XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

Hi all: Been a while since I have posted - Intel sent me to F68 in Dailan for a bit and there was too much to do and not enough time. Back now, just installed a second SC into my existing system. Question: Second SC "took over" as System SC as soon as I configured it, which is fine - I really don't care which one is taking that role. The second (new) one has the extra display window for "System" stats. The first one works as it always has.

What I do care about is that only the original SC is reporting in to the SCP (at least partly). On the original SC, I get OUTPUT, BATTERY, CHG STATE and HARVEST readings on the MPPT60-02 Home Screen. On the second SC, I get blank for the 1st three but I do get HARVEST info on the MPPT60-01 Home Screen. (Device ID #s originally the other way but I changed them during troubleshooting)

I have tried changing PV input (same and different), Bank output (same and different) and tried changing device ID but no joy.

On XW config, I get all of the readings for both SC's, so I know the messages are being broadcast. I suppose it might be programmed to do this with more than one SC, but that seems unlikely since only the output voltage would likely be the "same" on both.

Any takers? :confused:


  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    Both device id's are different correct? Both CC's have the same firmware correct? And the firmware for the SCP may need an update. This happens sometimes when everthing is purased at different times. Restate the problem again please!
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • wtwoods_az
    wtwoods_az Registered Users Posts: 18
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    Hi Dave. Yes, both device IDs are different and I changed them a couple of times to see if that might help - nope. I did think of the possibility of a firmware delta. Turns out that the new (second) SC has 1.06 and the original (first) SC has 1.05. The 1.06 rev is not available on docserver, so I emailed customer support and asked them for it. The SCP firmware is up to date according to docserver, but I told them what I have and asked if there is anything newer. Obviously for the SC at least, there is, so there "might be" something for the SCP as well :cool:

    Problem statement: New (second) SC displays blanks on the SCP MPPT-60 Home screen for OUTPUT, BATTERY and CHARGE STATE. Does display accurate HARVEST.

    New (second) MPPT-60 Home Screen on SCP (numbers are just examples....)

    HARVEST 205 Wh 3 Ah

    Original (first) MPPT-60 Home Screen on SCP (numbers are just examples....)

    OUTPUT (Bargraph) 28.6 A
    BATTERY 1256 W 57.2 V
    CHG STATE Absorbtion
    HARVEST 205 Wh 3 Ah
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    What I would do is first make sure broadcasts are enabled on the old CC, second copy the settings (a command on new CC) from the old to the new CC.

    If that does not work there is a firmware upgrade for the SCP. I am not sure that it will help but I just did one for another reason on a clients.

    Tell me, have you enabled scrolling? It may have all the data you need. It will give the totals in KWH and AH float time in hours and the exact hour system wise, charge and a few other things?
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • wtwoods_az
    wtwoods_az Registered Users Posts: 18
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    Hi Dave: I will try your suggestions tomorrow on the SC.

    Scrolling would work for manual data, but I am using Dan Lenox's Power Dashboard for data logging - has all the fancy graphs and readouts. Even has a checkbox for "track arrays separately" (but not if I can't get the data to it).

    Anticipating your question, yes, I completely disconnected the dongle and data software and still have the problem.

    Will post again tomorrow. Thanks Dave!:roll:
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    Dan's a good guy! Just do a copy!
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • wtwoods_az
    wtwoods_az Registered Users Posts: 18
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    DUH! Ok, now I feel dumb. Started working 3 (count 'em...) seconds after I hit "Broadcast Enable". I tried EVERYTHING on the XW Config for the SC itself, never thought to look at the main screen system pulldown. Lesson learned.

    Mr Sparks, you are DA MAN! Thanks!

    For now, I am just going to leave the firmware revs as is, one SC @ 1.05 and one @ 1.06 since everything seems to be working correctly.

    [Dave, not sure if you saw my second post on the Mitsubishi mini-splits: I do not see it in the thread. Copy:]

    {Hi Dave (and all): Yes, the Mitsubishi Units I purchased are 240VAC units and have the IR remote with all the bells and whistles. Fan speed, temp, mode, horizontal and vertical vane position and even a sensor that detects if the right or left area in front of the condenser is hot and directs more cool that way. Installed them myself, was not hard, and I am super happy so far. It got to 113 in my backyard today here and the two units were set at 70 while I was working. Came home around 6pm and while I can't say that they kept the whole house at 70, I can say that the main hallway thermostats only read 76. Not bad. Really happy so far.

    Awesome thread you started Dave. 11K hits, holy cow, people are interested in the mini-splits I think. The FedEx guy that delivered my second unit said it was the 5th one on his truck THAT DAY.

  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    Glad it is working.
    My question on your mini split is if you set the spped to low or medium, and set the temperature differential to no more than 2 degrees will the unit stay power limited to (just guessing) 500 watts?

    One more, stop sending that monsoon up here! My manager is out hiking the Pacific Crest Trail into Tuolome meadows near Yosemite. Can't afford to lose him this year to a lightning bolt! Even worse a lightning complex of fires is never good after all the normal winter rainfall!
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net

  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's

    It rains in Tuolumne in the winter these days? Last time I was up in Tuolumne Meadows in the winter there was about 4' of snow on the ground...wow, that global warming must be worse than I thought. :D
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,944 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: XW SCP with 2 XW SC's
    dwh wrote: »
    It rains in Tuolumne in the winter these days? Last time I was up in Tuolumne Meadows in the winter there was about 4' of snow on the ground...wow, that global warming must be worse than I thought. :D

    The one thing about the mountains you can depend on is that weather is always undependable. Remember in 1998 I think, the flood of Yosemite valley and the Merced river? A pacific cold front dumped 3 days of snow and a "pineapple express" tropical event hit right after and melted most of it very quickly? Way beyond level 5 white water! Never boring up here!
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area
    E-mail offgridsolar@sti.net