where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
I'm looking to install my own Solar water system and was wondering if anyone can recommend some SRCC certified water panels and where to buy them.
I've searched past threads and there is not any recommendations besides

I've gone to the SRCC web site,
but many/most?? panels listed are NOT do it yourself ones, they are sold by distributors that want to install the system for you.

Thanks for any leads!


  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    Well after some more digging around I found no less than 3 places near Charlotte that sell these hot water panels, I guess it's pretty competitive here! It's nice not to have to pay freight charges on these panels I'll just do some more homework and pick out what I need.

    Below are my notes:
    Southern Energy Management - Charlotte
    Charlotte, NC
    (888) 423-8096
    ONLY do turnkey installs, 7 to 9$K price minus 55% fed/state tax credit.

    SolarTEK Energy of Charlotte
    Phone: (877) 406-2833
    unknown if they help the DIY person.

    Gastonia is Solar Now.
    3826 S New Hope Rd STE 13
    Gastonia, NC 28056.
    will sell supplies for the DIY person.
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,945 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    Before you look for panels, I would think you should have the design type in mind!
    Pressurized glycol, drainback, batch, ect.
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    Good question. I've been told for Charlotte, NC. that from April to October the solar water panel will provide 100% of my energy needs. Then from Nov to March it will provide about 50% via preheating.

    I've lived here for over a decade and this past winter was the worst one we had with a week of solid 20F lows and even at those low temps I only had one pipe freeze for two days ( and no busted pipe!)

    I'm thinking a simple OPEN loop would be easy to install and I could just drain it once a year in January. Why mess with all the heat transfer/glycol and extra tanks? Am I missing something?

    I've looked at a few systems and I'm starting to wonder if it would be cheaper to do this myself EVEN with the 50% TAX credit???

    The panels are pretty easy to make, (still have to figgure out how to get a good thermal connection between the cooper tube and the flat piece of metal under it, but other than that, it's really really simple.

    I'm also wondering if it is worth it to use tempered glass vs polygal
    Seems like quite a few companies use polygal due to light weight? Luckily for me they are also local and I can pick up some material from them with no freight fees.
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    I am way lucky on my location as we have a tap water direct loop system. The single panel provide 100% of the heating over 10 months a year with a large percentage in Dec and Jan as preheating for the energy star gas hot water system with electric start. The loop pump runs very little and the 80 gallon storage is @ 150F always this time a year.

    I am clueless as to where the 4 therms of gas per month are going unless I have a leak someplace or they are just sending an estimated bill. Will have to call the gas company and ask.
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    so did you make your own system or did you buy the components and if so where did you get them at please?
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?
    so did you make your own system or did you buy the components and if so where did you get them at please?

    The panels are made locally and are available to the public, I had my system install by a qualified installer and the permits pulled so I could qualify for all the rebates. The company that did the install carried the utility rebate on their books and so no out of pocket for that. The cost was very reasonable after the rebates and credits but the ROI is still pretty lousy with nat gas prices what they are. It cut my gas bill in half but that is only about a $20 a month reduction, of course the damn fees hit every month.

    I can get you a reference if you like. Jburgess also used this company and I think he is pretty satisfied.
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    Thanks but the cost to ship huge solar water panels from Phoenix to Charlotte, NC would be way too much. I am better off buying locally.
    Or if I make them myself something like this:
    $25 4x8 treated plywood
    $25 insulation
    $50 twin wall poly glazing
    $200 copper pipe and fittings
    $50 for aluminum trim @ 1.5/ftx32 feet
    Total of $350 for each panel x 2 = $700
    probably around 1k$ for whole system.
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    You might look at the aluminum radiant floor heat panels to go around the copper pipe to help the heat transfer.
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    good idea but at $3/sq/feet they are a bit pricy! might just rent a break to bend the aluminum myself.
  • rollandelliott
    rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    how do the commercial panels create the pipe to flat plate thermal bond? spot welding? solder?
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: where to buy SRCC solar water panels from?

    for DIY try here