Looking for a good supplier for a solar pool heater array before winter

Does anyone have a good supplier in southern California for a solar pool heater? I am also looking into a home solar system in the next year or so.. research, research!


  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: Looking for a good supplier for a solar pool heater array before winter
    bkobus wrote: »
    Does anyone have a good supplier in southern California for a solar pool heater? I am also looking into a home solar system in the next year or so.. research, research!

    Dunno. But I've noticed some pretty decent looking used solar water heating panels for sale used on Craig's list. I use an RSS aggregator (right now I'm using JetBrains Omea Reader 2.2 http://www.jetbrains.com/omea_reader/ ) and, among other things, I also have it setup to run queries on CL- one of which is:


    (Remove the fore and aft hypens - I added them to break the vBulletin auto-linkinator in order to show the full syntax of the query.)

    If you chop off the "&format=rss", then the URL works normally in a browser, I'll do it here and allow vBulletin to make it a link:


    That searches the entire "Craig's List/Los Angeles/For Sale" section for the word "solar".

    I have similar searches setup in my aggregator for "inverter", "generator" and "ryobi" (I have 18v Ryobi tools, but I'm looking for a couple more items).

    There are also several local "solar" contractors advertising on CL. Apparently there is a store a few minutes from me...maybe one of these days I'll pass by and take a look at them. (Though, if the prices aren't enormously lower, I'll buy from NAWS anyway - I want this forum to continue and NAWS pays for it.)

    Naturally, there are also plenty of scammers - YMMV.