wind turbine without batteries

I am new in this, I had read a lot about wind turbines, but I need a clear answers about a few points, the main target of my wind turbine is to heat my room using low rpm 1kw 12/24/48 V dc permanent magnet motor, my questions are:

1)the average wind speed is 10, is it good enough?

2) do i need battery bank and charge controller if I just want to connect the generated power directly to a heater element ?

3) If yes, is there a type of heaters that can handle the variant voltages that will be generated ?




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  • Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: wind turbine without battarys

    Are you somewhere around Jordan?

    Regarding average wind speed--10 m/s; 10 kM/hour or what units?

    In general, a wind turbine would seem to be an expensive and unreliable provider of power for electric heat. And, if you are trying to use a PM DC Motor--there are few that can take the thrust of the wind on the blades (plus weather).

    For designing and building a home made wind turbine --- is a good place to visit.

    Doing it with or without batteries all have all of their own issues (expense, complexity, control of turbine to prevent overspeed, etc.). In the end, anything is possible--but many times not practical.

    My question; do you have lots of sun available? Solar Thermal (hot air, hot water, etc.) is generally a very good option for heating. Use an insulated water tank or hot air blown through gravel (stone) is not a bad solution. Also--if this is a home, insulation and design (windows to allow sunlight in during winter, keep sunlight out during winter should have a long history in your area...

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: wind turbine without battarys

    The big flaw in this plan is that when you need the heat is not necessarily when the wind will be blowing to provide it. So you'd end up having to try to store the power either as electricity in batteries or use the power when available to heat water to be used later. Neither is very efficient. Of the two, I'd pick using the turbine for supplemental hot water.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    Re: wind turbine without batteries

    Things get complicated when using low voltage DC or AC3 phase to run heaters. First, my wind turbines are set up for 12v AC3 phase. I take the rectifiers out until just before they go into a battery bank for wiring & over voltage efficiency. Since you're working in DC I would suggest finding a DC Water heater element and fit it into an older water heater filled with water. Having run pipes to and from like a house system, run the hot water side to a radiator of some sort and if you wish, hook up some small DC computer CPU fans to the DC circuit for forced air. 10mph winds should produce at least 12 volts to operate a heating element and the wind speed variant will make the element work like a dimmer switch. No air flow, no operations. And when high wind speed, lots of current, heat and forced air through the radiator. You may be able to set this up in a small enough scale to simulate a house setup, only in DC. If you ask me, you should build your own solar water heater collector connected to the tank. It's much more efficient. That's it, no batteries, just wind.
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    Lots of DIY Renewable Energy Projects on ETSY : Solar Panel builds, Wind Turbine builds, Rain Barrel build,etc.  
  • Solar Expert Posts: 34 ✭✭
    Re: wind turbine without batteries

    I built and put up a 12 volt unit.
    Most important thin i learned is i should have gone with a 48 volt unit.

    Question 1 I think 10 is good

    Question 2 ?

    look at stuff for campers or aux. plug in car / truck heaters
    Seam like i seen something somewhere where the keep stacking some sort of units up, i will have to look.

  • Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    Re: wind turbine without batteries

    Looking at your local RV store may not be a bad idea.
    Nature's Design & Green Energy on FaceBook : Stop by and "Like" us anytime.. Many up-to-date articles about Renewables every day.
    WWW.GreenAnything.Net    Ad free website.
    Lots of DIY Renewable Energy Projects on ETSY : Solar Panel builds, Wind Turbine builds, Rain Barrel build,etc.  
  • Registered Users Posts: 1
    hi im aizhad,
    i already have wid tubine but i have problem with the speed of turbine  because before install controller and battery the turbine can produce output 42V but after install controller and battery the speed of turbine and the output was drop to much half compare to free running.
  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016 #8
    That is correct. With no load on the AC Generator the voltage will be very high and the Amps will be zero. 42 Volts x 0 Amps = 0 Watts. As you increase the load on the generator and actually generate Watts (power), then the blades will slow down, and the voltage will drop. Watts = Volts x Amps.


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