Warning Labels

I have read lots and lots about warning labels but nowhere does nobody say anything about color. They all appear red when I view them online but is there any requirement that they must be RED?


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  • Solar Expert Posts: 264 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    I think it's up to the local inspector, you might want to consult him/her with a sample printout whether it's acceptable. I've seen labels passed inspection with black text on white back ground and a simple red "lightning" symbol or just "WARNING" in red, the rest is black on white (to stand-out and catch attention).

  • Solar Expert Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels
    Macaw wrote: »
    I have read lots and lots about warning labels but nowhere does nobody say anything about color. They all appear red when I view them online but is there any requirement that they must be RED?

    If you are thinking about printing your own you might want to check on how well your printout survive sunlight. I printed my own labels for my workshop solar and they didn't last 4 months before the sun bleached them white. Even the ones one the inside faded quickly.

    Note: this was from an inkjet printer, laser printouts might last longer.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 264 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    Use a local "car wrapper" shop. They have vinyl stickers that is weather & UV resistance. If you are handy, use photoshop et al. to make a vector graphics EPS format. Fit everything on a 8.5x11 or so sheet and cut out the individual decals yourself. It's cheap this way.

  • Solar Expert Posts: 130 ✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    Your utility may have some requirements also. Mine recently changed it’s requirements for solar labels to this: (stickers and engraved plastic no longer acceptable)

    1. Signs shall be pop-riveted to cabinets.
    2. Signs are stainless steel, 0.015" thick (min.) or aluminum 0.059"
    thick (min.) with raised or impressed letters 0.01" (min.). Capital
    letters 3/16" min.,small letters 1/8" min.
    3. All pop-rivet holes are 1/8" dia. (typ.).
  • Solar Expert Posts: 158 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    My utility had a pdf document that spelled out the color, size, text and mounting method. I noticed my utility required red, my sister's utility in CO required yellow. I'm sure the NEC's will step in one of these days.

    My guess would be to follow local codes by the utility, call them. I spoke to the utility twice about the signs I had to post.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    even if the nec gets into the act, local governments can still require whatever they want or even none at all if they put it in writing so as no insurance company can fault the home owner. now would an insurance company deny a claim for a small warning label or sign even if it had nothing to do with a failure? you bet they would as they are out to make money and not give it away. just look at the numbers for disasters that had claims denied for frivolous reasons. hmmm, i'm sidetracking here, but my point is that even where the nec is adopted into law that the final word is up to that local government and they can even drop a requirement of the nec altogether if they so choose to do. it is the local governments that make laws and not the nec.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 36
    Re: Warning Labels

    The latest issue (FEB-MAR 2011) of PVProfessional magazine has an article on labels and recommends adhesive backed UV tolerant labels long used in the nuclear power industry. They also outline the color requirements from OSHA and ANSI specifications as NEC does not call out color requirements.
  • Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Warning Labels

    If anyone needs labels (UV rated) I be glad to help. ThanksAttachment not found.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 250 ✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    solarguys, are your lables UV tolerant?
  • Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    in light that our host does not carry labels i will allow the post to stand, but you should not be soliciting business here without at least running it past the moderators first as that would be constituted as being spam. i am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't trying to profit off of our host and truly trying to help those in need of labeling, but i will give you a temporary ban of 5 days for not running it past the moderators first.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 33
    Re: Warning Labels

    I can use some labels.
  • Solar Expert Posts: 341 ✭✭✭
    Re: Warning Labels

    For small labels I use the Brother P-Touch type labwls. They have some special ribbons with extra strength adhesive and seem to hold up to UV.


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