Grounding PV Array

Been searching but still can't find the easy simple answer.

How do you size the grounding wire for PV Array ground.

Is there a concesus, or a correct way to hook this ground up? Through combiner box? How and where to join each panels ground?

I think this grounding rod at the pole is suppose to be connected to the house inverter system ground rod. What size grounding wire should connect these two rods?


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Grounding PV Array

    my answers inbetween your concerns.
    skihuts wrote: »
    Been searching but still can't find the easy simple answer.

    look here for the nec as it pertains to us.

    How do you size the grounding wire for PV Array ground.

    the ground wire some may argue shouldn't be any smaller than the wires carrying your pv power into the house with, however, this is not normally a current carrying conductor. in any case i won't recommend it be any less than #6 imho, but some of you with very small systems nearer the ground may get away with #8.

    Is there a concesus, or a correct way to hook this ground up? Through combiner box? How and where to join each panels ground?

    in my opinion if you have a local inspector ask him his advice on how he wants it all as i differ in my opinion than the nec does on bringing ground wires into the house.

    I think this grounding rod at the pole is suppose to be connected to the house inverter system ground rod. What size grounding wire should connect these two rods?

    this isn't as hard to answer as you should have at least a #6 solid bare copper wire connecting the rods together underground and, if you can afford it, #4 is even better as the wire will pit under the ground some due to oxidation. if the connecting wire length is greater than around 100ft go with #4 or better. use the proper connections for the wires to attach to the rods and try to bury the wire at least a foot down or more if you can to help avoid accidental exposes or cutting through it while planting or gardening or anything similar.
    hope this helps you.
  • crewzer
    crewzer Registered Users, Solar Expert Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Grounding PV Array

    As niel indicated, Wiles' publication contains a wealth of information. The sections on grounding, PV array grounding, an PV ground fault protection are particularly relevant.

    Note that the NEC makes alternative array grounding provisions for arrays with GFP. This may or may not pertain to you.

    Jim / crewzer