Matching components

System Posts: 2,511 admin
Just in the beginning stages of research for a simple solar/wind generator system. I have been doing a bit of research on line and haven't been able to get an answer I am looking for. It might be in front of my eyes but can't see it.

First of all what we are trying to do is get some power out to our horse pasture for a water pump and stock tank heater/de-icer in the winter.

We live in western Montana so at this point not real sure what is or wind but that really isn't my question here.

How does one know to match the proper components.

In other words if I have a 1000 watt heater/de-icer, I assume I will need an inverter rated at 1000 watts?... how know what type of battery setup to use or what type of generator to use....what rating?

Not sure if I am making myself clear here but any information will help. I'm sure it is easier than I am making it out to be.

Thanks in advance

Deer Lodge, MT


  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Matching components

    Welcome to the forum, Eric.

    Actually it's more difficult than you think. That's because a heater is a big power user, and an inefficient one. Thermostatically controlled, you never really know how long it will be on for in any given day. If you try to supply it on the basis of 24 hours on, you will have a hugely expensive system with massive amounts of panels costing tens of thousands of dollars.

    It seems to me we've been here before, too. This thread might throw a few ideas your way:

    If you're thinking about using wind for the source of power for anything, do a lot of research first. Make sure there really is enough wind in the area to support a turbine, buy a good turbine (costs money), and make sure it's installed well and maintained. So many small wind systems are absolute failures it isn't funny.