Rinnai wall mount furnace

just starting
just starting Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
does anyone use one of the rinnai wall furnace I bought a 21000btu- at my altitude its more like 16500btu, I figured worst case it would be on 24/7 and use 1350wh of power.
200ah LiFePO4 24v Electrodacus Sbms40 quad breaker chest freezer to fridge- Samlex PST 1524 - Samlex pst3024  - 1hp shallow well pump-Marey 4.3 GPM on demand waterheater - mama bear Fisher wood burning stove, 30" fridgarair oven ,fridegaire dishwasher  Unique 290l stainless D.C. Fridge-unique 120l portable fridge/freezer 


  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    No but I use the Empire propane furnace from Home Depot. It uses zero power. I have not used it in 10 years and back 15 years ago it was required as our building department required a 2nd source of heat besides the wood stove. These days I tell my clients to use a mini-split and try and get that approved as the 2nd source. Good Luck!
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • just starting
    just starting Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    It's temporary just for two years, I'm avoiding 240 at all costs. 
    200ah LiFePO4 24v Electrodacus Sbms40 quad breaker chest freezer to fridge- Samlex PST 1524 - Samlex pst3024  - 1hp shallow well pump-Marey 4.3 GPM on demand waterheater - mama bear Fisher wood burning stove, 30" fridgarair oven ,fridegaire dishwasher  Unique 290l stainless D.C. Fridge-unique 120l portable fridge/freezer 
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Why? It is pretty standard to use 240 these days. Is it because you are building?
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • just starting
    just starting Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    Yes I'm building and I have no need if all it is for is a well or a mini split, I live @ 10100' so ac maybe 3-5 days out of the year, and a well can easily be pumped into a cistern with 4 panels and a good D.C. Pump, I haul water less than a mile now from a spring.i did however take your advice on a D.C.frigde and a D.C. Freezer so I can shutdown my large inverter and just use a 300w all the time. So at 1000$ or less for a 24v inverter 3000w vs 4K for a good 240v3000w  inverter/ charger  can get a whole well pump that can be run from multiple supply, I'll use a 11000 watt array and a dmppt450 for heat and ac and have 10kw of usable power per day even on the cloudiest day. I'm building a net zero passive home. Just don't have the ability to cut wood anymore
    200ah LiFePO4 24v Electrodacus Sbms40 quad breaker chest freezer to fridge- Samlex PST 1524 - Samlex pst3024  - 1hp shallow well pump-Marey 4.3 GPM on demand waterheater - mama bear Fisher wood burning stove, 30" fridgarair oven ,fridegaire dishwasher  Unique 290l stainless D.C. Fridge-unique 120l portable fridge/freezer 
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    I sure would love to know how you get 10Kw out of an 11Kw array on the cloudiest day ;)
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • just starting
    just starting Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    I'll make some videos, when it's together next year around this time 
    200ah LiFePO4 24v Electrodacus Sbms40 quad breaker chest freezer to fridge- Samlex PST 1524 - Samlex pst3024  - 1hp shallow well pump-Marey 4.3 GPM on demand waterheater - mama bear Fisher wood burning stove, 30" fridgarair oven ,fridegaire dishwasher  Unique 290l stainless D.C. Fridge-unique 120l portable fridge/freezer