Michael Jantzen’s Solar Wave Canopies

RSSfeed Registered Users Posts: 3,810 ✭✭
Michael Jantzen’s Solar Wave Canopies were designed as large, prefabricated, modular, public art installations that make electricity from the sun, and collect rainwater, for the communities in which they are built. The structures are formed from two different curved steel elements that are...

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  • solarix
    solarix Solar Expert Posts: 713 ✭✭
    Re: Michael Jantzen’s Solar Wave Canopies

    Something beautiful and artistic could well be a big help for solar to "catch the next wave" of public acceptance, but I'm not too keen on how practical this design is. Quite a few of those panels are either shading themselves or lying flat and will stay dirty. It is hard enough to make solar cost effective when every design decision is geared for productivity - adding artistic into the equation is a challenge.