Wiring 2nd cc into Flexware

dhsola Solar Expert Posts: 38
The manual isn't any help on this.
I'm assuming I would wire the second cc the same as the first, minus the battery temp sensor and 12v AUX.

Add another 30 amp breaker
Add another 80 amp breaker
CC pv (+) and PV array (+) to new 30 amp breaker
CC battery (+) and bus bar (+) to new 80 amp breaker
CC battery (-) to bus bar (-)

And of course the ground wire...
And another CAT 5 from the second cc to an open port on the hub

What about the lightning arrestor (-) that goes to the existing 30 amp breaker?
Do I have to buy another one for the new 30 amp breaker?

How am I doing so far? :blush:


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Wiring 2nd cc into Flexware

    it seems to me that you will need another arrestor. you see the pvs are not supposed to be all tied in common with each other and then go to 2 separate controllers and then finally off to the common batteries. each cc has its own pvs feeding it and should never be common to both controllers. as such each controller must have its own protection. common batteries to more than one controller is acceptable though.
  • dhsola
    dhsola Solar Expert Posts: 38
    Re: Wiring 2nd cc into Flexware

    Thanks, Niel. Makes perfect sense. I had forgotten about the arrestor when I ordered the new cc... oops.

    So, I'll basically wire the second cc the same as the first cc was wired (from outback), minus the battery temp sensor and 12v DC AUX. And to clarify what one would gather from my sig, I'll be adding two more panels. That would put four panels to each cc. (cash limitations).

    And the reason for the two cc's is my roof! My roof slopes towards the east on one side and the west on the other. I have the panels tilted towards the south and during our desert summers, the shallow slope isn't much of a problem. But during the winter months, I figure it will be a problem, thus, the second controller. As well, this will give me plenty of room for system expansion (after I win the lottery). ;)

    (Clarification: Outback actually wired two 30 amp breakers for the 'PV disconnect'. I will be adding two more for the second cc. By omitting that, I was trying to simplify my explanation).

    Great forum, thanks NAWS!