Skystream 3.7

I have a Skystream 3.7 mounted on an 80 foot tower. When I first installed it I could not get anything form the generator and a friend with experience said it was because of my grid connection which was a "Y" from the utility which is the typical three phase configuration. I was planning a solar and they said when I got the inverter running that the generator would run. I had to get a single phase grid from the utility to get the Xantrex to lock onto the grid but then the generator started working.

My problem now is that the generator ran about ten days then stopped with a good wind. It had been producing well during those ten days. My location has a steady wind most days.

When I look at the remote it says normal but zero Kwh since it is not turning. I climbed the tower and the blade can be turned easily by hand.

Does anyone have any ideas of what my problem could be. I have written to Skystream customer service by email three times and get no response. From reading the book it appears that the latching relay may need to be reset. Does anyone know what voltage needs to be applied to activate the coil on the latching relay.



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  • Registered Users Posts: 6
    Re: Skystream 3.7
    Arthurs wrote: »
    I have a Skystream 3.7 mounted on an 80 foot tower. When I first installed it I could not get anything form the generator and a friend with experience said it was because of my grid connection which was a "Y" from the utility which is the typical three phase configuration. I was planning a solar and they said when I got the inverter running that the generator would run. I had to get a single phase grid from the utility to get the Xantrex to lock onto the grid but then the generator started working.


    The skystream can be converted to support two legs of a 208 3phase system with a simple click of a computer program by a servicing dealer (you cannot do it yourself). I would not hook up a turbine to power when you are not sure what kind of power you are hooking to (take a meter and measure line-line voltages). You need to call SWWP technical support and walk your problem through with them.

  • Solar Expert Posts: 48 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    If the rotor is turning freely then the latching relay is not tripped. Perhaps the turbine is not quite oriented to catch the wind at lower wind speeds. Check the plumb of the tower and the level of the mounting flange. It has to be perfect for the downwind design of the turbine.


    Arthurs wrote: »
    I have a Skystream 3.7 mounted on an 80 foot tower. When I first installed it I could not get anything form the generator and a friend with experience said it was because of my grid connection which was a "Y" from the utility which is the typical three phase configuration. I was planning a solar and they said when I got the inverter running that the generator would run. I had to get a single phase grid from the utility to get the Xantrex to lock onto the grid but then the generator started working.

    My problem now is that the generator ran about ten days then stopped with a good wind. It had been producing well during those ten days. My location has a steady wind most days.

    When I look at the remote it says normal but zero Kwh since it is not turning. I climbed the tower and the blade can be turned easily by hand.

    Does anyone have any ideas of what my problem could be. I have written to Skystream customer service by email three times and get no response. From reading the book it appears that the latching relay may need to be reset. Does anyone know what voltage needs to be applied to activate the coil on the latching relay.

  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    what in the world do you consider perfect? a tower sitting perfectly level as you term it will have some small degree of sway in the wind. there is no perfect and if it is that difficult to turn the thing into the wind, i wouldn't want it.
    why is it always the fault of the guy that owns it and not the fact that it is a poorly functioning albatross? what will the next excuse be for it, because it was a tuesday?:roll:
  • Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    From what I have read elsewhere (if I recall correctly), the towers can change level at the top plate enough to cause problems just from differential heating/expansion cause by sunlight on the monopole towers.

    Sort of the problem with a "down wind design" and no aerodynamic "tail"/vane.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Solar Expert Posts: 246 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7
    When I look at the remote it says normal but zero Kwh since it is not turning. I climbed the tower and the blade can be turned easily by hand.

    The blade can be turned easily by hand, But the wind is not turning it :confused: ?

  • Solar Expert Posts: 593 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    Not to mention about the only organization that ever tries to come close to perfect is NASA.

    Any structural code has tolerances.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    That is a common problem with down wind turbine's If the tower top isn't perfectly level the turbine will tend to spin to the low spot. SWWP actually makes a rig you put on the top of the tower and make sure it is level.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 32
    Re: Skystream 3.7
    niel wrote: »
    what in the world do you consider perfect? a tower sitting perfectly level as you term it will have some small degree of sway in the wind. there is no perfect and if it is that difficult to turn the thing into the wind, i wouldn't want it.
    why is it always the fault of the guy that owns it and not the fact that it is a poorly functioning albatross? what will the next excuse be for it, because it was a tuesday?:roll:

    AMEN to the man who describes it best. :cool:
  • Solar Expert Posts: 48 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7
    BB. wrote: »
    From what I have read elsewhere (if I recall correctly), the towers can change level at the top plate enough to cause problems just from differential heating/expansion cause by sunlight on the monopole towers.

    Sort of the problem with a "down wind design" and no aerodynamic "tail"/vane.


    You're right. Monopole towers have a probelm with this although I'm not sure how far a tower would deviate. Probably related to color/thickness of steel etc.

    Any downwind turbine regardless of make will have to have a plumb tower and level mounting flange. SWWP is providing the "Skylevel" to assist with this. Proven has added a vane of sorts to overcome directionality problems. The Illinois Northwind doesn't have anything to help guide it although that may come later with product developement.

    Even traditional tailed turbines can be affected by less than plumb towers as the weight of the tail assembly will swing the turbine to the weighted side thus affecting low wind orientation.

    It's just good practice to carefully align/plumb/level the tower that has a turbine regardless of brand or make mounted on it and regularly check for deviation.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 593 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    What is the acceptable allowance from vertical?
  • Solar Expert Posts: 48 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    I'm not sure of an "offical" number beyond "as close as possible". However some time ago we were asked to look at a 45' monopole that was installed by a now out of business SS3.7 dealer and the client was complaining of the turbine always wanting to orient in one direction. Using an elevating transit we noted the tower top off by roughly 2.5" to 3", consistent with the wayward orientation of the turbine. We adjusted the foundation bolts to get the tower top within a 1/2" of plumb. A noticeable improvement was seen in performance.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 1,973 ✭✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    Why wouldn't the designers of these things make them balanced at their pivot point so that a little bit of tilt wouldn't make them favor an orientation?
  • Solar Expert Posts: 109 ✭✭
    Re: Skystream 3.7

    BillF, thats the ticket, an elevating transit. I used one when I put up my guyed rohn tower 25 years ago. Got it within 1/2" from top to bottom (85').
    I have an old 2 KW Whirlwind that was built by Elliot Bayly (now of Ventera Energy and designer of the Whisper series of turbines now owned by SWWP). The Whirlwind, generally considered the laughing stock of wind turbines, with some modifications has worked great for 25 years.


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