Need to design off grid solar system for baja

Hi...I'm new to this forum and have not had a chance to review all the threads that may relate to my situation. I need to choose a system, buy it and ship it via an importer to bajasur by December 08.

It is for a newly built casa on the beach about an hour north of Cabo San Lucas on the pacific side. It is 1600sf with 2bed and 2 bath, 1 washing machine, a refrigerator (apparently there are efficient electric ones now my builder says), satellite/internet access and some lighting. I have not filled out one of those charts to figure out wattage requirements as I am clueless when it comes to this stuff. I have had suggestions to get the following system:

12 Kyocera 130 panels
3600 watt outback inverter w/ 60 amp controller or a Xantrex 6048
24 trojan T105 batteries
some type of generator (no clue)

Anyone want to put their two cents in as to what type of system you would recommend? I have a call into AZ northern wind and sun to help with this config as well.

Oh we will be using it as a vacation/retirement house and renting it out. We will also have a stove (propane i guess), and will try to use most efficient lighting. we will want some outside lights as well. initially will not have a tv but want to grow into the system.

Thanks everyone,


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Need to design off grid solar system for baja

    the big questions need to be answered like is this place of yours grid-tied? what will be the load requirements with time factors for watt hours used and averaged per day? will this be a self install? why the rush into it?