Amorphous Silicon Panels installation

lazza Solar Expert Posts: 336 ✭✭✭

Saw four a-Si 75W panels (datasheet attached) yesterday connected in series to a 12V battery through a Steca 2020 charge controller.

Now apart from the fact that the panels characteristics appear to be suited to 24V system, it was at least putting in its rated current (10A for the whole system)

However, I seem to remember hearing that a-Si should work with special charge controllers or at least MPPT?? am i right?


  • stephendv
    stephendv Solar Expert Posts: 1,571 ✭✭
    Re: Amorphous Silicon Panels installation

    I guess you mean they're all in parallel, not series. And yes the voltages are appropriate for a 24V battery, not 12V. For 12V they should use an MPPT charge controller not a PWM.
    There's nothing inherently strange about thin film panels, they can work with PWM or MPPT as long as the voltages are right.
    BTW, these aren't a-Si (amorphous silicon) panels, they're CIS panels (Copper Indium Selenide).
  • lazza
    lazza Solar Expert Posts: 336 ✭✭✭
    Re: Amorphous Silicon Panels installation

    Thanks Stephen, that type of panel is new to me... thanks for the info