can see that the wind and solar should complement one another nicely.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbinekeyturbocars wrote: »
I can see that the wind and solar should complement one another nicely.
Indeed they do. When one goes, the other comes. I almost never have to turn on my backup generator. This winter I only had one night where power was totally down to zero. 2kw solar and 2kw wind is a good setup. My rule of thumb derived from experience is that wind watts and sun watts should be aproximately equal in a hybrid system at most latitudes. Then they fully complement each other and will be able to substite for each other as weather conditions change.
I finally got a weather station with an anemometer and got it up to test it this afternoon. Still has to be at least another 6-8 feet higher before I'm going to get decent data but I'm seeing how bad an idea it is to put a turbine too close to a rooftop today. I improvised a mount about 12' above the roof line and I can see the turbulence and the wind speed readings are going all over the place. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind TurbineI finally got a weather station with an anemometer and got it up to test it this afternoon. Still has to be at least another 6-8 feet higher before I'm going to get decent data but I'm seeing how bad an idea it is to put a turbine too close to a rooftop today. I improvised a mount about 12' above the roof line and I can see the turbulence and the wind speed readings are going all over the place.
Enjoy your weather station. I really like mine. What did you get? I had a LaCrosse weather station for about a year, but it finally died. I ended up getting a Davis Vantage Vue which was a bit more money than I wanted to spend, but I have been very happy with it.
Excellent quality and great weather data. I like the fact that it updates the wind data around every 2 seconds, so I can catch the speed of many of the bigger gusts.
I must confess that I've become a bit of a weather junkie.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbinekeyturbocars wrote: »Enjoy your weather station. I really like mine. What did you get? I had a LaCrosse weather station for about a year, but it finally died. I ended up getting a Davis Vantage Vue which was a bit more money than I wanted to spend, but I have been very happy with it.
Excellent quality and great weather data. I like the fact that it updates the wind data around every 2 seconds, so I can catch the speed of many of the bigger gusts.
I must confess that I've become a bit of a weather junkie.
A LaCrosse with a PC interface. The expected life span is 1-2 years. The Davis ones are much better but one with a PC interface and software would cost me about as much as another HY400 or a new battery bank and I can't justify spending that much money on one right now. Ideally, I should put the anemometer on the tower a few feet below the turbine but the logistics of doing it are a bit daunting and it wouldn't be worth it unless I had a really good anemometer. I just expect a good idea of what wind speeds are, not 100% accurate measurment with the current setup. Here is a good run down of the issues of accurate wind speed measurment for turbines: -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
MisterB, That's great that it came with a PC interface. I would like one as well, but I can't justify spending the money on one. The Davis weather station is a bit spendy. I ended up investing in one, because I also rely on good weather data for farming decisions. I really like that I can see accurate on the spot wind data too. I'm looking at it right now. 22mph... 25mph... 18mph.... (averaging around 20mph overall). Another good wind power day.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
It's a good wind day here as well. I've haven't been home most of the day and the turbine has been braked but the wind speed I'm reading now is around 15-20mph and the weather station records minimum and maximum values and todays maximum was 35mph. I would say that means at least 40 mph at the height of my turbine. I really like the weather station and I'm going to raise the anemometer another 6 - 8 feet soon.
I use the National weather service website-- my main weather forcast. There is a pinpoint forecast that uses google maps on their web page and I get a weather forcast that is pin pointed at a few hundred feet from my home. Much better than what I get from the local media which comes from a town 20 miles away with a very different micro climate.
And back to the main subject of this thread, HY turbines. My turbine is doing much better than a few months ago at all wind speeds. I was expecting some mechanical "wear in" from a new turbine and with the spring winds, it is definitely getting a work out. I also got a new AC/DC clamp meter and it looks like my old meter was reading a little bit low. I am going to have to make a test circuit to verify which of the 2 meters is giving the more accurate reading but I'm pretty sure it's the new one which means that most of what I've posted about what my turbine was putting out has been a bit lower than what it was actually doing--not huge but 10-20% under. The error would be greater at low wind speeds. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
That's good that your HY-400 is performing better now, MisterB.
Today was a great wind day over here. My Davis weather station showed that the wind started to pick up here around 3AM this morning and gradually built up speed later in the morning. It was averaging around 21-22mph throughout most of the day. Winds are starting to slow down now. It was a real, nice steady wind power day.
As of 10PM, according to my Classic 150 log, my HY-2000 has generated around 23.5 kwH over the past 19 hours.
In the past, these relatively constant Spring winds would start to annoy me. Now that I have a wind turbine, I have a different perspective when the wind blows around here. It takes something that used to be irritating, and makes it much more enjoyable.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Hi, I am looking at adding a wind unit to my off-grid solar system of 16 batts, 12-190 watt Evergreens and an Outback 3648 inverter. How do you like your HY-2000 and how high do you have it mounted? -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind TurbineHi, I am looking at adding a wind unit to my off-grid solar system of 16 batts, 12-190 watt Evergreens and an Outback 3648 inverter. How do you like your HY-2000 and how high do you have it mounted?
Hello mtjag,
I like my HY-2000 wind turbine. Mine is mounted about 40 feet high which is not high enough for most locations, but works OK for me because of the prevailing wind direction and surrounding terrain.
I will say that I don't think wind is best for everyone. Solar is probably a much better choice for most people. For the small percentage of people that actually have a good location for wind and if that person is mechanically and electrically inclined and willing to tinker on their wind turbine system, then it might be something worth considering.
I think I noticed that you are in Colorado at higher elevations. Looks like it could be a mountain property. What is the surrounding terrain like on your property? Lots of trees? How much wind do you get?
If you are not 100% sure of your wind resources, then I'd recommend investing in a good weather station and keep track of the winds at your place. If you don't have winds that are at least 15-20mph (and up) somewhat regularly, then a wind turbine will not be very useful. I'd invest in the weather station first. If you end up getting a wind turbine, then you will want (if you are like me) to have a weather station with anenometer anyway to see what your wind turbine is producing in different winds. What you don't want to do is invest all the time and money on a wind turbine system only to realize that it was a bad match for you and your location!
Personally, I would buy a HY-2000 wind turbine again. HY Energy has done a very good job designing it, and I think that it is an excellent wind turbine. I was a little concerned about the controller reliability long term, but I have changed over to a Classic 150 based system on my HY-2000. Also, a few months ago I was e-mailing HY Energy with some questions, and they told me that they would be releasing new controllers for their wind turbines soon. Might be almost ready to release the new controllers right about now.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
It is breezy this evening, and I took this short video clip of my HY-2000 wind turbine. The sun was going down so the video is a bit dark, but you can at least hear the sound of the HY-2000. It makes a "swooshing" sound which is not too loud at all. When wind speeds hit around 38mph, then the blades are designed to aerodynamically twist/stall to slow the rotor, and then it gets loud.
This video clip is 1.4Mb so if you click on this link, it might take a little while for the video to load and start playing (depending on your internet connection speed). Winds were around 15-20mph during this clip.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Because of the change of seasons, and the fact that I live on a small farm, I've been distracted more with activities outside lately. As a result, I've not spent as much time on the forums as earlier in the winter.
I thought I'd give a brief update on my experience with my HY-2000 wind turbine. I've had it running for around 8 months now and so far so good. I am also very happy with my Midnite Classic 150 that now controls my HY-2000 wind turbine. The Classic has been doing a great job.
I have set up a 3 level of fail safe in case of a complete failure of my turbine control electronics. On the AC side of my rectifier, I can manually divert 3 phase AC power to a 3 phase heater box. On the DC side of my rectifier, I have a 4kW resistor bank load which I can maually activate. In addition, I have the typical 3 phase short circuit switch wired in place.
So, in the event of an emergency shut down, I would load down the turbine by diverting 3 phase power to the heater box. Then I would further load down the turbine with the large 4kW resistor box. Finally, after slowing down the turbine with the heavy loads, I would flip the 3 phase short circuit switch. That's the plan at least. Based on testing, it should work as long as the wiring going to the turbine head (and the stator windings themselves) are in tact. Hopefully I will NEVER need to do this. So far, the Classic has been working great. However, I still have vivid memories of runaway turbine in the past, so this time I have tried to make sure I have multiple options as a backup plan!
Speaking of planning ahead... I have never heard of a HY wind turbine blade failing, but since I have a mechanical engineering background, I am taking some precautions. The HY blades are reinforced nylon. Those that are familiar with materials know that nylon is a tough material. Glass reinforced nylon is very tough. However, UV rays can damage nylon over time. Nylon itself is not inherently the best material for resisting UV damage. I did my research and I am periodically applying a product known as 303 Aerospace Protectant. It has a very strong track record in actually preventing UV damage. My wind turbine is only on a 37 foot tower, so being a bit of an engineer/farmer/redneck, I bought a long 30' aluminum telescoping pole and added on a section of PVC pipe to get the right height. I then ran a plastic supply line up to a sprayer nozzle at the end. I modified a small pump up sprayer (such as used for spraying weed killer). Periodically, I take this monstrous sprayer out to the turbine and spray 303 Aerospace Protectant on the blades! It's quite a sight to behold. I'd take a picture and show you, but I've already got my hands full trying to balance a 30+ foot pole in the air.I plan to do this every couple months in the Summer as a precaution. During the winter, I plan to do a treatment in late Fall and then not worry about it until Spring, since the sun rays are not as strong during the winter months.
I like to be proactive, and I've learned that preventative maintenance is much better than making repairs later.
Better safe than sorry,
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Thanks for the correction Bill -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I'm French and new to this forum.
I bought a wind windmax HY 1000. I saw that you were happy with your wind turbine 2KW. After a few power measurements, I noticed that the production starts at 20 volts. What I do not understand is that for winds averaging 8 to 10 mph, it produces between 20 and 50 watts, which does not correspond at all with graphics manufacturer. I take these data as output battery charge controller. What do you think? Thank you for your answers. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Hello Mikael,
Welcome to the forum.
At 8-10mph, there is very little energy in the wind for producing power. It sounds like your HY-1000 might be working normally. I think the 1000 watts rated power is at 28mph of wind.
On my HY-2000 wind turbine, 8-10mph is when it starts to produce power, but not much more than what you are getting out of your HY-1000. Then when the winds get into the teens, it starts to produce much more. When the winds hit 20mph and above, then the turbine is really producing some impressive power. That's just the nature of wind turbines. There is very little power in low wind conditions. 8-10mph is not enough wind for any wind turbine to produce much useful power.
I think that the wind turbine power curves are shown as:
POWER (watts) vs WIND SPEED (m/s)
Were you looking at the power graph and thinking that 8-10 was MPH when it is really rated in METERS/SECOND?
By the way, it has been windy around here today with winds averaging around 18-20mph. Since early morning, my HY-2000 has generated around 23 kwh and it's still going strong. Wind power is great if you're in an area which has good winds.
Edward -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
hello thank you for your reply Edward
looking at the chart at 8-10 mph in the wind turbine is planned to provide about 400W and I have about 30W
24H 8-10 mph of average production I have a 170W
I see my tour but not wind turbine production
have you done any comparisons of your wind turbine manufacturer with graphics
I thought a malfunction of the regulator load -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
Are you referring to this graph on the Windmax site?
If so, there must be an error in the "100RPM=2.24mph". There is NO way that a small wind turbine like this (not even the HY-3000) would be able to produce 400 watts of power in the 8-10mph range.
By the way, that graph is posted by Windmax which is not the manufacturer. They are the US based dealer/distributor for HY Energy. Unfortunately, it appears they have made a mistake (hopefully not purposely) in their graph. In the past, when I got information from the HY Energy factory directly, they were very professional and gave me lots of good information (which I found to be accurate).
In fact, based on the information that HY Energy factory sent me directly, my HY-2000 wind turbine actually produces MORE than the factory graphs show.
Again, I think the problem with that graph that Windmax posted on their site is the "100RPM = 2.24mph". This can not be true if it means that 8-10mph = 400 watts! Impossible for such a small wind turbine.
PS. I just realized that perhaps that "100RPM = 2.24mph" should really be "100RPM = 2.24 m/s". That would make a lot more sense. Then 8-10 m/s would be 18-22mph. 400W at those speeds for that HY-1000 wind turbine would make sense. -
Re: Windmax HY-2000 2kW Wind Turbine
I just went to the HY Energy website and found this graph posted by the factory for the HY-1000.
If you want more information, the graph can be found on this page:
So, now I am convinced that the 400W is in the 8-10 m/s range. In fact, according to the graph posted on the manufacturer's website, 400W would be at around 9 m/s which is close to 20mph.
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