mcgivor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

  • Re: Strange behavior with XW6848+ today

    @DickyDck What are your charging voltage setpoints for the inverter and charge controller? The inverter should be slightly lower for example 0.1V, this would allow the PV to take priority in charging…
  • Re: lithium batteries

    No, each chemistry within the lithium umbrella has different characteristics, LiFePo4 is one and it's nominal voltage is 3.2V per cell. There are advantages along with compromises along with differen…
  • Re: Cable AWG Help!!

    Welcome to the forum The size is dependent on three factors, voltage, current and length ( resistance ) keeping the distance between the components as short as possible will reduced the size required…
  • Re: How low can i go?

    An observation, if you are using this system daily, the array may not be able to sufficiently charge the batteries. Although this may not be obvious at first because the battery capacity is large th…
  • Re: Beverage storage area is the coldest it has ever been - 35F

    Totally true, personally I don't consider myself a prepper by any stretch of the imagination, I am however almost self sufficient from a food standpoint, but it's extremely difficult to cover all ne…