Midnite Classic CC Watch

Solar Expert Posts: 3,208 ✭✭✭✭
Seems that the Midnite Classic Charge Controller really is getting closer to shipping production units ...
Personally, I am still pacing back and forth waiting ... boB has been almost completely absent here, so, he must be finishing up all of the fine details of the Classic.
I can hardly wait ! Need a couple more CCs, and brand X does NOT cut it.
Some vendors may be taking preorders.
Personally, I am still pacing back and forth waiting ... boB has been almost completely absent here, so, he must be finishing up all of the fine details of the Classic.
I can hardly wait ! Need a couple more CCs, and brand X does NOT cut it.
Some vendors may be taking preorders.
Off Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum.
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
Well that is a real old update but here is the latest.
The Classic is in the process of ETL testing this should take 3-4 weeks I presume and it has been there for a week or so. The production facility has been procured and machinery is flowing in. Production parts are being ordered and boB and several other engineers (I think it is 8 total) are feverishly finishing software.
The Classic is very feature packed and one of the best features is the up loadable software. This can be done over a usb cable or over the home network or even over the internet if you so desire.
The Classic has a built in web server so you will be able to access it over the internet through a server so there will be regular web pages that you can access from anywhere you have internet access
And best of all it comes with a display standard and it talks in 3 languages so far.
Look for the Classic to start flowing out in smaller quantities at first real soon.
Thank you all for being so patient and I promise it is worth the wait we are truly forging new ground in the industry. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
Hi HC,
Thanks for the Update. Great news. Yea, that 'watch' was dated, BUT it had been freshened up with the addition of a number of the Midnite helper's info.
Will be adding more PV soon. Had thought that the XW SCC would be adequate for some of my needs, but was surprised just how DUMB that box was ... OH that makes ME DUMB for buying it ! Have said this before, the MX-60 (to me) is far superior to the XW, and the MX was designed about 8 years ago (+/-). So, expect that the Midnite will be another leap foreward.
Thanks Have Fun, & have fun on the radio, too. Vic K6ICOff Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
and you guys can know that boB used the input and feedback from this forum too to help in its design so we helped to mold it.:D:cool: -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watchand you guys can know that boB used the input and feedback from this forum too to help in its design so we helped to mold it.:D:cool:
Yep, you got that right, Niel !
There will be some features, (software), that will have to be upgraded, but yes, it is real close now. And yes, I have been working and not posting very much.
I also had to take a 3 week vacation in June -- early July to Polynesia, including a total solar eclipse, unfortunately... (my wife MADE me)... However, I DID have my laptop with me.
In fact, here is a picture of me working while on the cruise through the Marqueses Islands on our way back to Tahiti... I could get real used to working that way !!
boB -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
That life does look tough !
Thanks for the post boB, but, BACK TO WORK, ... please.
73 GL VicOff Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum. -
Off Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum.
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
No matter how hard I look at that picture (above), I just don't see boB anywhere. All I see is the bikini bather in the middle. Strange.4.5 kw APC UPS powered by a Prius, 12 kw Generac, Honda EU3000is -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchNo matter how hard I look at that picture (above), I just don't see boB anywhere. All I see is the bikini bather in the middle. Strange.
See, with me it's no matter how hard I look I don't see a MidNite Classic I can order. Not that I likely will -- it's priced well above the competition's products and I've yet to be convinced it delivers more value on the price. But see my first sentence ... -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
(this sentence is padding to make this post at least 18 characters in length)4.5 kw APC UPS powered by a Prius, 12 kw Generac, Honda EU3000is -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchSee, with me it's no matter how hard I look I don't see a MidNite Classic I can order. Not that I likely will -- it's priced well above the competition's products and I've yet to be convinced it delivers more value on the price. But see my first sentence ...
Where to start:
Classic 150 96 amp unit List price 850.00
Ground fault protection FREE
Arc fault protection FREE
Remote access and logging via the internet FREE
FM80 list price of 849.00
Ground fault protection 95.00
Arc fault protection NOT AVAILABLE
Remote access and logging via the internet YOU BUY THIS FROM JULIE $????
It is like getting 16 amps of capacity for a dollar and free ground fault and arc fault. Production units have started flowing out of MidNite's facility. and to compare the 2 units is apples to oranges not only does the Classic out produce the FM80 in solar mode it has so many features it is crazy.
I suspect Julie is upset because she sees the value added stuff we at MidNite are giving away with the equipment that she sells. This is the future of solar equipment.
I will have to type up a full rite up on the feature comparisons between the 2 controllers Just for Julie I suspect most everyone else is aware of how great anything boB designs is even Julie is she is just flat convinced Outback is the best thing ever period UMMMM who built Outback???? -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
Oh yeah can you upload new firmware over the internet to your Outback???? -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
And to show I am not bashing Outback:
Apollo T80 849.00
No ground fault or Arc fault or internet access although it does come with a Trimetric
Xantrex XW MPPT60 685.00 this would equate to 913.33 for an 80 amp unit
Ground fault FREE
Morning Star TS MPPT 60 with display 773.00 this would equate to 1030.67 for an 80 amp unit
Ground fault NOT AVAILABLE
Internet accessibility built in although it is no where near plug and play -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
In all fairness I would wish to point out that most vendors sell outback 60, xw 60 and the morningstar 60 at about the same price of between $500 and $530 (price at NAWS is $530). I think it is more fair to compare the retailer's price and not the listed price. We have yet to see what the retailers price of the Classic is. Again to be fair the classic 150V outputs 96A at the 12v setting, 94A at the 24v setting and 86A at the 48v setting so you may have to relook you "back of the napkin" calculations half. So the additional or potential Amps is dependent upon the system voltage to be honest and fair. Would you agree half?
I am still a big fan of the classic and can't wait till I get one or two.
From personal experience i purchased an xw brand new last year Dec for $475. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch1/2,
In all fairness I would wish to point out that most vendors sell outback 60, xw 60 and the morningstar 60 at about the same price of between $500 and $530 (price at NAWS is $530). I think it is more fair to compare the retailer's price and not the listed price. We have yet to see what the retailers price of the Classic is. Again to be fair the classic 150V outputs 96A at the 12v setting, 94A at the 24v setting and 86A at the 48v setting so you may have to relook you "back of the napkin" calculations half. So the additional or potential Amps is dependent upon the system voltage to be honest and fair. Would you agree half?
I am still a big fan of the classic and can't wait till I get one or two.
From personal experience i purchased an xw brand new last year Dec for $475.
My figures where based on 80 amps for just that reason I did not calculate the costs based on 96 amps and if we can not compare list price to list price what can we compare????? -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
Ok one more time for good measure I am comparing all these controllers based on dollar per amp output and I am taking the Classic, FM80 and Apollo straight at list price and calling all 3 80 amp controllers
Classic 150 volt list price 850.00
Outback FM 80 list price 849.00
Apollo T80 list price 849.00
Xantrex XW MPPT 60 recalculated to compare to 80 amps 913.33
Morningstar TS MPPT 60 recalculated to 80 amps as well 1030.67
I Do not see the point in bickering over which retailer sells what for how much. The list price is the starting ground for every dealers discount so it is as good a comparison as any.
I also do not see how you can say the Classic is priced well above the competition? -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchI suspect Julie is upset because she sees the value added stuff we at MidNite are giving away with the equipment that she sells. This is the future of solar equipment.
I will have to type up a full rite up on the feature comparisons between the 2 controllers Just for Julie I suspect most everyone else is aware of how great anything boB designs is even Julie is she is just flat convinced Outback is the best thing ever period UMMMM who built Outback????
Oh, G-d bless, Ryan. I'll make money adding value to what boB did at MidNite the same as I make money adding value to what boB did at OutBack.
Here's some basic facts --
1). Most people with 48 volt systems aren't pushing all those amps. Sorry -- just a fact.
2). Most people update their firmware very infrequently, and if they do -- I wouldn't buy the gear because any product that needs frequent firmware updates has got issues.
3). Is the MidNite's builtin web server also going to provide web services for your OutBack / Xantrex / SMA / Magnum / Fronius / e-i-e-i-o inverter?
4). Same question, only battery monitors this time.
5). Same question, only contactors this time.
I'm just not a MidNite fanboy (or fangirl) is all. Would I be one if boB had sent me a Classic? No.
I like things with a proven track record. The Classic doesn't exist in the retail space yet. How do you expect me to like it? -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchI'm just not a MidNite fanboy
Hmm? LOL
Now this will be my last post because Julie has already made up her mind the Classic is overpriced ( And has not shown me my error in math) and will not work. But for everyone else I want to clear up a couple things:
MidNite's web server could take data from other devices and report that over the internet and control devices that allowed 3rd party control. Will we at MidNite do this we do not know.
Also I agree not every one has a 48 volt battery bank with 80 amps of dc input but I fail to see the relevance? Some people have 12vdc or 24vdc or 60vdc or 120vdc or any other different voltage in the middle. Some people still have and use Trace C series controllers and like them.
Firmware just because we made upgrading firmware extra easy why does that mean the product is junk? Any one here familiar with boB knows that he will continue to add features and some if not all at users requests? And just for Julie the early FM's where junk without new firmware and I do not see you ragging on Outback
As far as the product not being in the retail market MidNite has done the longest beta test of any manufacturer. Any one see Outback beta test the FM 60 nor 80 for any length of time? Also any one familiar with Wind power will fully understand there will always be changes new turbines to market will require new power curves to be uploaded etc.
So to end my Rant and apologize to everyone who could care less If anyone is familiar with the work the guys did at Trace, Xantrex and Outback than they know they will not be disappointed with MidNite and we have also convinced them to make setup and navigation super easy unlike the mate. Also no special devices or cords are needed to network or run MidNite products the MidNite Graphical display runs all the MidNite product line. And comes standard on the Classic You can also have multiple displays on one device if you desire. You can get a blank display if you have multiple units and don't want multiple displays to save a few bucks -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchHmm? LOL
Now this will be my last post because Julie has already made up her mind the Classic is overpriced ( And has not shown me my error in math) and will not work. But for everyone else I want to clear up a couple things:
Now you're just plain making things up, and I resent it.
Will the Classic likely be a great product? Sure. Do I think it's being hyped? Sure.
That's it!
I was in high-tech long enough to know that the most recent product is always the one with all the new whiz-bang features, and all the best hype. That's no excuse to replace system components every year when someone comes out with something newer and better and more different because next year, someone else is going to come out with something else newer and better and more different.
I'm a cynic. We take longer to convince because we're, you know, cynical ... -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchMidNite's web server could take data from other devices and report that over the internet and control devices that allowed 3rd party control. Will we at MidNite do this we do not know.
Just my two cents - SNMP rocks.
If a device has an Ethernet interface, then give me an MIB so I can poll the unit using standard SNMP and I'm a happy camper. If it can send traps that's even better.
EDIT: Oh, and email notification of errors is pretty handy as well. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchJust my two cents - SNMP rocks.
If a device has an Ethernet interface, then give me an MIB so I can poll the unit using standard SNMP and I'm a happy camper. If it can send traps that's even better.
EDIT: Oh, and email notification of errors is pretty handy as well.
Modbus + SNMP = The Bomb. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
1. Do these have fans that need replacing like the Outbacks? I'm needing an 80amp MPPT and talked with a service rep at Outback today and was told that some users go 5 years before changing a fan, while a few change them up to twice a year in harsh environments!! At least she was honest, the customer service seems reliable (from what I read), and the firmware updates & fan parts are free, but I can't afford the headache of temporarily being without power due to a clumsy controller.
2. Can anyone attest to MidNite's customer service?
3. MidNite has the price for the Classic 150 posted as $850, yet the following sites list it for $750:
what gives?
4. Any updates as to when I can buy one?
5. Is anyone here in the forums (besides boB) testing one and if so, have they posted any conclusions?
Thanks. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch1.
3. MidNite has the price for the Classic 150 posted as $850, yet the following sites list it for $750:
what gives?
I can tell you that the $850, $900 and $950 are list prices and are fairly recent because not long ago, we weren't sure what the actual cost was to build the Classics.
Anything lower than these prices on the internet are either pre-official list prices or a dealer discount. Kind of like where some have bought the TS-MPPT 60 for $500 online where its list price is quite a bit higher than that.
boB -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
MidNites customer service is and will be stellar they are also the ones that built Outback so that should tell you something.
The Classic does have fans but they are a lot higher quality so we hope to have them last a good long time and if need be you can change the fans your self with just a screwdriver and a few minutes time.
The prices you see listed on MidNite's sight are List prices they will of course be available well below list price just like any thing else in the solar market.
I have been extensively testing these units for 2 years now and have been very impressed it is a bullet proof excellent controller and it is so easy to setup and program it is not funny there is even a wizard that walks you through every step of setup if you prefer. You will not be disappointed I promise -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
Halfcrazy. Is there a string chart for the midnight controlers yet? I have seen them advertised at a reasonable cost and want to get one ordered. Solarvic -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchHalfcrazy. Is there a string chart for the midnight controlers yet? I have seen them advertised at a reasonable cost and want to get one ordered. Solarvic
Solarvic, are they being sold & shipped now? What's the best price you've found? I've found the Classic 150 advertised for $610 here:
http://www.wholesalesolar.com/products.folder/controller-folder/MidniteClassicChargeController.html -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
I will see if we can get the set up wizard on the home page it has string sizing in there. The first batch of production units are being wrapped up as we speak. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
My few cents,
The founders of Midnite also founded Outback. Outback has stellar customer support--It seems genetic in the formation of the company. My expectation is that this genetic material is also dominant at Midnite. I am sure that the Midnite support will also be setllar ... whatta I know ?
To me, the MX-60 is a great CC, and blows away new entrants like the XW SCC in features, like having many configuration options, and even the novel Aux output ! I believe that the MS TS60 MPPT also lacks the all-important (to me) Aux output.
Am now in the process of adding a number of additional Solar Panels. While I have additional capacity in the existing MX-60, the new panels will have a different Vmp, so an additional CC is required. The higher Voc (Hyper) of the Midnite Classic is a large benefit to me. Having two Aux outputs/input is also a large benefit (to me) as well. I still cannot wait to get my hands on one or two.
The Midnite folks have my vote. This competition is healty. VicOff Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes. 25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel, Honda Eu6500isa, Eu3000is-es, Eu2000, Eu1000 gensets. Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchMy few cents,
The founders of Midnite also founded Outback. Outback has stellar customer support--It seems genetic in the formation of the company. My expectation is that this genetic material is also dominant at Midnite. I am sure that the Midnite support will also be setllar ... whatta I know ?
The Midnite folks have my vote. This competition is healty. Vic
I can personally assure you the customer service will be second to none. -
Re: Midnite Classic CC Watch
While we are watching the Classic can someone tell me the price of the clipper?
Chuck -
Re: Midnite Classic CC WatchSolarvic, are they being sold & shipped now? What's the best price you've found? I've found the Classic 150 advertised for $610 here:
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