opinion's on PV installations

Inquisitive man
Inquisitive man Registered Users Posts: 2
Hello, I'm 22 and about to graduate from college and I'm from New York State in the USA, here in NY solar energy is slowly becoming a big thing. For any people who have experience installing solar panels, I'm finding out alot of openings in the area for PV installers, but I don't really know exactly what the jobs intails, the conditions, time doing a job, etc. I was hoping some people on here have experience on the field and can inform me as to what I may expect since I kind have been wanting to get involved with renewable energy. I think quite frankly solar panels are really cool how they work and I do want to learn more about them. Any suggestions/information would be greatly appreciated, thanks everyone.


  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,660 admin
    Re: opinion's on PV installations

    Welcome to the forum I.M.

    What was your degree in? What is your interest?

    I would be careful going directly to solar/wind/etc. (Grid Tied with lots of government grants/monies). I do not believe this is sustainable and may in a as little as a few years collapse as the monies (grants, tax breaks, diversion of funds from utility customers to pay for RE power) run out.

    If you find a job that is related to your field of study/interest--And it gets you experience, go for it.

    To find a job--One of the best suggestions was from a friend to his son--Go hat in hand saying you will do anything to work at their fine company (sweeping floors, cleaning restrooms, gophering, at minimum wage, work odd hours, etc.) to start. My friend's son got a job at the first place he did that.

    Getting experience and a stable job first--Will really help. It is always easier to get another job if you already have a job.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Alaska Man
    Alaska Man Solar Expert Posts: 252 ✭✭
    Re: opinion's on PV installations

    I agree with BB, the first job is always the hardest. Once you get the first one in your chosen field out of the way you can pretty much pick and choose the next ones. I just had this talk with some young people today. Experience, education along with hard work and you will never want for it.

    The next thing is never try and bullshit your way into a job. If you don't know a thing, don't act like you do. Everybody in the room will know your full of it. There is nothing wrong with saying, "I don't know the answer to that".

    I can't speak to your choice of Solar. I will say this though, when I visit Kauai there are a lot of trucks running around with "installer" on the doors some place. I suspect it's the same for the Southwest in the U.S. I am also seeing a sharp rise in Grid-Tie up here in Alaska. If it's hitting up here, I would think the industry is about to explode down there.

    Just my .2c
  • Inquisitive man
    Inquisitive man Registered Users Posts: 2
    Re: opinion's on PV installations

    Well my degree in unrelated to re-newable energy, I'm getting a degree in a social science, I'm just weighing my options is all. I've tinkered with mini-solar kits recently, so i have a basic understanding at least in small scale circuits. When my dad first showed me some solar cells he had all the way back when I was in high school, it sparked an interest and I've been curious and seeking information on re-newable energy ever since. I'm a person of many interests and neither do I feel I should be limited to only one thing and quite frankly I love learning things. I was just curious about the field because from what I hear (at least the research I've done anyway) PV installer get paid fairly decent (at least for my needs), I'd be working with my hands (which I like doing) and I'm highly curious about solar power so I figure the best way to learn is to get a job where they teach you how to install. Should I decide to follow through with this and become a PV installer, can I use said knowledge/experience to get into other trades such as an electrician or carpentry?
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: opinion's on PV installations

    I think if you want to get into RE you should go for journeyman electrician first. You need those basic electrical skills & knowledge to be able to install a PV system. One of the biggest problems DIYers have with solar electric power systems is not understanding the terminology and basic principals.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,660 admin
    Re: opinion's on PV installations

    Many colleges offer electrical engineering/basic electricity courses.

    You might also find some good online courses these days too.

    We have a good number of links for books on solar power/electrical training too:

    See this post for details:


    Also, there is a question about what type of solar power you want to go into: Grid Tied Solar (what is mostly being installed on homes today)--Which is basically an AC Power "Installer"/Electrician vs Off Grid systems which need a lot of knowledge about Batteries, DC power and wiring, inverters, charge controllers, etc. (different enough that it can confuse a journeyman licensed electrician).

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset