Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

Can it really be this cheap and easy for a few gallons of distilled water here and there?

Google seems to love the great picture of this set-up.

Any opinions out there.,146754.msg1007266.html#msg1007266

Bill Blake


  • vtmaps
    vtmaps Solar Expert Posts: 3,741 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    links to more options:

    4 X 235watt Samsung, Midnite ePanel, Outback VFX3524 FM60 & mate, 4 Interstate L16, trimetric, Honda eu2000i
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,660 admin
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    That is fairly inefficient (fuel wise), and you will have mineral buildup in the tea kettle... And I would put the jug on the ground and point the copper pipe down from the kettle and skip the insulation. But it will work.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    adding to bb's comments, you can leave some water in the tea kettle and toss it before it burns the minerals into the base of it. i think a downward spiral of copper tubing also is the best idea to dissipate the heat before reaching the plastic jug and allow condensation to mostly form in the tubing rather than the jug itself. the insulation will stop proper condensing of the steam to water so leave it off. use an oven mitt if you need to grab the copper.
  • stephendv
    stephendv Solar Expert Posts: 1,571 ✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    What about the water produced by an air conditioner unit? Isn't that pure distilled water?
  • CATraveler
    CATraveler Solar Expert Posts: 98 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    stephendv wrote: »
    What about the water produced by an air conditioner unit? Isn't that pure distilled water?
    Perhaps but it's likely to get contaminated.

    What would the tea kettle cost for say propane? I can generally buy a gallon of distilled water for $1 US or less.

    There must also be a solar as in sun device to create distilled water?
  • CATraveler
    CATraveler Solar Expert Posts: 98 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    Or how about using load diversion on a solar controller to heat a small heater? A small amount of water on sunny days and there would soon be plenty of battery water.

    Just some blue sky ideas. 8)
  • marsofold
    marsofold Solar Expert Posts: 45 ✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    A sheet of plastic over a kiddie pool kept in place with bungie cords around the edge. Weight it at the center with a small rock. Inside a large pot in the center to catch the drip. Leave outside in afternoon summer sunlight. A SOLAR still...
  • CDN_VT
    CDN_VT Solar Expert Posts: 492 ✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    marsofold has it,
    And iffin your wantin a taste of the shine , WHAT YA BRING !!!

    It's as ez as that .. , and to clear the "kettle" composites of stuff, use Vinegar..

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Coots area!!
    I needed to buy distilled water , BC / Directorate BC/= Canada wanted 1.05 on levy's & taxes for a .91cent water bottle . Bought from Alberta , Stupid BC.
    I don't ever shop in BC for anything !! dumb folks in Victoria, and im the least.
  • BillBlake
    BillBlake Solar Expert Posts: 49
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    Thank-you for the suggestions.

    Ah yes. The old Kiddie Pool Solar Deal.

    Old survivalist special. Walmart is liquidating the end of that stuff right now.

    That trick along with a Sawyer 0.02 Micron (camping) water purifier (hollow fiber membrane technology)

    and the Legendary (RV Vehicle) 'TastePURE CX90 Ceramic Water Filter' by

    (plus activated carbon and other high tech goodies)

    is The Legendary Hot Set-up for the Ultimate (portable) clean water - for the price.

    Air and Water Purification is right up the old Bill alley. Wrote the book on some of it.

    Allow ZackScott to take a little of the DisneyLand out of the distillation deal for you. :D

    Bill Blake
  • solorone
    solorone Solar Expert Posts: 257 ✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    Not a good idea. Yesterday Friday 8/17/12 on the news I saw some silly folks who had cover their entire very large yard with poly, to protect from aerial mosquito spraying.

    As contractor, we often took small jobs just to keep crews busy, we were meticulous, and cared well for our clients.

    So this man has 3 acres of putting green grass, yes I am serious, he was very anal about his yard. Not having cotton drop cloths, I ordered 6 ill poly be placed on grass under any cutting station.
    Next few days I get an angry call from customer, saying our painters pored mineral spirits on his grass killing it.

    Long story short, yep it is too late for that. The condensation under the CLEAR poly had leached dangerous chemicals out of the plastic, as my crew picked up the poly to move to new spot, the condensation ran to the end of poly, soaked into the grass and killed it dead.

    I walked the customer around the huge home, amnd hsowed him what happened, did not make hime much happier, but he saw it was an accident.

    New rule, use black black poly of cotten drop cloths on grass. Of course we laready knew you do not use clear poly to cover/store aything you want to keep dry ( condesation) but the leaching being dangerous, I had niot even considered.

  • BillBlake
    BillBlake Solar Expert Posts: 49
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    BillBlake wrote: »
    Thank-you for the suggestions.

    Ah yes. The old Kiddie Pool Solar Deal.

    Old survivalist special. Walmart is liquidating the end of that stuff right now.

    That trick along with a Sawyer 0.02 Micron (camping) water purifier (hollow fiber membrane technology)

    and the Legendary (RV Vehicle) 'TastePURE CX90 Ceramic Water Filter' by

    (plus activated carbon and other high tech goodies)

    is The Legendary Hot Set-up for the Ultimate (portable) clean water - for the price.

    Air and Water Purification is right up the old Bill alley. Wrote the book on some of it.

    Allow ZackScott to take a little of the DisneyLand out of the distillation deal for you. :D

    Bill Blake

    Metacafe seems to have a volume problem so we fire their a-s.

    The activated carbon (and KDF) mentioned is Inside of the 0.9 (POINT NINE) micron Ceramic shell CX90 water filter.

    Not to be confused with a primitive 100 micron filter.

    The Sawyer Water PURIFIER is 0.02 POINT ZERO TWO not 0.2 which also puts it in the Legendary Column.

    Not to be confused with a Water Filter.

    Walmart had them for $66 and change online at one time.

    Amazon had the Camco CX90 but now they are hard to find.

    Both are used in a DRIP set-up or a LIGHT pressurized set-up.

    Bill Blake
  • solorone
    solorone Solar Expert Posts: 257 ✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    BillBlake wrote: »
    Metacafe seems to have a volume problem so we fire their a-s.

    The activated carbon (and KDF) mentioned is Inside of the 0.9 (POINT NINE) micron Ceramic shell CX90 water filter.

    Not to be confused with a primitive 100 micron filter.

    The Sawyer Water PURIFIER is 0.02 POINT ZERO TWO not 0.2 which also puts it in the Legendary Column.

    Not to be confused with a Water Filter.

    Walmart had them for $66 and change online at one time.

    Amazon had the Camco CX90 but now they are hard to find.

    Both are used in a DRIP set-up or a LIGHT pressurized set-up.

    Bill Blake

    Does this setup remove petro chemicals??
  • bmet
    bmet Solar Expert Posts: 630 ✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    Yes, but how much other money did you spend to buy that gallon(gas to drive to store, bus fare, etc. )
    CATraveler wrote: »
    Perhaps but it's likely to get contaminated.

    What would the tea kettle cost for say propane? I can generally buy a gallon of distilled water for $1 US or less.

    There must also be a solar as in sun device to create distilled water?
  • BillBlake
    BillBlake Solar Expert Posts: 49
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    solorone wrote: »
    Does this setup remove petro chemicals??

    In a few words, yes the set-up will remove Some of the petro chemicals but then you get into
    fluoride, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, etc., etc. It grabs a lot of those as well.

    Water Purification is far from a quick line subject. Same as fooling with Nickel Iron Batteries.

    My portable (take it to the Lake unit) alone would take some explanation and a complete breakdown.
    It does a better job with more components (at a reasonable cost) more mass and more dwell time
    than what was mentioned so far. Also a couple of nice little tricks that I came up with.

    With that said I'm reluctant to go into it because this is not a survival forum.
    The moderators are fair, effective and the best in the business here.
    A forum that is similar to this one is nothing but a paranoid joke in comparison where they slash
    your stuff just because they can.
    No sense in asking for them to have to step on a thread that goes 'way out there'.

    Bill Blake
  • CDN_VT
    CDN_VT Solar Expert Posts: 492 ✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    BillBlake wrote: »
    In a few words, yes
    With that said I'm reluctant to go into it because this is not a survival forum.

    Bill Blake
    A link to where you posted info would be good Mr Blake
    any "Forum" one would do.


    Monkey was just a funny word used, Not pointing to one forum.
    Just like reading Info.
  • BillBlake
    BillBlake Solar Expert Posts: 49
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    CDN_VT wrote: »
    A link to where you posted info would be good Mr Blake
    any monkey one would do.


    VT, I only posted a few Nickel Iron Battery Posts at the Survival Monkey forum.
    A friend of mine baited John Mario D'Angelo from Beutilityfree into the conversation which already had
    his former Sales Manager Brandon Williams from Iron Edison Battery Co. speaking into the mike
    trying to hustle and squeeze a buck out of the crowd.

    These guys:'angelo+and+brandon+williams&pf=p&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=john+d'angelo+and+brandon+williams&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=49de4c773b90c4ae&biw=1024&bih=533;_ylt=As_AM6q7AiDwq4xNlGQdJzqbvZx4?p=john+d%27angelo+and+brandon+williams&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701

    The thread quickly went down hill and one of the big shots there got testy (in the street).
    As was expressed here in the past by a power that be, you have to be careful because not everyone will share
    your sense of humor.

    The Ni-Fe deal did become hilarious in some ways and you had the top 3 guys involved (lately) all in one thread
    which I rightly predicted would probably be the last time.
    It has brought great joy to people that I know behind the scenes.

    It was years ago that I put out any Water and Air data and it's in a couple of Locked Groups
    that Google gets nothing from.

    You can take it Off List privately if you want some Secrets of the Ancients.

    Groups that put all their business on the street (The Internet) are way more fun - I must admit. :roll:
    Let's me at it. ;-)

    Bill Blake
  • CDN_VT
    CDN_VT Solar Expert Posts: 492 ✭✭✭
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?

    Corrected My Post Mr Blake.
    Since I have a House / Cabin on a Northern Ontario lake , we use the lake water for drinking , It is filtered then put through a distiller twice to make drinkable water.
    Im not so concerned about the fish pee ,it's more about bubba and his lake burying of stuff.
    I was just looking for more Info to read .
    Monkey was just the wrong word to use.

  • BillBlake
    BillBlake Solar Expert Posts: 49
    Re: Battery Water Distiller .. Simple, Homemade & Easy ?
    CDN_VT wrote: »
    Corrected My Post Mr Blake.
    Since I have a House / Cabin on a Northern Ontario lake , we use the lake water for drinking , It is filtered then put through a distiller twice to make drinkable water.
    Im not so concerned about the fish pee ,it's more about bubba and his lake burying of stuff.
    I was just looking for more Info to read .
    Monkey was just the wrong word to use.


    VT, Once again use the private message feature that the Group provides.
    You just hit the members name and there it is.
    I never heard of that Survival Monkey Forum until a friend pushed me into a thread called

    'Lets Have A Discussion About Nickel Iron Batteries'
    started by a guy I enjoy called 'Kingfish'.

    By page 5 when 'Fred Lyman' (Lie-man, get it) jumped in - the thread was smokin.
    Obviously this was the infamous John Mario D'Angelo using yet another fake name lately
    since I put some heat on him.
    If anyone ever needs a good laugh I highly suggest pages 5 through 7.
    They had a Lot of Class in one way by not chopping the thing.
    Even the 2 songs I played them on page 7 remain.
    Years from now if all the search engines continue to keep it in stock and I'm gone
    I suspect the thread will go Legendary.

    Bill Blake