How to Reduce the standby current for Low Frequency Power Jack inverters

Fabian Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭
I have a 10,000watt power jack 48v LF 120/220vac split phase power inverter with high standby current . I don't want to use it in power save mode.
I want to use it in normal mode and still have a low standby current draw.
Can I reduce the standby current significantly by installing an inductor inside and if yes where exactly should I place it and does the power jack comes with a built in inductor which I would have to bypass?

Here is a link for the inverter:|enc:AQAGAAACAAzjp2g73yhKyw7FW8C0Mv82d9BP%2BX939%2BkM7SEOPIzgzNLRB7I0bCT0m1cjCaNh%2B7EIWjZaGG46zCQFFgrXUfRbvfu9d%2F%2B4oUP95JkwGujHFaMeTGcp0img0amlzEnpd2dL2X12IDbGTxrNeo9vFbfL%2BxknGoWEY2hy3woh4FkKjvd%2FqeGQ%2BQhejO3eFsLJNp9OuZ9z3yOX%2FQi%2B6OtE2IlH30%2BNvTgMlAyL8tHYEklt5AnfsdNhY7q9l4vz1VRQCHTHzQ70trMCZCBetLRYsYrIez9%2FqFk4sqauCFVkNxBfkJLgo1HZdwwDAiY4pgdafgCjqTk30mMf1d4Aj8GJi6C%2BKVs1m%2BELuijnhIw%2FtRi3A31xVr7mu13dHq9fenvdAVLXdMd9KLSnybfDSD4Jyykh2fdpGZHJmlkGgMLuMhbIpLg5sqZsldEqj%2Bv7xkFmA%2B4ZQ88iXS1CHUTQ2lfzeP%2Fo2wK4n2xmgCzytu3NdQslR2sUA%2FMmwSxJFVPcZyINEkCpFD2lvwa6fHJgz%2FvkEBGW8STAwM7xQN6%2BfksrBX%2FZWqwrIjqX2rn%2BX5dv4mWNBr53Of0wITqB%2BNww%2Frhg2OWRPkzyvz4VxLVKVDdO2syXBARaUEeMcPQkNc3NTEQhMdAgyvGZrrud0P7fVy%2BnDxEjV9maGZiLlKU%2BfIbKdxfG|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2047675

Here is the link for the inuctor:


  • boB
    boB Solar Expert Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭✭
    What is the idle current at the moment ?

    Your idea may work ?
  • Fabian
    Fabian Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭
    If the inverter is powering some loads for example exactly 300watt worth of loads I am using and at normal mode draws 3 amps just to standby. If I use a  wattage meter and check I would be in fact drawing the 300watt worth of loads plus the 3 amps that the inverter takes to operate or is it that once the inverter is powering some loads then that 3 amps would be auto decrease as it would not be in standby mode currently.
  • RCinFLA
    RCinFLA Solar Expert Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Other then using standby mode there is nothing you can do to reduce no load current.

    The larger the inverter wattage, the more MOSFET's to drive.  This takes more driver power.

    Some inverters turn off switching on some of the parallel MOSFET's when load is light to reduce idle current but this has downside for sudden surge current loads like AC motors.