MorningStar SunLight 12 vdc, 10 amp Solar Charge Controller

ILFE Solar Expert Posts: 364 ✭✭
Howdy All,

I have a 12vdc, 10amp MorningStar SunLight charge controller.

I have an available 135 watts module. Will that module burn up the controller if I connect it to the the panel? I live in SE Asia, so cold temperatures are not going to happen. I am thinking no, because the Isc is only 8.19 amperes?

Attachment not found.

Input, please?



  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: MorningStar SunLight 12 vdc, 10 amp Solar Charge Controller

    It should work fine.
    Keep in mind it won't work without a battery though.
  • ILFE
    ILFE Solar Expert Posts: 364 ✭✭
    Re: MorningStar SunLight 12 vdc, 10 amp Solar Charge Controller

    LOL. Yeah. The 12vdc battery was already connected to the controller. I was just being cautious prior to changing modules (from 100 watts to 135 watts).

    Thank you.