Enphase Envoy failure - Flash memory limit exceeded

rpt7372 Registered Users Posts: 1
Does anyone know what to do about an Enphase Envoy error message "Envoy Failure", and the event (from the events log), "Flash memory filled over the threshold limit, 94%".

We have a system of Enphase M215 micro-inverters and the Envoy monitor.  Our system has been running since November 2012.  I connect the Envoy to my network at least a few times a week in the evenings, except during a 3 month period between Oct 2015 to Dec 2015, just to check (locally, not in Enlighten) the system daily production.   The reason for not connecting the Envoy to the network (and thus to the internet) 24/7 is because I'm worried our solar system (and network) being hacked into. 

Then last week when I made my daily check on the Envoy monitor screen I saw the aforementioned error message.  I rebooted the Envoy by recycling the power to it and thereafter it would operate normally for a few hours.  I called Enphase support and the rep suggested he would run some background scripts to clear some files in Envoy. Also, that I leave it connected to the network for a few days in hopes that the Envoy uploads data to Enlighten and thus clear some memory space.  The rep thought that by not having the Envoy connected to the network all the time was a cause to the memory filling up.  But that would mean that homes without an internet connection or owners that decide not to share their pv data would have memory space problems.  I thought that connecting the Envoy to the internet was an option, not a requirement unless software updates or grid profiles changes were needed.  Anyways I worked with the rep, but the Envoy could only run for a few hours before it fails and need to be rebooted so not much uploading to Enlighten happened.  

Then it got worst, where recycling power to it would not help to boot it up.  In the last call to Enphase support, a different rep said that they now would not be able to remotely log in and troubleshoot the Envoy in its current failure mode. Therefore, he suggested I get a new Envoy (cost $500+) and then have it connected to the network 24/7.  I am hoping to not go this route for a solution.

I have seen a youtube video of the Envoy circuit board which has a removable flash memory card (possibly used for data logging).  Would a possible fix be to clear or replace and reformat that memory card.  I would also need to figure out how to disassemble the Envoy without breaking it.

I have been assured by Enphase support and also have verified that the PV panels and microinverters can function normally without the Envoy.  But as a system owner the monitoring system is needed.  Thanks for any helpful suggestions.


  • sennetor
    sennetor Registered Users, Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1
    <!DOCTYPE html> Fixing Enphase Envoy Full Storage Issue body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; margin: 20px; } h1, h2, h3 { color: #0073e6; } pre { background: #f4f4f4; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; } .screenshot { margin: 20px 0; }

    Fixing Enphase Envoy "Flash Memory Filled Over the Threshold Limit, 100%" Error

    Problem Description

    Older Enphase Envoy gateway devices stop functioning when their internal flash storage reaches 100% usage, causing data logging failures.

    Solution Overview - This should be performed by anyone familiar with the Linux operating system. It can also be done from a windows machine with a bit of help from your favorite AI tool. Caution: Proceed at your own risk as you can easily damage your system and potentially create a hazard if you misconfigure the gateway - you are dealing with high powered devices, if in doubt consult a professional qualified installer.

    1. Gain SSH access to the Envoy system
    2. Diagnose the filesystem full issue
    3. Prepare and mount a USB drive for backup
    4. Copy large archived files to USB
    5. Delete select files to free up space
    6. Reboot the system and verify functionality

    Step 1: Gain SSH Access

    Find the Envoy’s IP Address

    sudo nmap -sP

    Look for a device with a MAC address from Enphase Energy.

    Generate the Root Password

    echo -n "[e]root@enphaseenergy.com#YOUR_SERIAL_NUMBER EnPhAsE eNeRgY " | md5sum

    Connect via SSH

    ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@<ENVOY_IP>

    Step 2: Diagnose Storage Issue

    Check Disk Usage

    df -h

    Identify Large Files

    du -ax / | sort -rn | head -20

    Step 3: Prepare USB Drive

    Format a 4GB FAT32 partition on Windows and insert it into the Envoy.

    Verify USB Detection

    dmesg | grep -i usb

    Mount the USB

    mkdir -p /mnt/usb
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb

    Step 4: Backup Archived Data

    cp -r /var/opt/emu/archive/* /mnt/usb/

    Step 5: Free Up Space

    Since /var/log/emu/ contains active logs, avoid deleting them.

    rm -rf /var/opt/emu/archive/*

    Step 6: Reboot and Verify


    Automation Idea

    A Windows or Android tool could automate this process via SSH.

    After Fix:

    After Fix Screenshot