What to do if government dont buy electricity?

I want to buy grid tie inverter to cut my bill. And I live in countrywhere it is not possible to sell electricity. Officialy it is allowed but practicaly it isnot. So I cant buy off grid system because my house need a lot of energy. So is there a way to use grid tie inverter when I cant sell electricity? Can inverter give adjustable current by electricity usage ? If not is there a way to divert surplus energy to, for example, water heating system?

Any ideas welcome.


  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: What to do if government dont buy electricity?

    So you need to know what your midday loads look like and set up a system that just uses less than your total demand during those hours. That will just keep the meter from running forward and incurring charges from the utility while the solar is active.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: What to do if government dont buy electricity?

    but what if I dont use any electricity at all that day?
  • drees
    drees Solar Expert Posts: 482 ✭✭✭
    Re: What to do if government dont buy electricity?

    It's going to depend on your meter - if you meter can run "backwards", then as long as you use more electricity than you generate any billing period, you'll be fine.

    Otherwise, I'm sure one of the pros here can recommend a grid-tied battery based system that doesn't export to the grid... Not going to be cheap, though.