Warning about a scam coming

Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
Yeah I know I am a new guy, you'll find me mostly in the Mopar and Diesel pick up forums. I admin 2 of them. I feel it's important I get the word out about this though.

First a bit of history
I started on this project 2 years ago. I studied my limited roof space. (Bob Vela be proud) and my winds. I originally wanted to start with the solar and put up some wind power to cover both aspects. But I had too much trouble with the town, and selecting a good panel supplier. So I ended up with the wind first and got my infastructure installed. That part is just being tweaked now. I'll explain.

I started with Google and kept ending up with eBay, I personally hate that store, but it seemed to offer the best choices for my needs. I read through spec after spec, trying yo get my best bang for the buck. I ended with this outfit called Missouri Wind and Solar. Ho Boy

When I finally got my towers up, I was greatly disappointed. 3100 watts worth of generators gave me a whopping 4 Amps in a 25 MPH gust. Not only that, The Missouri charge control panel was discharging my batteries, big time. I dug into it and found the problem, but the panel was advertised to handle 10,000 watts on #6 wire. I'll save the rest for another time A UTube video explains it in seconds). Anyway, I contacted Missouri Wind and Solar and got no responses. Then got the bumbs rush for another month, where it was past the fight time for a refund from PayPal. I know you all know what I am talking about.

I'm getting to the point. I started digging and found hundreds of complaints about this company. Yesterday they got delivery of solar panels all crushed right from the container. One of his former suppliers tracked down where he bought them, and found he bought all the factory QC rejects from Suntec (?) He even posted a video showing the crushd panels.

Knowing how this guy operates, he is about to flood the market with under spec panels, I guess he'll salvage what he can. He will false advertise them, and get away with it. I'm not addicted to solar, I am just wanting to put my panels in and forget them, except for an occasional maint/inspection. We're not sure what name he is going to trade under, but his hate club is tracking that down. I'm just the mouth.

There is quite a stink going on in YouTube. You may want to go over there and search for Missouri Wind and Solar. You can also search for my videos and see what we really found. Apparently, "Polaraco" has become some sort of a expert on the wind subject. Well let's just say I learn quick and think logically.

Everything I have said here I have back up on. I have been ripped for $5K and threatened by the owner, nothing I have said is false. If Missouri Wind and Solar is a member, he is welcome to reply. But I assure you it won't be pretty. That's the way he is as you'll see in YouTube.

Bottom line, after I bored you to death, Missouri Wind and Solar is about to take advantage of the unsuspecting, and needs to be stopped. Missouri Wind and Solar is about to flood the market with some junk. Too many scams in the renewable industry. Our mission is to take one con out of it. Oh BTW, he has been reported to the BBB, Attorney Generals Office, IRS, and the internet fraud agencies. See ya on Youtube and thanks.


PS Glad to be here.


  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Yea, Missouri Wind and Solar wind turbines appear to not to generate any long term useful power from posts and ytube videos that have been posted here in other threads.

    By the way, I am going to delete your blog entry--We are not really using the Blog portion of the forum yet (have not quite figured out how to make use of the blog without creating redundancies with the forum itself).

    By the way, you got the crushed panels from Missouri Wind and Solar or another vendor?

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Thomas
    Thomas Solar Expert Posts: 291
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    I think you should have stuck with it, turbines work, magnets,wires etc. I am having problems with my own wind turbine and want it working....not lawers
    Always troubleshoot with adequate sunlight.  Hi Ho Hi Ho
    2.3kW [10] Enecsys SMI-240-60 micro inverters

  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    BB. wrote: »
    Yea, Missouri Wind and Solar wind turbines appear to not to generate any long term useful power from posts and ytube videos that have been posted here in other threads.

    By the way, I am going to delete your blog entry--We are not really using the Blog portion of the forum yet (have not quite figured out how to make use of the blog without creating redundancies with the forum itself).

    By the way, you got the crushed panels from Missouri Wind and Solar or another vendor?


    Hi Bill It's OK. I never had a blog before. LOL Oh Well, one more thing to pay attention too. LOL

    No I didn't buy any panels from him or yet. I am thinking of going with Alternative Energies of Kentucky. All US made and certified. I came close though, and threw on the brakes. He has a video on UT blaming the customer for a panel that appears to be bad, just watching the video. It happens. But he blames the customer for everything. If you were following the nastygrams, you'd see that.

    I'm just wind right now, Solar in about another 6 weeks. My infastructure is on, I just have to tie in to it with the panels. I can't get anymore than 1600 on the house. But I was thinking about making awnings over my south windows with a row. Kill t birds. Get another 1100 in the prime sun and block the sun heat from coming in the house.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    Thomas wrote: »
    I think you should have stuck with it, turbines work, magnets,wires etc. I am having problems with my own wind turbine and want it working....not lawers

    I can try to help you with it Tom. I learned allot. Tell me about the install and your geography. Pics help.

    Here is my erector set. I just finished this. If I did it right, it's good for 90 MPH. Welcome to old town suburbia in New Jersey. That's 2000 watts potential. We've had hardly any wind this year. Ugh

    Attachment not found.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    Thomas wrote: »
    I think you should have stuck with it, turbines work, magnets,wires etc. I am having problems with my own wind turbine and want it working....not lawers

    You know what? I left out I replaced my Missouri wind turbines with Thermodyne's. Thermodyne is the original designer of this type. Missouri Wind was a dealer and poorly copied Thermodynes. First day with 15 MPH winds, and I was getting 13 amps off two pf them. I got 4 amps from mw&s in 25 MPH winds. I never want to take those towers down again, They're HEAVY!
  • Ralph Day
    Ralph Day Solar Expert Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Good luck in 90mph winds! I've seen the 2 3/4" pipe on my tower whip and bend in 60mph winds. The weakest point in your erector set will be there the threaded pipes join with couplers. When pipe is threaded the wall thickness is probably halved...and the subsequent strength reduction would be great.

    I wouldn't be outside looking up in a major wind event:confused:

  • TnAndy
    TnAndy Solar Expert Posts: 249 ✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    Polaraco wrote: »
    I can try to help you with it Tom. I learned allot. Tell me about the install and your geography. Pics help.

    Here is my erector set. I just finished this. If I did it right, it's good for 90 MPH. Welcome to old town suburbia in New Jersey. That's 2000 watts potential. We've had hardly any wind this year. Ugh

    Attachment not found.

    I'm surprised that close to a house you get any production at all.....seems like the roof would be constantly breaking up the air flow.

    As to the YouTube video's, looks like a bunch of school girls in a spat...and likely a mix of competitors, base on the "you can find it cheaper here" videos.

    I saw the one where MWS got a container of solar panels.....I'd have rejected the whole load, personally, given the way they were loosely packed in those wood crates, but they didn't look "crushed".....and may not be harmed at all. I don't know....you don't know.....and neither of us knows what he intends to do with them IF they are hurt.

    Shipping problems DO happen. I ordered a set of Solarworld panels that were shipped directly from the factory in California, and when they got to the local truck terminal, something has obviously fallen on the top of the pallet of panels in transit and smashed the glass thru on the top panel. Really funny, because the bottom of the pallet was built with enough wood to build a small shed, and the top of the pallet was just a pc of cardboard. One 8 buck pc 8 of 1/2 plywood on the top would have saved a 500 buck panel.
  • waynefromnscanada
    waynefromnscanada Solar Expert Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    Ralph Day wrote: »
    Good luck in 90mph winds! I've seen the 2 3/4" pipe on my tower whip and bend in 60mph winds. The weakest point in your erector set will be there the threaded pipes join with couplers. When pipe is threaded the wall thickness is probably halved...and the subsequent strength reduction would be great.

    I wouldn't be outside looking up in a major wind event:confused:


    I hope the project works out, but for sure, I would NOT want to be the next door neighbor! I have personal experience with blades going off in all directions, one piece left sticking through the barn roof like a giant knife that stabbed a turkey. I'm most thankful there was no one around when they it happened! Some pieces I never did find! As much as I want this project to work out for the OP, I just cannot see their "towers" holding up for long before the big crash happens. Unfortunately, it's not if, it's when. :(
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    The back of the house points true west. My strongest and most frequent winds come from this side. I have clear shots except due east. But I am about a foot over the roof line. I have to deal with the town too

    I used Struts on those towers. Watching them, there is almost no movement at all in gusts. Just the 4 Foot verticles shake slightly.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    I hope the project works out, but for sure, I would NOT want to be the next door neighbor! I have personal experience with blades going off in all directions, one piece left sticking through the barn roof like a giant knife that stabbed a turkey. I'm most thankful there was no one around when they it happened! Some pieces I never did find! As much as I want this project to work out for the OP, I just cannot see their "towers" holding up for long before the big crash happens. Unfortunately, it's not if, it's when. :(

    Heh Yeah I thought about that too. I did allot of question asking about the blades because of the close proximity. Not to mention I sleep under that. These are fiber reinforced composit blades. They've been on the street for 5 years without 1 loss. So they say. They are made to flex. You literally have to bend one ofer your knee by 50/60* before they will fracture. Snap at 90*. I have seen aluminum blades take a hike on people though. Probably from fatigue. The PMA's and blades came from Thermodyne
  • Thomas
    Thomas Solar Expert Posts: 291
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    People only put bad news or problems on the internet.
    I would want to dress that wind generation station up with some solar panels.
    I am having problems getting my Air-x 400 12 volt running @ a good voltage level, nevermind amps.
    there is no more controller in the unit, in the 5 months it has been an ornament on my mobile home there has been about 7 storms that i would have really liked to have gotten a charge out of and some grid tie hours out of. Rats. back to three phase google.:cry: round and round she goes where she stops only the hampster knows.
    Always troubleshoot with adequate sunlight.  Hi Ho Hi Ho
    2.3kW [10] Enecsys SMI-240-60 micro inverters

  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming


    I think it is possible that some or your AirX problems might be partially as a result of you lack of understanding grounding issues,, as you demonstrated on another thread.

  • Thomas
    Thomas Solar Expert Posts: 291
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    yeah I am over grounded, can't be too safe. I had one loop. google is out of new angles on my three phase problem, I am at center tap propoganda trying to see a safe way to the facts/truth thru experimentation/action. heresy.
    Always troubleshoot with adequate sunlight.  Hi Ho Hi Ho
    2.3kW [10] Enecsys SMI-240-60 micro inverters

  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Gotta remember this year has been bad for wind. Has to do with the axis on the Sun, so they say. But March and April are supposed to be really windy this year. I can't wait.

    I just ordered 1600 watts of panels tonight. You guys got me started already :D
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    welcome aboard a bit belated. you said,
    "I was thinking about making awnings over my south windows with a row."
    when you do this i would be interested in how you do this in detail and show us some picks, plz.:D
    put it in it's own thread and you pick an appropriate category to throw it into.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    niel wrote: »
    welcome aboard a bit belated. you said,
    "I was thinking about making awnings over my south windows with a row."
    when you do this i would be interested in how you do this in detail and show us some picks, plz.:D
    put it in it's own thread and you pick an appropriate category to throw it into.

    Boy. . . Moderators want everything. The key word is THINKING! LOL

    If you watch Part 1 of my YouTube videos. you'll see I live in tight quarters. My house is compass set, with the front east. With the trees in the neighborhood all but gone now. (Just got some 80 footers removed on the next block) I get strong sun on my south side a good part of the day. Summer is probably good for 12 hours. My roof is a T with the rear ridge facing west. I have 11 liniar feet facing south, I can squeeze 5 panels ther and 2 more 280's on the T facing west. OK you got the layout

    I have 34 feet of flat wall on the south side. It gets good sun all year round with no shadows. Pretty lucky with my neighbor so close. That said here's the plan.

    Using 1" 1/8" angle, I can weld together 10 foot sections of frame, making an triangle to set the panels on top of. Prime and paint the hell out of it, Lag bolt the frames to the wall. Bolt the frames end to end. Bolt the panels downI can put them on a 35 to 40* so the snow will slide off. Wire it up and I got 1100 watts potential. I figure I'li get 900 average for the day. Going to do the same thing on the back to get more west sun. I was actually thinking of marketing these in 77" widths in Aluminum. It's only 60 pounds. I was going to make them in steel because my welder doesn't do aluminum. I would put a support in the middle. Easy. At my age it's harder for me to put them up than to make. I'm OLD!
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    i wasn't asking as a moderator and my key word was when. gee, maybe i should give up moderating so i can ask questions?:confused::p

    i ask because i had the same thoughts, but i have areas that won't have to go over the windows even though the awning idea is a good one that i too thought of and i have yet to implement mounting my pvs. if i ever get that many pvs the window areas is a good place where i could put them. in the meantime i am interested in not how you plan to do it, but how you actually do it as plans change don't you know.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    niel wrote: »
    i wasn't asking as a moderator and my key word was when. gee, maybe i should give up moderating so i can ask questions?:confused::p

    i ask because i had the same thoughts, but i have areas that won't have to go over the windows even though the awning idea is a good one that i too thought of and i have yet to implement mounting my pvs. if i ever get that many pvs the window areas is a good place where i could put them. in the meantime i am interested in not how you plan to do it, but how you actually do it as plans change don't you know.

    :D:D Touchy. . . . I get that on the two sites I admin. Eventually they forget who you are.

    After studying the options, that's pretty much how it's going to have to work. The frame is nothing more than a large version of an awning frame. I just have to make them so they interlock. I'll keep you posted. But it's going to be several months before I get to it
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Back to topic

    Someone mentioned that the owner of Missouri Wind and Fraud was nuts. I got a copy of some messages he sent to Thermodyne via sBay today. Really nasty stuff. I can't copy and paste it.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    That is probably for the best...

    We try to keep it to the "facts" as best we know them. Ordered A from Mfg B, A does not function according to specs, and Mfg. B does not return phone calls/emails.

    All of us moderators here are purely volunteers with no connections to anyone in the solar biz (what you see is what you get). It becomes difficult for us to moderate and we do not want to "pick a winner" in a mud fight.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming
    BB. wrote: »
    That is probably for the best...

    We try to keep it to the "facts" as best we know them. Ordered A from Mfg B, A does not function according to specs, and Mfg. B does not return phone calls/emails.

    All of us moderators here are purely volunteers with no connections to anyone in the solar biz (what you see is what you get). It becomes difficult for us to moderate and we do not want to "pick a winner" in a mud fight.



    You're forgiven. I Admin 2 forums now. It has it's moments doesn't it.

    It's ironic. This guy continues to false advertise his stuff, even though he's been called on all of it. His charge controllers are fire traps.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Has anyone seen this guys 220's on line yet?
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    I don't recall commenting on the dead batteries. I only turned the sound on for a few seconds. I felt it better to just watch after hearing what was being said. So I didn't know if they ware dead or not. I know several other people did comment on that though.

    My wiring was NEVER like that. I didn't have anything bare just hanging, it was tied off, organized and definitely sized to handle anything I threw at it. The fact is, All I did was redo it a better way and reduce the potential points of failure. PPOF

    I'm not running any diodes at all because I have a common buss. Anything over 4 turbines would require a diode, and then on the negative side. My suggestion is to take that out of there, unless there is resistance between the rotor and the field. If there is, there shouldn't be. I have seen 50 amps on a 24V Bus from my turbines. The gust was 22 MPH and lasted for several seconds. That's based on 4-500's. (2000 Watts) I also only see 25.8 volts, because my batteries are always in float. The lowest they ever get is 24.9, and that draw is from the inverters.

    As for the rest of this one long sentence, I don't see anything relevant to the topic. I noticed how you people are following me around. Interesting. I must worry someone.
  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming


    With a welcome to the forum, I must dd a couple of comments. As a new (first time) poster you should pay attention to both your tone and your content. We run a very civilized forum here and won't tolerate personal attacks. If you have something to say about an issue, write a cogent, concise respone sticking to the issue at hand, rather than the attacking the person involved.

    Additionally, you might be better suited to refining your writing style with proper (within reason!) spelling, punctuation etc. Your long, run on paragraph, lacking coherent punctuation makes it exceeding ly hard to read, and as a result, it leading many to not bother. This is not high school English, but if you expect to be respected, you both need to be respectful, and write well enough to earn that respect.

    Once again, welcome to the forum,

  • waynefromnscanada
    waynefromnscanada Solar Expert Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Well I tried to make sense of it.
  • Polaraco
    Polaraco Solar Expert Posts: 102 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    Now you know what I have been dealing with. You have no idea the extent of the hassles I have had. This is the kind of stuff following me around. But yet they accuse me of stalking. Hah!

    Oh well. I tried to be civil, even if what he is saying os not true

    Lock up the thread boss I'm not posting anymore anywhere until these people are gagged.
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning about a scam coming

    let's get a few things clear here. you don't have the right to come here to post "weather you or he likes it.." this wasn't about you and never should be as it is about the turbine and you gave your opinion on it already. we cannot substaniate the validity of the product's worthiness based on you or your opinion anyway. furthermore, it is not your fight is it, unless you are an owner in the company? to this end i see no usefulness for this thread to continue as it will only serve to make it a personal fight. with that this thread will be locked. any attempt to resurrect the subject elsewhere with the purpose of its continuance to fulfill personal gripes against each other will be dealt with harshly.
This discussion has been closed.