System design help needed



  • gww1
    gww1 Solar Expert Posts: 963 ✭✭
    Re: System design help needed

    My uncles collect scrap and when I started playing with windturbins I got lots of stuff from them to play with. I then had to move for work and lost that resource. I will be moving back but going that rout sometimes takes some time and I now have scavinged enough stuff and spent a lot of time gethering componants and I am getting excited to get someting done. I will probly screw myself getting in a hurry. I am watching craigs list and stuff but I am also working a bunch of overtime so I can retire early and get back home. If I can gether the stuff before I get there I will but once I am there I want to get it up.

    I thank you for the link. I have looked at them bus bars but I think I need to leave the batteries with 4/0 wire and those bars only go to 1/0.

    PS When I started my solar rack I could have cut ceder post and put them in concret and covered them but since I only had two weeks I bought all new and It was definatly not as cheep and maybe not as sturdy. Iv'e been thinking for a couple years and really want to get it up.
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: System design help needed

    no problem, and i did not mean to imply those particular bus bars would suffice, but rather i just wanted to show an example. i'm sure there are some out there that can accommodate the #0000 wire.

    i'm also quite sure there would be a place you can go in the meantime for the wire as every home that gets torn down the guys doing this don't throw the wire away and they would take that wire somewhere to be paid per pound for it. many older large homes and many businesses too do have large gauge copper wire as service entrance wire.
  • gww1
    gww1 Solar Expert Posts: 963 ✭✭
    Re: System design help needed

    Its time to start looking. Good suggestion.
    Thank you