Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

Sorry if this is a repeat topic but I couldn't find any info on this particular subject in my search.....I currently have 1 - folding solar panel set that is rated for 130w and has an attached 10amp Phocos CIS charge controller. I am thinking of purchasing an additional 130w folding set (same model), that has the same 10amp phocos CIS model charge controller to increase the wattage to 260. My question is, how would I go about connecting these two seperate folding sets together to give me the 260w of combined power that I am looking for? My thinking is and please correct if I am wrong, I would connect the wires together, between both controllers, on the output side (side that runs to the battery, red to red and black to black) which would effectively parallel both folding sets together via the output side of both this correct? Also, being that the charge controllers on both folding sets are 10amp controllers, would it be neccessary for some reason that you know of, to upgrade both controllers to 20 amp versions since the combined power of both solar sets tied together would be 260w instead of 130w. The reason that I ask this is becuase the people that I bought the 130w set from off of ebay (ant energy) mentioned something about upgrading the charge controllers to 20amp each if I were to combine 2 - 130w sets. Unfortunatley who ever responds to customer inquiries on their end is a person of very few words and couldn't possibly be any more vague in their answers. Any help that you fine folks can provide me would be much appreciated. Thanks


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    welcome to the forum.

    to combine them is to just do exactly that and put each separate solar setup to the same battery. the battery is the only common denominator here. if you wish to have a single larger controller you could do that making the cc another part of the common ground and thus the pvs would also become common. for separate ccs do not make the pvs common to both ccs as only the batteries should be common with separate ccs.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together
    niel wrote: »
    welcome to the forum.

    to combine them is to just do exactly that and put each separate solar setup to the same battery. the battery is the only common denominator here. if you wish to have a single larger controller you could do that making the cc another part of the common ground and thus the pvs would also become common. for separate ccs do not make the pvs common to both ccs as only the batteries should be common with separate ccs.

    Just so I understand you correctly, are you saying that the 10 amp CCS on the two seperate folding panel sets, should NOT be connected together in order to combine them as one 260w single run to my batteries?Instead, both 130w sets should run to the batteries seperately if using both CCS or does it really matter? If I wanted to combine both 130w sets would it be prefferable to combine them using only 1 - CC and disconnect the other CC and if so would the 1 - 10amp CC suffice or would I need to replace it with a 20amp?? I thought I had read somewhere else that it was possible to parallel 2 - CCS from 2 - separate panel sets in order to combine them as one single run to the batteries and it would work ok? I appreciate the reply to my post but being that I am a newbie to all this solar stuff you may need to break it down to the nats a$$ a bit more so I understand completely what you are saying. Thanks
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,658 admin
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    Yes, the results are virtually identical:
    1. Two arrays, two 10a charge controllers, connect both in parallel to the same battery bank.
    2. Two arrays, connect in parallel to one 20a charge controller, run cable to battery bank.
    The only difference is you had to purchase a separate 20a charge controller...

    However, if you have specialized needs--There are reasons to combine the solar array and use a MPPT type charge controller.

    Say you need to place the solar panels in sun 100' from the charge controller/battery bank (bank is in shade).

    Place the two solar arrays in series for Vmp~35 volts, then connect to a ~20 amp MPPT charge controller which takes the high voltage/low current from the solar array and efficiently down converts to the low voltage/higher current for charging the 12 volt battery bank.

    This would allow you to use lighter cable and/or have the panels a longer distance from the battery bank.

    You save money in copper but spend money on a more expensive MPPT type charge controller.

    Your needs, your choice.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    Thanks Bill....Just curious though, as I mentioned in my first post, a rep from the company that I purchased my folding panels from, mentioned that I would need to change out both 10amp CCS on both folding sets to 20amp CCS since I would be connecting the 2 sets together for the 260w. Does this sound right to you or do you think that the 10amp CC that is already installed on both sets (total of 20amps) would suffice or would I need more amps for the increased panel wattage? Thanks
  • n3qik
    n3qik Solar Expert Posts: 741 ✭✭
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    With these being folding panels. They would be only used during hiking/camping?

    If so, I would keep using the two 10 amp controllers. My thinking is both panels may not be pointed in the same direction. This would let each panel work independent of each other.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,658 admin
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    You should not need two charge controllers to charge one battery pack. Each controller will make its own charging decisions--so you will see them "not in synchronization" sometimes (one as stopped charging while the other one is).

    Not a problem.

    Of course, you can spend some bucks on a very nice MorningStar 15 amp MPPT controller (should be big enough). They are very nice and probably better than the controller(s) you currently have.

    wind-sun_2148_886292Morningstar SunSaver 15 Amp MPPT Solar Charge Controller
    Price: $245.58

    Personally, I would only use this controller/setup if:
    1. You have very long wire run requirements from solar array to battery bank/12 volt power usage
    2. And/Or the panels are setup, at least, 3 months a year during very cold (sub freezing) winters where you could collect more than "average" power.
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Connecting 2 - 130w folding solar panel sets together

    if you already have 2 10a controllers then you have what you need unless you would want to opt for a better mppt controller as bb said. there isn't a requirement to get a single larger controller unless you tied the outputs of the pvs together and they don't have to be tied together. running them as 2 independent solar setups to the same battery works well and n3qik brings up a good point too.

    it might be good to have fuses for the + wires at the battery just in case you accidentally short out the wires to the controllers. batteries that pass a large amount of power through a wire can super heat that wire and it's not good for the battery either. imp x1.5 and round up to nearest commercial value would be ok.