No Cycle Transfer Pump & Aux Filter pump

pcguy2u Solar Expert Posts: 151 ✭✭✭
:D My first post to this forum. I was searching for some information on solar attic fans and stumbled onto this site - great resource and really helpful folks. I obtained the information I was looking for by checking futher with the site Search engine.

My reason for posting is that I have a solar application that may be useful to others - I transfer water from a collector tank fed by a spring to four 5000 gallon storatge tanks about 75' uphill and 800' away.

My goal was to create a circuit that causes the transfer process to stop for the day if either of the following two conditions are true:

The collector tank is now empty, or;
The storage tanks are now full.

When the transfer pumps stops, the circuit for the auxiliary filter pump comes on and stays on for the rest of the day, unless the collector tank is empty.

This helps to clear the water of fine sediment while the it is held in the collector waiting to be pumped up the hill.

Here's a link to a page with the circuitry and some semantics.

The parts are off the shelf from Radio Shack.

Any questions, let me know.

Many thanks for a great site,



  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: No Cycle Transfer Pump & Aux Filter pump

    "My first post to this forum. I was searching for some information on solar attic fans and stumbled onto this site - great resource and really helpful folks. I obtained the information I was looking for by checking futher with the site Search engine."

    Nice job, great idea,,,and thanks for using the search engine. I wish more of us would,,,including me!

    Welcome and good luck. There are some very helpful AND smart people that hang around here.
