Aurora Magnetek PVI-3000-I-OUTD-US (2006 model )

Eastside Registered Users Posts: 1
I am looking at older clearance inverter. Does any one ? Are they good? Are the new ones much better? Thanks for any help!


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Aurora Magnetek PVI-3000-I-OUTD-US (2006 model )

    i am not familiar with the inverter you are talking about, but do understand that older inverters often are not serviceable due to out dated parts. see if it is still made and if so it will still have some service ability. if not then contact the company to see if that inverter still is serviceable and ask how long parts may roughly be available for it. of course this is assuming it works as it is right now as you wouldn't purchase an inverter non working now would you? but inverters do fail in time.