HELP! Outback/MX60/Hub question

I'm back......I finally got my new pole, panel mount and six new panels up with a second MX60 ready to go. My work schedule has not allowed me to call NAWS with my question so here goes everything. Can I operate my Outback system with 2 (TWO) MX60's without installing a hub. I'm anxious to get the extra power into my battery bank, but if'n I have to, I can wait till next week to drive to Flagstaff and pick one up, if I have to. What's another couple of hundred bucks anyway? :):):)

BACKROAD in Bagdad.........................................AZ....


  • boB
    boB Solar Expert Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: HELP! Outback/MX60/Hub question

    You mean two arrays, two MX60s into one battery bank ? Without a hub ? Yes, of course. The addition of a hub will pretty much only allow you to use just one battery temp sensor instead of two separate ones. Not a big deal.

    The only thing I might suggest is to calibrate one of the MX60s voltage to read the same as the other one so that they will share in absorb as close as possible. Even if they are different by a couple tenths of a volt (for each 12 V of battery voltage), it's no big deal. The batteries will get charged just fine.

  • backroad
    backroad Solar Expert Posts: 185 ✭✭
    Re: HELP! Outback/MX60/Hub question

    Thanx Bob, I'll finish up on the hookup tomorrow.

    Dennis in Bagdad............................................AZ.........
  • crewzer
    crewzer Registered Users, Solar Expert Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: HELP! Outback/MX60/Hub question

    As boB says, two MX60's sharing the same battery bank and with normalized voltmeters but otherwise operating independently (including completely separate PV arrays) should work just fine!

    Jim Goodnight
    Eastern Regional Sales Manager
    OutBack Power Systems