Baseline credit as a charge by Socal Edison

nageeta Registered Users Posts: 1
I am wondering if anyone has experienced where there is a baseline credit (negative rate value) that is given on their electricity bill that eventually translates as a debit to the bill due to excess generation of solar energy. In the last three months I have already been charged to the tune of about $40 to $50, due to the baseline credit. Here is a snapshot of the charges by the service provider for this month. If anyone can help me understand this credit (finally a addition to the bill amount), I would greatly appreciate the same. Thanks in advance. 

Energy-Winter On peak -
89 kWh x $0.13018 -$11.59
Off peak -338 kWh x $0.13018 -$44.00
Super off peak 199 kWh x $0.06557 $13.05

Generation charges - Cost to generate your electricity SCE Energy-Winter
On peak -89 kWh x $0.20643 -$18.37
Off peak -338 kWh x $0.12043 -$40.71
Super off peak 199 kWh x $0.04266 $8.49

Baseline credit -228 kWh x -$0.08088 $18.44

Excess Energy Credit -$74.69


  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    edited May 2018 #2
    I see what they are doing... There is a subsidy that is being paid by "generators" to those that use baseline quantities of electricity. And you, my friend, are a "generator".

    For many decades (since the Pres. Carter Admin, as I recall) energy usage and pricing has become a political football that is controlled by the states and federal government. The powers that be--Use pricing as a cudgel to force energy conservation  onto the "wasteful".

    How else can somebody who uses a little amount of power pay pay something like $0.16 per kWH and people who use a lot pay $0.36 per kWH (off peak base vs on peak high tier rates) (Northern California PG&E E6 rate plan).

    I don't go to Costco to pay >2x more for my food and drink vs the local market. But through the California PUC (public utility commission) that is exactly what happens with our power.

    In the "olden days", if you used more electricity, you paid lower rates.

    And, even though I used Grid Tied solar for my home--I believe it is a subsidy to the "rich" (have to own a home, live in an area with lots of sun and no shadows from trees/buildings, and can pay $10,000 of dollars to install a system that is also free from property taxes, and I get paid retail prices for electricity--Net Metering).

    Like it or not, we are now seeing the politics of Green Energy vs the politics of the Poor. And those of us who signed up under one system of subsidies, are not getting hit with the costs of another system of subsides. Even when I signed up, they told me at the time they would offer "GT Friendly Rates" for 10 years--After that, all bets are off.

    The ever increasing costs of electric power (much of it due to Green Energy Policies at the governmental level) combined with private companies that still have to make a profit--This is what we get.

    And why, the first thing I tell people is to get into major conservation (lots of insulation, double pane windows, Energy Star Appliances, turn stuff off when not used, etc.) first. Then put money in a savings/investment plan. Then, way down the list, if you have "free/available" cash", GT Solar can save you some money (only for the next 10 years--After that, don't know).

    Is it "fair" the new generator charges... In politics, then answer appears to be yes.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018 #3
    They are paying 42 cents per KWH down in the California  central valley at top tier. PG&E is on the hook for quite bit of damages from fires and pipelines in this state. The rates are going up again and as you said, the green politics are taking a toll.

    The other thing is commercial solar makes money and residential makes a pain in the butt for utilities. It may end up like Hawaii and there will be no new residential only residential self consumption and zero export.

    The PG&E guy who told us we would not make it for one winter offgrid over 20 years ago is typical of their attitude to potential customers.
    If you ever need to talk with them, they park daily 5 miles up a road near here. There are no powerlines just shade trees and a nice mountain breeze. I am not saying they are taking naps :'(

    Adding the PG& E did not pay a dividend to their shareholders recently. That won't go on next time :*
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area

  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Just got this e-mail. More good stuff for the "golden state"......

    "Aloha California Blue Ion Dealers,

    As you may know, we are members of CALSSA, and have been getting increasingly involved in their legislative and regulatory efforts to advance renewable energy in California. Personally, I'm getting fed up with the bad news that the utilities are trying to pound down our throats this year. I'd like to invite you to stand with us on this one, which you can do in just a few minutes by sending in a letter. 

    Lobbying efforts by utilities and their unions would require ALL installations of storage to be done by C-10 license holders only. That may harm your business and raise the cost of installing storage for on-grid or off-grid installations, even if you already have a C-10 license! There is a deadline of  tomorrow (Friday) to get responses in -- and quantity counts. I urge you to take a minute to submit a letter by tomorrow in opposition to the efforts by the industry that doesn't even want us to exist to tell you how to run your business!

    Attached you will find: 

    • A sample letter which you can edit to include your information
    • A summary of the bill and Q&A document produced by CALSSA

    Please adjust the template letter for your company and send it (via email) to Josh from CALSSA (, who will send it on to the appropriate parties. If you have any questions, you can let me know. "

    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area

  • Estragon
    Estragon Registered Users Posts: 4,496 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It seems to me the political arithmetic of this is pretty simple. Very few voters will do small scale generation, most will rely on utilities. To the extent the few doing small scale generation hurt utilities serving the majority of the voters, the minority will pay. The end.
    Main daytime system ~4kw panels into 2xMNClassic150 370ah 48v bank 2xOutback 3548 inverter 120v + 240v autotransformer
    Night system ~1kw panels into 1xMNClassic150 700ah 12v bank morningstar 300w inverter
  • Kuaca
    Kuaca Registered Users Posts: 1
    nageeta said:
    I am wondering if anyone has experienced where there is a baseline credit (negative rate value) that is given on their electricity bill that eventually translates as a debit to the bill due to excess generation of solar energy. In the last three months I have already been charged to the tune of about $40 to $50, due to the baseline credit. Here is a snapshot of the charges by the service provider for this month. If anyone can help me understand this credit (finally a addition to the bill amount), I would greatly appreciate the same. Thanks in advance. 

    Energy-Winter On peak -
    89 kWh x $0.13018 -$11.59
    Off peak -338 kWh x $0.13018 -$44.00
    Super off peak 199 kWh x $0.06557 $13.05

    Generation charges - Cost to generate your electricity SCE Energy-Winter
    On peak -89 kWh x $0.20643 -$18.37
    Off peak -338 kWh x $0.12043 -$40.71
    Super off peak 199 kWh x $0.04266 $8.49

    Baseline credit -228 kWh x -$0.08088 $18.44

    Excess Energy Credit -$74.69
    Based on the information provided, it seems to be a breakdown of a credit related to energy usage and charges on a bill. Let's break it down step by step:

    1. Energy-Winter On peak: 
       - Usage: 89 kWh
       - Rate: $0.13018 per kWh
       - Calculation: 89 kWh x $0.13018 = $11.59
       - Result: A credit of -$11.59

    2. Energy-Winter Off peak: 
       - Usage: 338 kWh
       - Rate: $0.13018 per kWh
       - Calculation: 338 kWh x $0.13018 = $44.00
       - Result: A credit of -$44.00

    3. Energy-Winter Super off peak: 
       - Usage: 199 kWh
       - Rate: $0.06557 per kWh
       - Calculation: 199 kWh x $0.06557 = $13.05
       - Result: A credit of $13.05

    4. Generation charges - Cost to generate your electricity SCE Energy-Winter
       - On peak: 
         - Usage: 89 kWh
         - Rate: $0.20643 per kWh
         - Calculation: 89 kWh x $0.20643 = $18.37
         - Result: A credit of -$18.37
       - Off peak: 
         - Usage: 338 kWh
         - Rate: $0.12043 per kWh
         - Calculation: 338 kWh x $0.12043 = $40.71
         - Result: A credit of -$40.71

       - Super off peak: 
         - Usage: 199 kWh
         - Rate: $0.04266 per kWh
         - Calculation: 199 kWh x $0.04266 = $8.49
         - Result: A credit of $8.49

    5. Baseline credit: 
       - Usage: 228 kWh
       - Rate: -$0.08088 per kWh (a negative value indicates a credit)
       - Calculation: 228 kWh x -$0.08088 = -$18.44
       - Result: A credit of $18.44

    6. Excess Energy Credit: 
       - Amount: -$74.69
       - Result: A credit of -$74.69

    Please note that the figures provided represent credits or deductions from the bill amount. The credits are subtracted from the total bill to reduce the overall amount owed.
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Kuaca,  your numbers are from a post that is 5 years old. I know the numbers have gone up from some of my clients in that state.
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area