Really good panel

simagic Solar Expert Posts: 100 ✭✭✭✭
Awhile ago I started re-researching panels as I felt my current panels were not performing very well. Although they were new, they seemed to really struggle to "get up there" ( and never quite made it). I came across "grape solar" panels and they seemed like the size I needed and had "good specs". Upon my researching (HERE) on this forum, I found some negative info about the panel. I felt a little discouraged after reading that, but continued with my research and ended up purchasing one of their 100w panels.
First I'd like to say that I have no connection whatsoever with this company other than a first time customer. I received my panel and it "VERY MUCH"....I repeat......"VERY MUCH", outperforms my current panels. It appears very well made and it "got up there" with little difficulty. I had a few questions, so I contacted the company and the rep was very eager to be helpful. I just ordered two more and am anxiously awaiting their arrival so I can make better usage of my system.
I did all my research ..........have the panel..(waiting for the other 2), and am happy with my purchase. So bottom line is, that the negative info was baloney and.....I think, this is a "Really good panel". thanks


  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    I've moved this thread to the review section and will add here a link to another thread which links to other thread regarding Grape solar panels:

    I'm glad you're happy with them; it's nice to see things work out well. :D
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    ""get up there"
    what does that mean in scientific terminology?
  • waynefromnscanada
    waynefromnscanada Solar Expert Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel
    ""get up there"
    what does that mean in scientific terminology?

    Elevated to the roof ridge line ? :p
    Sorry, the devil made me do that. :blush:
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    Exactly! LOL
    It's the type of terminology that sales people use.
    Sorry but when I read reviews like this I am not left with a favorable impression.
  • simagic
    simagic Solar Expert Posts: 100 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    "gets up there" was a reference that I made to indicate that it came close to reaching the volts and amps that the specs said it should.. It was up there getting close to what is suppose to be. The way I understand it from reading numerous articles on this forum, and other info, that panel specs are determined in laboratory conditions and are the "peak" the panel maker reached upon testing and one should not expect to reach those numbers unless they can duplicated those conditions. Kinda like when a car manufacturer posts the mileage expected on their cars. This also is under Laboratory (ie. perfect) conditions and unless you duplicate those conditions, you shouldn't really expect to get that mileage. Some cars might "get up there" a little closer than others. My car never "got up there"....not even close..

    There is something called PTC ratings. PTC ratings are the rating given under realistic test conditions. ((PTC= PVUSA Testing Conditions (realistic test conditions).
    See one of many links I found....... ..Some panels "get up there" a little better than others and have a better PTC rating.

    This is how I understand it. (maybe I'm wrong). Do people "usually" get 100% of the spec amounts indicated on the panel or do some panels "get up there" closer to those specs than others??? .....PS. I'm not a sales person. I'm a retired painter who just happens to be happy with his purchase as compared to my previous purchase of panels that (DIDN'T) "get up there".
    When my girlfriend last asked me "how ya coming along with your solar education". I replied "gettin up there"......PHEW, hope I cleared that up for rollandelliott and any others!. It's not scientific terminology. It's just a phrase I use to indicate "positive"
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    fyi, it is possible to attain pv rated stc numbers when the conditions are similar to stc conditions. it is not impossible to have a pv temp at 25 degree c under 1000w/m^2 illumination as those in colder climates can attest on nice sunny solar days. it can even be exceeded, but don't hold your breath waiting for it. those in the higher altitudes also receive higher insolations so they too can see it occasionally. it's just not the norm and ptc numbers usually sit about 10% less than stc.

    i'd be curious as to what you had, what they reached, and where it is this took place? also, was this using a pwm or mppt cc?
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    I'm glad they work for you, but if you put some actual numbers in there and ran some statistics comparing the two panels before and after like Grape is 5% more power than ACME panel that is what I would consider useful information. Your review as it stands sounds more like an emotional appeal than a documented improvement.
  • simagic
    simagic Solar Expert Posts: 100 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    Geeze rollandelliott . I don't want to get out my slide rule and spend hours and hours doing a statistical comparison between the two, so somebody can rebut and spend more hours disputing. I don't have a lab, I'm not a scientist. I don't want a lab and I don't want to be a scientist. I'm just a guy who likes this panel better than the other ones I have. The volts and amps went higher (for the same 100 watts) and I thought I'd share. Gimme a break will ya. Ok, it's 5% higher. Does that work better for you? If that's an emotional appeal because "I" say I like it, then it's an emotional appeal. When I write my book on the statistical differences between different panels and different light source amounts, I'll send you a free copy. Until then "I" like the new panel better than my other panels. If you want to get out your slide rule and tell me why it's not as good as other panels, then please do so. It "gets up there" better than my others........That's all
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    Usually you would have some sort of reference numbers, such as the readings from a charge controller. You might say "My old 100 Watt panel never showed more than 75 Watts output in good sun; these new ones read 80 Watts". Something like that.

    Now lets not turn this into an argument and make extra work for moderators who'd then have to delete posts, lock the thread, suspend posting rights, et cetera.
  • simagic
    simagic Solar Expert Posts: 100 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    Geeze rollandelliott . I don't want to get out my slide rule and spend hours and hours doing a statistical comparison between the two, so somebody can rebut and spend more hours disputing. I don't have a lab, I'm not a scientist. I don't want a lab and I don't want to be a scientist. I'm just a guy who likes this panel better than the other ones I have. The volts and amps went higher (for the same 100 watts) and I thought I'd share. Gimme a break will ya. Ok, it's 5% higher. Does that work better for you? If that's an emotional appeal because "I" say I like it, then it's an emotional appeal. When I write my book on the statistical differences between different panels and different light source amounts, I'll send you a free copy. Until then "I" like the new panel better than my other panels. If you want to get out your slide rule and tell me why it's not as good as other panels out there on the market, then please feel free to do so. This panel "gets up there" better than my others. That's all.

    ........Did you read the negative info on this site (see link)

    How statistical was that they didn't like it because they were distributed from Oregon and that they were "crappy" (where's the statistics on "crappy") Where's the statistics on "lower end"....Chinese ? Where's the statistics that say if it's distributed from Oregon that it's inferior. Did you rip them a new
    . I again ad that I have no relationship with this company other than a first time customer. My emotional experience from this transaction is positive
  • simagic
    simagic Solar Expert Posts: 100 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Really good panel

    Sorry Cariboocoot . I'll end it here. thanks
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Really good panel

    It's OK... It was very clear what your review was based on. And these days, customer care is just about as important as the product at times.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • dlt123me
    dlt123me Registered Users Posts: 8
    Re: Really good panel

    Just wanted to jump to help with the positive v.s. the negative ground confusion. I contacted Grape Solar and asked about this confusion.

    They said the panel that is model number: 100W OFF-GRID • GS-S-100-TS is the one that has positive or special connections. Notice the TS in its identity number. This is the 33 cell panel and the one which brought in confusion.

    The 36 cell panel model number: 100W MONO • GS-S-100-Fab36 is one most want...

    If you still have questions, I suggest you give them a call... and no I don't work or have any affiliation with GS.

    Hope this helps.
