RFI Noise??



  • Solar Expert Posts: 762 ✭✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??

    It's a longshot, but have you tried shielding the display itself temporarily with foil? I've encountered lcd driver circuits on other gear that put out a lot of broadband noise that wasn't necessarily conducted through the ac / load leads.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??
    PNjunction wrote: »
    It's a longshot, but have you tried shielding the display itself temporarily with foil? I've encountered lcd driver circuits on other gear that put out a lot of broadband noise that wasn't necessarily conducted through the ac / load leads.

    from 54d18,
    "When using a handheld radio as a sniffer, I was able to track it down to the solar panel leads."
  • Solar Expert Posts: 217 ✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??

    I found this thread fascinating! ...

    long fought against electromagnetic incompatibilities in both facets, as hamradio and professional, after 30 years working on the development of microwave radiolinks ... the noise is something paranormal, and you have to think paranormally to end it. hehehehe

    more of this, in Spain had no FCC, the first AC line filters appeared in the 80's!!! ...

    Solar energy devices are noisy, (the MX60 sings and has no speaker! ... the FM's too! ...but what if I have seen is that outback equipment are well-protecting against external interference, as a measure more of its great robustness) so also depends on the manufacturer, especially for the quality of its enclosure and being careful of RF decoupling all essential circuits ... I sometimes see equipment that would scare me convey my hf transmitter because that would not be predictable response ...This could be a much bigger problem than if we hear our solar equipment in our radios ...;-)
  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??

    the problem exists in many other devices too as pcs are great rf generators. my modem/router is the worst as i see rfi up past 1ghz and it isn't the only one i've had that i have seen this from. controllers are relatively quiet compared to many other devices. this is no comfort when a device nails a frequency of interest though. if all efforts do not pan out there are only 2 options. live with it or get a different controller that does not emit rfi on that frequency.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 81 ✭✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??

    OK, so sorry for the delay in responding.
    I installed the .01K Cap last weekend, and
    if I use the handheld as a sniffer, I can still
    find the RFI, however, the base radio never
    chirpped all weekend, but there was very
    little sun, and I never came close to a full charge,
    so I'll have to wait until I see all conditions. It's
    a bad time of year for this, pretty much always
    overcast and rainy.

  • Solar Expert Posts: 3,123 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: RFI Noise??
    niel wrote: »
    the problem exists in many other devices too as pcs are great rf generators. my modem/router is the worst as i see rfi up past 1ghz and it isn't the only one i've had that i have seen this from. controllers are relatively quiet compared to many other devices. this is no comfort when a device nails a frequency of interest though. if all efforts do not pan out there are only 2 options. live with it or get a different controller that does not emit rfi on that frequency.

    Choice # 3 (actually part of "all efforts", I guess), if the RFI is transmitted via leads rather than radiating directly from the box:
    Construct and install a frequency-specific "trap" on the leads, tuned to the frequency of interest.
    This is not a general RFI solution, but can be effective in the single frequency or single band use case here.
    Carefully targeted brute force. :-)
    SMA SB 3000, old BP panels.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 47
    Re: RFI Noise??

    Don't know if you got this worked out yet, or not? But, I had good luck with running down an rfi problem with high grade ferrites on all leads that made SSB usable again. Different freq I know, but thought I'd pass it along. (link deleted by niel) Gary here is very knowledgeable and has high quality clip on ferrites at the link embedded.

    do note that the host of this forum does carry ferrites and cheaper than those svnorthstar linked to. niel


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