Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

I was reading my "Handyman" magazine and seen the new Honeywell wind turbine system. Claims to produce up to 18% of household needed electricity and is 6' in diameter. Mounts directly to rooftop, just high enough to clear ridge vent. Made by Windtronics. Anyone heard any stats on this ?
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  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    "Produces up to 18% of household energy needs" eh?
    Two questions:
    1). Whose household?
    2). "Up to" starts at zero, so what is it really capable of?

    Beware of vague claims not backed by independent data.

    A 6' turbine might be in the 500 Watt peak category, but if there isn't enough wind where you are to spin it the output is still zero no matter how well-made.
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats
    "Produces up to 18% of household energy needs" eh?
    Two questions:
    1). Whose household?
    2). "Up to" starts at zero, so what is it really capable of?

    Beware of vague claims not backed by independent data.

    A 6' turbine might be in the 500 Watt peak category, but if there isn't enough wind where you are to spin it the output is still zero no matter how well-made.

    I seem to remember that company being sued by Honeywell for unauthorized use of there brand name and also it being referenced in a scam posting here at some point .. to lazy to hunt down the links
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Wind Works has done a paper review of this product.

    At least what is available so far, expensive, uses buzzwords favored by wind scammers, has yet to (apparently as of October 2009) mounted/tested in field, over exagerated ratings (2kW vs a realistic 500 watt rating based on blade swept area), claims energy by mounting in areas where no wind turbine would work, and Honeywell just sold their name to the product and does not guarantee anything:
    Lest the Honeywell name lend some kind of legitimacy to the WT 6500 note that the Honeywell trademark is simply used under license. Tellingly, "Honeywell International Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to this product."
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (PDF download about turbine)
    PDF Spec. Sheet here for download. From their "glossy":
    Blog postings with a couple of pictures of real product at booth.
    The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell
    International Inc. Honeywell International Inc. makes no
    representation or warranties with respect to this product.
    If Honeywell will not stand behind their name--why should you be first in line to try the product?

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • GreenPowerManiac
    GreenPowerManiac Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Yea, the ad said about 6 grand. Did not say anything about power output, but at 500 watts, I'll make my own and save $5500.
    Nature's Design & Green Energy on FaceBook : Stop by and "Like" us anytime.. Many up-to-date articles about Renewables every day.
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    Lots of DIY Renewable Energy Projects on ETSY : Solar Panel builds, Wind Turbine builds, Rain Barrel build,etc.  
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Only numbers I saw were for 100 watts at 10 mph and 2.2 kW at 42 mph... Shutdown at 45 mph.


    PS: Add my standard disclaimer that I am a very much a skeptic regarding small wind systems. There are a few out there that work--but they are typically neither small nor cheap. And require a good sized tower (which will probably cost more than the turbine) in a windy location well away from populated areas (noise and potential for falling parts).
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • GreenPowerManiac
    GreenPowerManiac Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Maybe this post should be transferred to the "Known Scams" section.....
    Nature's Design & Green Energy on FaceBook : Stop by and "Like" us anytime.. Many up-to-date articles about Renewables every day.
    WWW.GreenAnything.Net    Ad free website.
    Lots of DIY Renewable Energy Projects on ETSY : Solar Panel builds, Wind Turbine builds, Rain Barrel build,etc.  
  • boB
    boB Solar Expert Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats
    Maybe this post should be transferred to the "Known Scams" section.....

    I think you got that right !

    I also think that trying to get "stats" on a product that has most likely never even been hooked up is hard to do. I don't believe one of these has ever really made any electricity, yet, if ever. I wouldn't waste any time on this one.

    I REALLY like your pretty colored wind turbines though ! Kind of Christmass-ey in a way.

  • GreenPowerManiac
    GreenPowerManiac Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Well, Merry X-mas BOB !

    The plans to make them would be a great stocking stuffer......
    Nature's Design & Green Energy on FaceBook : Stop by and "Like" us anytime.. Many up-to-date articles about Renewables every day.
    WWW.GreenAnything.Net    Ad free website.
    Lots of DIY Renewable Energy Projects on ETSY : Solar Panel builds, Wind Turbine builds, Rain Barrel build,etc.  
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Moved. (add minimum 18 character post length).

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Robin Gudgel
    Robin Gudgel Registered Users, Solar Expert Posts: 58 ✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    I saw one of these Honeywell turbines at the Fredericksburg Roundup last summer. It is a 6 foot diameter bicycle wheel. The blades are milk bottle plastic attached to the spokes by regular wire cable ties. Too flimsey to hold together. too rediculous to put out any power. As for specs based on 45MPH..... that would be hard to verify since the bycicle wheel will probably be in your neighbors yard. This thing has zero chance of sucess in my opinion
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats
    I saw one of these Honeywell turbines at the Fredericksburg Roundup last summer. It is a 6 foot diameter bicycle wheel. The blades are milk bottle plastic attached to the spokes by regular wire cable ties. Too flimsey to hold together. too rediculous to put out any power. As for specs based on 45MPH..... that would be hard to verify since the bycicle wheel will probably be in your neighbors yard. This thing has zero chance of sucess in my opinion

    Very true but the sad part is the Honeywell name and the fact Joe homeowner can buy them at Ace hardware will mean there will be a lot of them purchased. So Joe's neighbor will get a free bicycle wheel.
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    They are not sold at ACE hardware and they do not legally have use of the Honeywell brand ... It just another scam
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Are you sure they don't have legal use of the honeywell name? I would think they would really pitch a fit on that if not?
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    I just found this web page it says they are available at Ace hardware

    also here is there snippet about Honeywell
    The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell International Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to this product.
  • boB
    boB Solar Expert Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    2010 ? So who knows for sure...

    Who cares ?... Except for the bad name it may give to home wind.
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    Wow read the reviews it all ready has at Ace hardware. I just noticed it has a tv antenna rotor on the bottom to turn it into the wind. they do say it has to be installed by a certified installer??
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Honeywell Wind Turbine Stats

    There were postings about this @ 6-9 months ago about the manufacture was being sued by both ACE and Honeywell ... Not sure why its on tha ACE website, maybe I should change occupations as it looks much more profitable to sell make believe products than real ones!