Looking for a Unicorn Inverter PSW 24V to 230 AC No Charger

tr0y Solar Expert Posts: 99 ✭✭✭
Hi All - 
I have used the search button, searched our host's site, used the google machine extensively and now asking for the collective brilliance of this board. 
I am looking for a 24V DC input to 230/240V AC output. I would prefer it be PSW, No charger as I have that covered and hopefully available in the US but I am willing to ship one in. 
If a quality brand inverter charger will support this I am willing to look at it, but I will still need my 120 AC to work. 
My use case is 208V AC mini split AC and Heat system in an RV situation, I have an existing system 24v and large lithium battery bank ( 15kwh ) any thoughts would be appreciated. 
