Poor Man's rooftop Azimuth Tracker...

Looking for a roof top Azimuth tracker...

found this which appears to be a bit out of date.

I have some ideas on how to build one where the panels would be rotated in unison, like blind slats, not finding any pre-made ones out there.


  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Poor Man's rooftop Azimuth Tracker...

    IF you are going to mount them like blind slats they would need good spacing so not to cast a shadow on the one next to it
  • Sheldon
    Sheldon Solar Expert Posts: 51 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Poor Man's rooftop Azimuth Tracker...

    No kidding, the maximum practical azimuth (roll) would be limited to about +/- 45 degrees, which at 15 degree/hr earth's rotation would significantly improve collection for the middle 6 (9a-3pm local sun time) keeping perpendicular illumination. Spacing of 70% panel width would be sufficient to avoid shadows, outside those hours, you would need to reduce roll proportionately.

    If I go up to 60 degree tilt to pick up an additional hour, that would put the spacing at 1.5X panel width.