solar cell out put

conntaxman Solar Expert Posts: 125 ✭✭✭✭✭
Just to make sure that i figured that correctly. Got my ele. bill in this month and Just the ele. used was 520 kill watts. I got panels that have 36 cells each and are 3 x 6 which put out 1.7 watts x 3 amps. I have 8 of these panels on a rack. so i tried to figure the out put of panels to my bill. Oh i didn't hook these panels up yet. I took the wattage of each panel 64.8 x 8 = 518 watts then 518 x 4 hours of sun =2073 watt hrs per day. then 30 days in a month 30 x 2073 = 62208 . That is more then the watts I use, is that correct? I used 520 x 1000 watts =17333.33 watts .
Sure would be nice if this is correct.ha ha ha.
I know all about the sun/shade/rainy days.Just using full sunny days.


  • stephendv
    stephendv Solar Expert Posts: 1,571 ✭✭
    Re: solar cell out put

    Missing a zero ;) You used 520kWh in the month. And you produced 62kWh.
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: solar cell out put

    yeah 520kWh = 520,000

    you produce 62,208

    so if the panels produce that full amount the 520,000 - 62,208 = 457,792.

    This is assuming that there is no loses in the system.
  • jagec
    jagec Solar Expert Posts: 157 ✭✭
    Re: solar cell out put

    If you want to produce around 500 kWh of (AC) power per month, you'll probably need about 5,000 (DC) watts of panels.

    Check out PV Watts to get some good estimates for your location.