
what do you guys recommend for insulating a floor? we have an OLD house and we recently ripped up the living rm rug to reveal some wood floors we want to work with, so that'll be a much colder rm in winter. i need to replace the insulation between the floor joists in the cellar . the ceiling in cellar is open. its VERY humid down there in summer. in fact i can see water condensing in areas on hot days, so id like to use something resistant to the moisture (as ill also be fixing the ventilation prob dopwn there.
i was going to biuy faced fiberglass insulation as usual but thought id checkin to see if something may be better. thanks!


  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: insulation batts

    remember the faced insulation is supposed to face the living area so the face is technically supposed to face up leaving the fiberglass towards basement. would spray in foam be any good for this application? seems like it may be neccesary to try to combat the moisture problem first?somewhere i was reading of a dehumidifier that actually heats your hot water for the house as a by product and was fairly affordable. cant remember what it was called now?
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: insulation batts

    ok i found it here is a link
  • Patman3
    Patman3 Solar Expert Posts: 62 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation batts

    Sounds like a job for Bob Villa or Norm on this old house. You probably should excavate dig outside around your foundation, waterproof it and/or insulate foundation and backfill with drainage. To much work. Maybe waterproff the inside walls of cellar? Before insulating underneath you could add radiant floor heating system and add/staple a second reflective barrier to cover the fiberglass (those silver foil rolls). Just some ideas.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation batts

    hmm, ive read various places that the facing should face the moisture so in this case basement. i know where and how to install vapor barriers varies depending on country locale too. i will ask onea my buddies, know lots of builders.

    sprayt foam would solve that questions as its airtight, i will see what the scoop is for costs.

    part of my basement is dirt floor , so there ya go :)
    i need to get some more screens on the windows first off, that'll help alot.
  • halfcrazy
    halfcrazy Solar Expert Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    Re: insulation batts

    i think the spray foam would work great as long as it isnt way pricey here in maine it is about 1/2 again as much as the fiberglass so it isnt to bad
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation batts

    all i can find is about $600 for 600 square feet (for a kit that id install myself).
    thats about what i need for starters. i am going to have to bite the bullet and have part of my house done outaside walls with this. r-7 per inch, dang!!!
    anybody have experience with cheaper/better?
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    if you can at all swing it use the 4x8ft sheets of the polycianuride or however it's spelled as the spray stuff is very messy and should be used almost all immediately.(can clog nozzle if it dries) if it gets on you it will have to wear off just like the little cans of spray foam insulation.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation

    the spray on probably beats the r value and makes a better vapor barrier. yeah ive seen it on TOH too it looks awesome. :) the board is probably easier and cheaper though.. one of the ones i found can be reused (no clog) for a few days, but that shouldnt be an issue i simply make sure i have enogh to use you know?
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,663 admin
    Re: insulation

    Also watch for moisture entrapment/mold/dry-rot problems when using any insulation, and especially spray on type.

    In a non-insulated wall, small moisture leaks from walls/roof/plumbing can dry pretty quickly. Spray-on can seal the wood/moisture, preventing air circulation, and lead to more problems later.

    I have not used the spray-on--just talked with a couple of people that had problems later (who knows if this is a common problem or not--I don't).

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Brock
    Brock Solar Expert Posts: 639 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    Well I swear by the spray on stuff. Of course they did our when the house was built, but they sprayed it in late December with an outside temperature about 10F. The next day the house was in the 50's inside with just the spray foam in place.

    I would be concerned if you do have moisture already but if it is dry at the time it should be pretty good. If you do it yourself get a bunny suit (or old clothes you plan to throw out), it is very messy and no matter how good you are at spraying it will get on you.
    3kw solar PV, 4 LiFePO4 100a, xw 6048, Honda eu2000i, iota DLS-54-13, Tesla 3, Leaf, Volt, 4 ton horizontal geothermal, grid tied - Green Bay, WI
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation

    welp, tigerfoam is the best price i can find online, its gonna be a fortune.. i have a guy coming by end of oct to clear off clapboards, insulate between studs, put sheathing and clapboards back up. ill caulk and paint.. but, the area in question is only about 200 sq' and it is gonna cost me about $700 just for the insulation !! any info on anything cheaper?! yikes. its so much r value and zero air leakage though, it seems compeletly the best way to go..except this astronomical price. otoh if it makes as much diofference as i hope it wil ldefinitely pay for itself.......................eventually..
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    i do hope that for the $700 that is fire rated like in this link.

    there are also varieties with spray foams as some are 1 part and some are 2 part just like epoxies. also pay attention to the r factors as the better ones are nearly r7.
  • Brock
    Brock Solar Expert Posts: 639 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    Ya, I think when they did an estimate for our house it was something like $500 setup charge and $.50 a sq foot after that. I figured I might as well have them foam the whole thing including the garage and bonus room above the garage right away.

    I wonder if that is 1/2 your problem. The work might be quick but they need to get out to your place, setup spray and clean and then leave. Could you have them do more without adding a lot to the price without ripping your house apart?

    I don’t know if it were me I would probably but a vapor barrier in and then just use bat below that. It would be a LOT cheaper anyway.
    3kw solar PV, 4 LiFePO4 100a, xw 6048, Honda eu2000i, iota DLS-54-13, Tesla 3, Leaf, Volt, 4 ton horizontal geothermal, grid tied - Green Bay, WI
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation

    well, its going to cost me the $700 JUST for the material ill be obtaining myself!! their labor estimate is totally separate. (2 days to do it all, im expecting they'll finish early though). they suggested batts too, or sheets as did neil. im the one wants this, as i know it'll be better.
    yea it would be way cheaper but theres so many holes in the house, and other sections at least have batts installed, so i figure at least one part of the house (southern exposure too so would be awesome in summer) will be TIGHT. the whole thing will probably cost me about $2000, but some other things will be accomplished too: such as the siding put up properly (i hack jobbed it years ago before i knew better), with some sheathing ( theres none now).
  • Brock
    Brock Solar Expert Posts: 639 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    Thats for sure. Honestly if I ahd to do it I would choose it as well.
    3kw solar PV, 4 LiFePO4 100a, xw 6048, Honda eu2000i, iota DLS-54-13, Tesla 3, Leaf, Volt, 4 ton horizontal geothermal, grid tied - Green Bay, WI
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: insulation

    now im looking at ultra touch , natural cotton fiber insulation. comes in batts, no itch, or formaldehyde, fire retardant. its r13 at 3.5"
    i will have to drive up to brattleborro vt to get some though (1hr), still that isnt unpleasant, specially this time of yr. ;)
    the foam just seems like its going to be too much of a prob with the handyman guys , i wish i had the time id do it myself.
    also looking into this:

  • Frank
    Frank Solar Expert Posts: 54 ✭✭✭
    Re: insulation

    Not sure where you live but sounds like you need ventilation - if outside of freezing conditions you need to provide some sort of way for air to get down there.