Smart Energy Management of EV, Household and Solar Panel study

Sean Gao
Sean Gao Registered Users Posts: 1
Hey, friends ;)

We're master students from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. We're now undertaking a research project on Smart Energy Management of EV, Household and Solar Panel. We need the help from solar panel experts and amateurs like you to improve our project !

Currently, we're developing an application that assists users in monitoring and controlling the charging of electrical vehicles, the household electricity consumption and solar panel energy generation. It provides users with web/mobile access to these functionalities and in addition offers well-visualized insights regarding energy consumption and generation, real-time notifications as well as personalized energy saving suggestions.

We would like to invite you to do an online questionnaire where you can indicate your opinions and preferences regarding EV Charging and Energy Management.

It takes about 3-5 minutes. Your response is highly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance!

[ Link to the Questionnaire ]


  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Smart Energy Management of EV, Household and Solar Panel study

    Welcome to the forum.

    And good luck. No doubt some of the members here will take the time to try your survey and give you feedback on it. Don't be surprised if they tell you you're asking the wrong questions and you need to tweak your poll. There are a lot of smart minds around here.
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Smart Energy Management of EV, Household and Solar Panel study

    Coot was right,
    No option for multiple EVs.
    No option for how large a system this can support.
    No options for TOU billing vs net-metering plans, the variety is endless for calculating costs. (also needed to keep utility honest)
    No options for off-grid applications

    Starting a thread here would have gotten you closer to an ideal survey.