Code question - Junction Box Volume

newenergy Solar Expert Posts: 291 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
To calculate the volume of a junction box needed in 314.16 you get to table 314.16(B) which only goes to 6 AWG.

I don't see anything about volume requirements for bigger conductors.

If you keep going you get to 314.28 which tells you the minimum dimension of the jbox from any raceway entry to the opposite wall, but no volume requirement. Is there just no specific volume requirement as long as you meet the requirement for that dimension?


  • newenergy
    newenergy Solar Expert Posts: 291 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Code question - Junction Box Volume

    I posted the same question on a forum for electrical contractors and a very knowledgeable guy said that once you get to 4 awg the code is just about bending space rather than volume.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Code question - Junction Box Volume

    Atricle 314.16 also says for boxes enclosing conductors larger than#4 awg, Article 314.28 has to be followed. This aricle is the one where it defines the demensions for straight, angle or U pulls, or splices. You can use smaller boxes, if you follow directions in Article 314.28(A)(3), which directs you to Table 1 of Chapter 9.

    I hope this has helped.

    Rick Miell