Current electric car batteries.

Dave Angelini
Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
Heard on Armstrong and Getty that it takes 70,000 miles before the energy/CO2 to make the car  starts to payoff. No discussion of how much the electricity at 70,000 miles would cost or how we are going to get it. Nothing about distributing the huge extra load to the grid.

The discussion turned to how and where we would mine the materials to build the batteries. I know in Nevada that the EPA has had 4 different lawsuits to stop Lithium mining. EPA just keeps filing the suits every time they lose. Nevada is a mining state and if they can't do it here, the cost and availability will be high and unreliable.

Somebody called in the show and said there were very few times in history that we lived in dumber times. Another said the current art of politics is to Frighten Morons.

I drove up the grade to Lake Tahoe to help a client/friend charge his car on the side of the road. It took us 3 hours to get enough charge to get him home. Electric cars are fun to drive for sure. Just not so much fun to charge😉
"we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
